> Shits in Walmart discretely

TRU POWER of The Blonde Blue Eyed Race

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Took a knee!

There is already a thread about this though

dont you have toilets at walmart?

or is it cos of all the kool black people ?

>If you think this is bad you are a communist

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1- it looks like she practiced
2- she needs more fiber and less Starbucks
3- she looked at it like my dog looks at his own poop
4- I feel so bad because I can’t imagine having to take a shit so bad I literally shit without wiping my ass
5- now o know why the toilet paper isle always smells like shit in Winco

Imagine the smell

If you only knew how bad things are.
We are a third world nation with 6000 nukes.
Let that terrible thought sink in.

Oh fuck I hope the Indians don't see this

lol it evne looks like she has training in shitting like this and do it on a regular base

but what is the rate of mart sharting per capita?

This is how it feels to chew 5 gum.

When you gotta go, you gotta go. And she had to go.

If you at the very least don't feel your tummy rumble while in a walmart you are not an American.

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Jeez. Even street shitters have the courtesy to go outside. USA USA USA

oooh Americans are really just like us Human Beings

Sorry ma'am, our bathrooms are for homeless people only.

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Humanity was a mistake

Did she shuut herself? Can we start a shuut meme like the coom meme?

>have so many bbc up your ass that you can't hold it in anymore

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That's pretty damn alpha.

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There's mentally ill people in all races...

Just a normal day in the USA

Just an average day in the USA...

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>TRU POWER of The Blonde Blue Eyed Race
She was in a jew owned nigger run store, jsut returning the favor.

Attached: bus toilet.webm (230x400, 1.55M)

That was in canada

Lmao@ youre life you fucking loser

More like peak German.
Number of scat videos that pop up at random when I’m on Youtube: 0

>PEAK AMERICAN, says the tranny from germany, the worlds LARGEST provider of Kaviar/Scat porn.


That was a revenge poop, I guarantee.

You know why that happens right?
The american FDA allows toxins into the Americans processed foods. This Turns the American into a literal toxic waste processing and disposal unit.
Just one example here;
This "pizza" in unfit for human consumption in Canada, but cross that magical line into USA and its just fine. Cancer causing toxin and carcinogens in this "Pizza".
The Pizza is sold for $1 in USA, hence the best selling "pizza".
Laxatives are added so that the toxic flavoring and preservatives can be shatt out by the American after consumption. One to Two servings are "safe" according to the FDA. But it doesn't take into account that the American will buy 20 of these "pizzas" for $20 and live off them for a week creating the overweight grotesque shit staining american.
This is not the only product like that in the USA, American Kraft cheese slices are not allowed in Canada because they contain no actual cheese products. So ask what is the American actually consuming when they eat that product?
To my american friends, read the box and decide if you want to consume those products.

Attached: totinos pizza ingredients.jpg (775x512, 188K)

tometo tomato

>This "pizza" in unfit for human consumption in Canada,
Yea, common sense is unfit in Canada, guns are unfit, laws are unfit...I mean my God, look at your cucked leader. Please dont act liek FOR A SECOND that canada has any kind of sanity to their laws in any fashion.

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LOL that's disgusting. I don't understand why americans do this. Is it on purpose as a protest against large capitalistic corporations? Or is just a lack of self control?

White women

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I don't even know where to save that one too

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It doesn't happen i Norway, unless it's a gypsy of course

They have toilets at walmart.

cos the blacks, no. its cos the mexicans.

>D A M A G E C O N T R O L

poo in loo niggermutts

saved, thanks

Even Indians have designated aisles

GRUMPFGFGFGFFF IS FINISHHD !!!!!FGDF:""!!!"""§§llů"!!!!!!!!!PFFDF!!!!!!

Attached: pooper20n.jpg (750x563, 27K)

Looks Jewish from here.

Its just hot chocolate melted in their pants, you don't understand.

It was a Liberal. Only trannies and low income libs shop there, especially since they banned guns.

It was retard, she in Ontario or something.

Based and brownpilled

Canada is just diet burgerland

lmao. really? you don't have a fucking toilet at walmart? she would've done it even if there were toilets

What a shithole.

That's kinda hot


Every business is required to have restrooms. This woman is just a degenerate.

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>It was retard, she in Ontario or something.
Yup . it was in Langley , B.C.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-18 Woman detained after video appears to show her throwing own feces at Tim Horto (879x1658, 703K)

Inferior goyim

>retards saying they would waste time walking all the way to the bathroom when this is way more convenient
This sort of efficiency is why USA is #1 and you guys are all so far behind

Where are the videos and stills of the WalMart shooters in the fucking stores shooting then?

>Yea, common sense is unfit in Canada, guns are unfit, laws are unfit.
Yes Yes American fren
You should believe what you're told by your media about us.
>Currently it is 18 degrees and we consider it nice weather.
>Only white people without criminal records are allowed guns, 98% of non whites with guns have them illegally, such a bad thing, gunz illegal in Canada
>We do have laws up hereI will say it's not fucking great having 54% or our wages go to taxes and we did vote literal because he promised proportional representation would be implemented and legal weed. All we got was legal weed and everything else the liberals brought has been a shit show. That isn't much different when you guys voted in the gay liberal nigger and his transexual gay nigger wife. You had him for 8 years we only had our gay liberal for 4 years.
as for the sanity, the government takes 54% or our wages and then spends it, unlike USA the government pays our healthcare so it is NOT profitable for Canadians to be sick for long term periods. So our government has strict testing guidelines of processed foods and pesticides.
Roundup ready cancer causing corn is fine for the American to eat but unfit for the rest of the world as another example.
Americans are forced by law to take 38 vaccinations by the time they are 8 years old, where here in Canada non are mandatory, yet we somehow don't have outbreaks like the USA has....
USA NUMBER 1 YAYA meh Freedoms

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>work retail
as if it wasn't suffering enough
>madlass Karen throws poop at you
and the coup de grace
>you're the one that has to clean it up

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