It's actually pretty amazing how this random kid has been making such an impression. Addressing Congress doesn't just happen - you need to know what you're talking about.
It's actually pretty amazing how this random kid has been making such an impression...
is she on her knees in this photo?
>random kid
>rich twat kid
wtf she's hot now?
How is she 16? I thought Nords age like milk. She looks like she’s 12.
Looks shooped
Members of Congress dont know what they are talking about
>I read on Jow Forums making meme is a effective way to combat
people who dont know what they are talking about
you need to know what you're talking about.
or be weined and steined
Delayed puberty because of heir diagnoses
WTF, that's not her? How did she go from a potato to a solid 6/10?
copypasta incoming:
>This kid is literally the embodiment of the left. A self entitled, worthless, privileged shit who tells everyone else they are fucking up while having none of their problems. She is glorified for saying the right things and lauded for hitting the most easy targets in society. She has zero capability to sway people not already in her camp to her side because she has the charisma of a wet stain on a cinema chair. She is arrogant without earning the right to be arrogant, lacking experience or challenge. A perfect symbol for the left and everything they stand for. A wealthy, entitled, holier than thou smartass who flaunts their wealth in the face of people who live pay check to paycheck then tells them they need to serve her needs.
>I fucking hate this kid.
Fuck this little whore. The fact that she's playing ball with those bottom feeders goes to show she's a fucking snake.
how did she cross the ocean?! she must be tired from all the swimming!
Clue's in the filename. Now she's a wine aunt.
She tells little kids they're gonna die... Terrorist!
>another JIDF thread about an underage gentile girl
Really makes you think why kikes keep spamming an underage girl on here. Over 10 threads about her right now
it's just faceapp and added smile, i doubt her smile even looks like that if she smiled for real
>Addressing Congress doesn't just happen - you need to know what you're talking about
Where THE FUCK do you even..
Congress is a bunch of retard shills, they even have a fucking deformed fat midget (nadler) and a baboon (jackson lee) clearly a jew
>Addressing Congress doesn't just happen - you need to know what you're talking about.
So you admit that Trump knows what he's talking about?
I bet Greta has a massive horse cock
This is what her real smile looks like, not like OPs faceapp fake
>you need to know what you're talking about
You must be retarded
Found the original
she’s doing more for the planet than any of you faggots
When I was 16 I was in school, smoking weed, getting into trouble, and touching boobs at parties.
I certainly did have the opportunity to sail across the ocean to speak to the UN and Congress. Makes me think she may have some wealthy globalist (((sponsors)))
yeah that looks more like her
shes not doing anything, only already climate poopers even care about her message
The rest dont give a shit or laugh at the whole thing because it's using a child for political propaganda purposes with fake news
No, but you'll be soon.
Ugh i want to fuck that mouth so hard I’ll make her throw up and then make her lick it from the floor while I cum on her braids
legit truth
>you need to know what you're talking about
bout to get some groceries should I get bugs or steaks?
When will she be blacked?
Smooth Brain Energy
>Try to modify to make her cuter so beta losers, r9kler, pedophiles and other human waste like her for that
>Looks even monsterer than before
Wouldn't the Asperber freakzoid have fit in a lot better with GHWB's New World Order globalist agenda?
That's the climax of her ritual sacrifice. It'll come after she addresses the UN.
Astonishingly Based and incredibly red pilled
She has FAS.
Almost as if the whole thing isn't organic.
If you want to impress Greta you should make your own stake out of human feces, that would be the next step in the agenda and be very progressive.
I dont think theres anything random about it
But user look at her eyes and tell me she doesn’t love that third world dick
>Yeah, I think we should name her Greta
i will breed that fucker, she is just craving for a real man to teach her place
>Addressing Congress doesn't just happen - you need to know what you're talking about.
lol, you dont even need to know what you're talking about to be a member of congress, which is how things like some downie foreign cunt being invited to speak happens.
She’s 16
She just looks 10 from being autistic and having some kind of development problem
he was a fag.
I agree, just like that little girl they brought in from Iraq to Congress telling us how brutal the Iraqi regime was that we had to bomb the fuck out of it and invade them.
Thank God we got little girls telling us the truth for Congress.
Ever heard of makeup?
She's a child being paraded around by liberal elites, and so there's no fucking wonder she gets a seat in front of congress. It's a circus.
shouldn't she be in school?
shouldn't she worry about her own government instead of sneaking into our country on a boat and subverting ours?
Nope. I bet she loves that third world vag though
Definitely not organized behind the scenes or anything. Totally organic. Totally.
Actually me an alpha male with a good job and a family is very upset by this teenage girl so much so that I will let my voice be heard on online through my posting my displeasure
They literally had Amy Schumer in a costume doing a smear campaign against a judicial nomination. Its suffice to say the standards are long gone. Pretty funny skit tho. Same with parading a retarded child around as a scientist. Next let's make a puppy a military general to lead the Iran invansion, yeah?
she didnt even say anything in front of congress.
>Addressing Congress doesn't just happen
Serious question: are you retarded?
By being a puppet, paraded around by liberals, and not attending school?
This picture is ripe for a, I recognize that gay blowjob, edit
what a nice way to wake up this morning :^) laughing at all the idiots itt that dont know how makeup works
>I certainly did have the opportunity to sail across the ocean to speak to the UN and Congress.
>lives in the US
>thinks Congress is across the ocean from him
Nope, skollje-strijeke für climatet or something.
Did they seriously start putting make up on her?
Is this to appeal to pedophiles?
That moment you realize kikes will do ANYTHING to push their agendas
Are you a billionaire?
maybe he was in guam when he was 16
We should get a mascotte too.
Maybe he lives in the upper peninsula of Michigan
Let the tard wars begin.
Wow so much make up she almost doesn't look retarded.
The constitution is drenched in spittle
Leafs = the absolute worst.
Rangeban the whole country. We would lose, at most, a dozen quality posters
>lake michigan is an ocean
ones she hits puberty at 30 she'll be pretty fuckable
>amazing ... addressing Congress doesn't just happen
Speaking before Congress
Before the committee hearing starts, fill out a "speaker slip" (see the attached sample). Speaker slips are available on the table outside the hearing room. This slip tells the chairman that you want to speak during the hearing. After you complete the form, give it to a Page. The Page will deliver it to the chairman for you.
It's as totally amazing as appearing before your local zoning commission and blowing off to a on why your neighborhood needs a stop sign because motorists are just driving too dam fast, think of the chilluns reeeeee
Of course there will be a dozen MSM journalists there, so committee members otherwise dozing on their toes because she's a cause celebre, along with some star-struck lefty pages.
Of course she has sponsors. This whole thing was astroturfed from start to finish.
Also, he has a burger flag, not a leaf, so he's not from Michigan.
it was digitally altered.
We will all be dead by then because the Earth is going to be 6 gorillion degrees in ten years
Makes a rare appearance to shill sickening degeneracy.
I like how she's 16 and never wears a bra so her puffies constantly show...very nice