141 I.Q. Mexican here. When I converse with the majority of brown people it is like they are genuinely retarded. I have met plenty of stupid whites but it seems to be willful ignorance rather than the ebba durr huh that comes out of Melanin enriched individuals. Is this what it feels like to be a white man? A demi-god in a sea of untermensch retards?
141 I.Q. Mexican here. When I converse with the majority of brown people it is like they are genuinely retarded...
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Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>141 IQ
Doubt.a person this smart this doesn't need to ask questions like this.
>Says the newfag.
Most people in general are very retarded. Especially in America. That said, yes, most darker individuals tend to be a bit over the deep end.
It doesn't help that darkies tend to adopt nig speak which de facto lowers their verbal IQ by a standard deviation regardless of their baseline intelligence
Move back to your own country and work hard with other gifted shitskins to right the wrongs in that godforsaken hellhole.
I live in San Antonio, Texas. Imagine being the only person with blonde hair and blue eyes literally everywhere you go. More often than not, the only white person in a sea of Mexicans. Now I know what the conquistadors felt like. The way the conquistadors wrote about the savages though, it seems like they were more advanced back then than they are now
Yeah right shitskin. They measure IQ in decimals over there or something? So like 1.14? Sounds about on par.
Smoke breaks over, Juan. The dishpit is piling up.
The 8/pol/ replacement is live: 16chan.xyz (there is no captcha, no pass, fresh new chan, no censorship of free speech, no lefties or shills, Android app support)
>I'm smart
>I just spoke with someone I think is retarded
Dude you know who sounds like the retard in your story?
Why are you talking with "genuine retards" instead of being prepped 24/7 for shot to go down while making as much money as you can in the mean time?
THAT would be smart.
I'm not even that smart. Prob 115, but it feels like I am the only person existing and not in an ignorant solipsistic way. I'm the only one who has hobbies. I restore electronics, build stringed instruments, do a little electroplating, make music. I try to reach out to find other peoples passions, but everyone else is empty and watches netflix or instagram. It is very lonely.
>Mexican intellectual
>The way the conquistadors wrote about the savages though, it seems like they were more advanced back then than they are now
How so?
What have you acomplished?
Maybe he just needs to vent. Not hard to believe in the least.
Having actual interests is definitely uncommon unfortunately. That's what the internet is for.
Meet other people with similar interests and skills. Not everyone is perfectly compatible with you, but many are good enough to spend time with. Form a group, and invite (selected) new people in. Kick out trouble makers as soon as possible.
I suggest you seek companion with others who are interested in generating and collecting wealth.
I have have helped start and build 2 homesteads, a ministry and 3 non-profits. I do lots of charity work. I volunteer for search and rescue as well as the local volunteer fire Department.
You havent figured out that our society has been engineered to reduce people to the most basic emotional stimulus-reaction-response basal state?
Solid contributions. Have you thought about working to ensure bright and talented kids are educated beyond the current public schools' plebian standards
Yes I have thought about a childrens non-profit to teach them about living off of the land and self sufficiency. I need more land but I have connections that will help me start it up. I have worked on multiple farms and have tended to countless gardens, I know how to build, hunt, track, bushcraft etc. as well as any old timer. I have the skills and knowledge but these things take time as you know.
Many people have difficulty breaking out of instinctual emotional response and into the space of abstract thought; once they do that, they can be taught. If you combine farming and homesteading with lessons on critical thinking and emotional/impulse control, you will have a sizable impact.
>bragging about IQ
Hi Amy, go tell Owen I said he's a faggot.