Why cant he give a normal handshake?
Why cant he give a normal handshake?
Why MODS=FAGS and they won't ban you for no-effort slide threads?
why is he looking at her like that? His posture and body language look like he's hitting on her....
How should he with a potato?
He looks like a black Jeffrey
Well he is a Muslim, but I would have guessed that boys were more his thing.
funny, I think he looks like "it's all so tiresome" guy
for the few people who manage to pull off being a leftist intellectual, seeing what's become of liberalism as an old man must suck
Why the fuck isn't she in school?
she does not look 16
t. beta white boy triggered by chad Obama
Ancient Egyptian nobility used to do the fist bump due to the belief that the soul would discharge energy through the finger tips. You would never see a proud king ever let someone touch his finger tips. This is where the fist bump came from and most likely what King Obama is doing.
The more you know.
Quel scimmiotto schifoso probabilmente si ha scopato così tanti bambini per riempire un asilo.
Or, Lady Thunberg is refusing to mix her energy with that of a negro.
Meanwhile Drumpf takes every chance he gets to fingertip with black males...
he's a successful black man
shaking the hand of a white woman will just get the woman super horny
>when dj fucking khaled knows more about historical noble-worship than you
He didn't want to touch her hand. Would you?
>His posture and body language look like he's hitting on her
Totally the opposite.
As a gay man he feels awkward and repulsed by a real female.
I bet Greta has a massive horse cock
Because he's the cool president
Because he’s coooooool
>Lady Thunberg
So much glowing...
probably wants to fuck her is why.
Making fun of things that niggers do isn't muh slide thread
Handshakes show respect. He has none for the goyim.
>mutt posting from his barracks in germanistan
Go back to your 56% country and your orange president, your days are numbered.
It seems even Obama is a little disgusted by his elite owners running this crazy Down Syndrome child up the flag pole for us all to salute.
why the shit is she so little? isnt she 15
Jeez, did she sprain both feet and get prescribed those protective shoes?
Can't wait to read the first human dying of that dog killing virus.
Quarantine zone incoming.
Dorky white guys give the fist bump to seem cool. Obama is an oreo cookie.
This kid is literally the embodiment of the left. A self entitled, worthless, privileged shit who tells everyone else they are fucking up while having none of their problems. She is glorified for saying the right things and lauded for hitting the most easy targets in society. She has zero capability to sway people not already in her camp to her side because she has the charisma of a wet stain on a cinema chair. She is arrogant without earning the right to be arrogant, lacking experience or challenge. A perfect symbol for the left and everything they stand for. A wealthy, entitled, holier than thou smartass who flaunts their wealth in the face of people who live pay check to paycheck then tells them they need to serve her needs.
I fucking hate this kid.
Why is this board under attack by Greta shills. What is being slid?
interesting, thank you
why's everything shills? as long as people like have greta in their heads, the threads will be made organically. like the AOC hate threads, it'll pass when our set of current distractions evolves.
>Why cant he give a normal handshake?
Because he's a flaming nigger faggot.
Because he thinks he's black
honk honk