I'm sorry my country exists

I'm sorry my country exists.

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We live feasting on the corpses of healthy cultures

No one was ever mad at america existing, they're mad we're golems.

I'm ashamed you exist, bitch boi.

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What's there to be sorry for if everyone wants to come here?

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Better jump the Mexican border before the wall goes up.

Israel is at fault, retard.

Me too.

a good person believes in forgiveness

If you’re white and aren’t poor it’s easily the best place in the world to live
Stop crying pussy

Why not leave? Paying taxes to it isn’t really helping your cause.

I'm not

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Get fucked faggot.

dont worry it will be mexico 2.0 soon

Fuck off boomer faggot

Your country will be Pakistan 2.0

America is the best country in the history of the world and if you hate it so much you should leave, or better yet just fucking kill yourself


The 8/pol/ replacement is live: 16chan.xyz (there is no captcha, no pass, fresh new chan, no censorship of free speech, no lefties or shills)

you''ll be spared by jesus user

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When your shithole collapses this world will be at better place. It is not that you are imperialist. It is that you bring your degenerate, money loving, excessive, depraved, psychologically broken, schizophrenic culture along with your imperialism.

I swear, someone needs to beat the woke out of you till you get angry, put on a stars and stripes bandana and ride your motorbike through a redneck town getting a convoy of rednecks hootin' and a hollerin' and then finally take back the fucking US of A!

Please, the entire globe will be shit out of luck.

America was originally a white country.
Don't be sorry it exists because it got contaminated with nigs and yids.
Remember we're creating the ethnostate and hanging the kikes. White American's will be just as welcome there as any other European.

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How is it hidden if you spam it in every thread you can like some kind of Canadian?


I forgot self - righteous

the only thing keeping the satanic world empire at bay are Americans and their rifles. If we go down it will literally be hell on earth.

I read on Jow Forums that making a meme is a effect way to apologize

This, América in the 50s was the comfyest place ever to exist

>I'm sorry my country exists.

You are a white male liberal progressive Democrat who feels that minorities in America have been horrible mistreated and the USA economy is leading to global climate change and Donald Trump is a combination of Hitler and Satan.

Yea I’m really starting to lose my patriotism these days. America is just an uneducated right wing shithole with an uneducated working class white electorate that votes heavily against their own economic interests


I second this. We are an enlightenment construct as a result of proto leftist (classical liberal) ideology.

It wouldn't spread so badly if you faggots would stop importing it.

So you agree that America should stop supporting Israel.

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Fucking lol. Just shows you guys arent serious reactionaries by any means.

Empires are good though.

Shut up and keep sending your young sluts over, they can't get enough of my anteater dick.

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>1 post by this ID

Faggot kys

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What do you mean?
Modern day USA is shit, It wasnt long ago.

Not you, the jews that are in control of your country. Take your country back, exterminate the vermin.

It's always been shit. It's a revolutionary enlightenment construct built upon Lockean delusion that "all men are created equal", and supporting revolutionary b.s such as anti-monarchism, constitutionalism, secularism, liberalism, "popular will", and anti-imperialism. It destroyed your Empire by funding nationalist revolutions to weaken the Crown's power.

Any serious reactionary should hate the united states with a burning passion

You are Satanic Empire. For every 1 honest to God protestant (which I respect), there are 2 children of enlightment and free masonry.

Looks like a weak 5, strong 6.

OP is a good goy

OP is a slide jew

It has always been kiked to some extent, but 50s daily Life was heaven-tier, Hope balkanization brings that back

i'm sorry you exist

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Absofuckinglutely not. Spanish Imperial Life was far better. So called "America" is being replaced with its own creation. It aided enlightenment leftist revolutions against the Spanish Empire, and the Spaniards in the colonies who revolted against their legitimate sovereign under some delusion of "nationalism" interbred with the indios, all supported by the Republic. Now the Republic gets destroyed with their own abominable creations.
Burn the constitution, death to america.

I live in a personally very nice community, one of the few that's left. Once it is gone I definitely will leave.

if more of America was like my town (not that mine is anything special in and of itself, it just isn't as downright horrid as most of the nation.), as in not over-priced housing filled shithole ghettos filled with blacks or barren poorly educated heroin-dens filled with sister-fucking cletuses, then yeah we'd get along. That, and the way our nation at a federal level is literally just ZOGGED.com filled with Neoliberals, SJW minorities, spics, cuckservative bootlickers, corporate bootlickers on both parties, a shit system that blatantly rigs what candidates are chosen for president, a healthcare industry that is the laughing stock of the world, imperialist policies sending our kids to die for Israel.

Imagine defending this Jew-owned shopping mall of a country. Fuck you.


You know why it's this way? The fucking jews

Are you some kind of Patriot Front member

You must think this about every single poster on Jow Forums lol.

I'm an Absolute Monarchist. Patriot Front members are fucking cringeworthy as all hell.

fuck you burger. you're destroying the west singlehandedly

>have to be rich to live happily

You better be, americuck.

>ITT OP breaks free of Muttnet and the Amerigolem reeeee
Do none of you patriotic fucks have any proper sense of responsibility? Jews are merchants and they sell what the customer buys. If America stopped buying the bullshit then the shit would stop. Your all fucking responsible for the decay, Americans are all responsible for the decay. Stupid fucking burgers.

What a fucking cuck!

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