Do NOT use the n-word in public, we have our eyes and ears everywhere, just a fair warning.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>mom, I posted it again
JIDF, stop raping kids.

Shut the fuck up niggerfaggot

Lol sensitive little niggers.

OP isn't black, he's just a LARPing shill.

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When did I say that I was black faggot? Learn to read

I've said nigger countless times in public, nobody has ever done or said shit to me. I was in McDonalds once and they had a South African style burger on and I called it a McApartheid and I noticed some black guy looked at me angrily but he never said anything. The thing about the word nigger is that if niggers stopped reacting to it and just shrugged it off it would lose pretty much all of its power. It's amazing to me how people let words, which are just some text or a sound someone makes with their mouth, have so much power over them. Who cares? I think that's part of the reason that poeople say you can't be racist against white people, it's because we generally don't chimp out about words.

I carry a gun you fuckwit. if I am assaulted I will defend myself with lethal force.

What is this shit, who are you talking to?
You mean the 'public' you have surrendered to that commie you put in office?
That public?

We comin'

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Cringe strokeposter

It's like thinking if you don't call a pig a pig anymore, he stops being a pig.

Come and get me nigger IDGAF

I called a black cop a nigger to his face

I don't say the word Nigger in public.
There's never any niggers in my area.

Why are niggers so sensitive? They can't take a little banter, eh? Gotta resort to that primitive brain of theirs.

I read on Jow Forums that making meme is a effective way to combat niggers

The same could be said for calling a random man’s wife a cunt on the street. You never know who is going to knock your lights out. It’s better to not get into confrontations with strangers.
That being said, niggers shouldn’t act like this

And the German cuck reveals himself. Better kiss your culture goodbye, hans.


>Hoosier Piñatas

>we have our eyes and ears everywhere
You won't do anything except get offended you nigger

You don't have the right to assault people over a simple word, what are you animals? Fucking niggers.

Does that say "1nd"? Is that old-timey speak or illiteracy?

Where did you go little boy?

Never mind, I'm retarded. Its Ind(iana).

I say nigger at least 100 times a day.

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I'll say nigger anywhere I want you nigger. Pic related

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>we have our eyes and ears everywhere
not here you don't.

>Power Word: Nigger
>Taunt everyone with melanin content higher than 2% in a 30 yard radius. You become hated with the African and European factions.

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I called a nig a nigger just the other day in a moment of road rage(nigger kept honking horn as of it would turn the red light green) he instantly broke eye contact and kept driving. Blacks only fight when they are significantly stronger than you or if they outnumber you. Nigger.

>nigger getting shot to death dot webm

You sayin' you got big ol'ass ears and big red eyes?

Oh look, he took off his memeflag.

You can punch me if you want, won't make you less of a nigger

Calling a nigger a nigger is an extremely effective way to legally execute one in stand your ground states. You see how they chimp out over every petty little perceived grievance, when you call them a nigger they fly into an ape-like rage and try to attack you. That's when you pull out your trusty side arm and put the nigger down.

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What a cuck

On Jow Forums son

Shut up you fucking nigger


>two kicks and niggerboi down for the count

Reminder, we live in a society where murder, rape and in some cases kiddie diddling is more accepted than being racist.

>we have our eyes and ears everywhere

You have your noses and lips everywhere

current germans are such a disappointment

We'll Spare you LeafBro once the LeaFlip war ensues

>Pavement apes are violent monsters

>uses anarchist memeflag
>tells others what to do

nice job retard.

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shit looks like street fighter 2, after you lose....


In most states you cannot verbally instigate a confrontation like that then shoot somone.

oh you forgot your meme flag when shill posting in another thread, sloppy job mossad!

I've said nigger in public more than a few times, twice had a black person over hear it and once said it to a black person's face.
Nothing happened.

Magneto played by a nigger. I kinda want this to happen so the jews go apeshit over a nigger playing one of them.

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>we live in a society

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>looks around nervously
>yeah n-nigger

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Do you want to be trayvonned?

This is how you get trayvonned


Magneto has always been black

OP has issued a terroristic threat. This post is in violation of global rule #1.

They are dangerous and unreasonable. Using a word that hurts there feelings will cause them to attack. Make sure to always maintain your distance and keep eye contact at all times.

shouldn't you be on the street selling ice cream &

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frankly we need to bring back cannibalism
we need to be eating nigger meat at BBQs for white people

When you’re so stupid, so childish, so fucking retarded, that you would risk your future with an aggravated assault charge because someone said a meany word you don’t like.

>be stupid nigger
>white guy calls you stupid nigger
>behave, act, and think like stupid nigger
>beat white man who is by himself with a horde of low iq nigger monkeys
>white Man cannot fight off 16 dumb nigger faggots at once
>white man ends up in hospital with concussion and brain damage because he was beaten by 16 dumb nigger faggots
>niggers say, yeah dats right whyte bitch muh fukka, doan fuk wit us niggas
>all dumb stupid niggers end up arrested, and are charged with felony assault and attempted murder
>dumb nigger blames white man for what he did
>cop smiles and says, god damn niggeers are stupid as fuck

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Is this legit?
LMAO wh*toid male (female).

Niggers without a white man to vouch for them will be killed on sight by humans in less than a decade.

This. The whole “better not say say it or you die” shit is just a faggot meme.
Truth be told, when blacks hear it, they either react like chimps if there is a group, or get scared as fuck if they are alone, cause they know that the people who say it when their not “wit day homies” aren’t fucking around

Nigga, did you really post a phone recorded image inverted MVC2 fight in your defense? Dumbass zoomer.

Hi dad.

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Wasn't really a defense of anything, I just thought of old MAHVEL when I saw black magneto. Marvel 2 is awesome but it is the most niggerest game of all time.

Yep. And you rape everything that moves. We get it.

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Notorious violent street gang the bloods uses a 5 point star as it's main symbol.

What up G?

Everything in our world is fake.
Manufactured by the "elites."

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Gangster deciples for Israel.

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in my country we can call them niggers, because here they're a minority. Stupid fucking niggers ooga booga bananas

Thanks for the warning, nigger.

>can trigger terrorists out of hiding by uttering a single word now

Storm area 51 bro. You can get raped by that moron from that shitty band.

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Based Mexican't

It's you faggots that keep hurling racial slurs at people who don't agree with you.

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Come find out


I call ANY nigger ANYTHING I want

True story
Lay a hand on me and Ill gut shoot you 5-6 times before I split dat wig
So come find out, cunt

I placed third in a quite large MVC2 tournament 20 years ago. Wolverine, Captain Commando, and Ryu. As stupid as it sounds, I was quite good with Sakura instead of Ryu too. I used her for cheap shit and annoyance factor on obnoxious people. Captain Commando was hands down the best anti air fighter.

Niggers are not human

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Nigger, I call people nigger all the time in public.


Everyone already knows your violent savages you honestly think we hate niggers just cause why not

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Thanks. Also, keep your thug shit to Facebook and Twitter. Acting like one in public will get you shot by police, store owners, or other niggers.

oh yeah

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