Political compass memes

Is this accurate?

Attached: Political compass memes.png (888x881, 349K)

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authoritarian left is clueless, authoritarian right is angry, libertarian left mindlessly repeat mainstream talking points and libertarian right are manchildren? yeah it's pretty accurate

Some men just want to watch the world

Read on Jow Forums that making meme is a effective way to combat this

This is painfully accurate

This is better

Attached: compass.jpg (640x697, 74K)

.... this is a little too accurate

this one is the GOAT


Attached: 368.png (2040x2184, 3.06M)

Attached: 1564947211379.jpg (543x474, 31K)

Attached: 1543182754677.jpg (720x782, 57K)

Attached: 1565648880506.jpg (960x942, 69K)

Me on the bottom right

Attached: 1555038406960.png (1600x1600, 77K)

hard to believe the coomer meme is even worse than the yang shilling but here we are.

Attached: 1520110870931.jpg (1004x543, 116K)

Attached: aHR0cHM6Ly9pczIuNGNoYW4ub3JnL3BvbC8xNTY3NTg5NDQyNTQyLnBuZw.png (1200x1306, 97K)

How is Marxism leninism retarded? The only value in the economy is ultimately labor as labor creates products which in turn create capital the capitalist class are objectively leaching off the labor of the producers for their own gain and the only way to stop them is a concentrated and violant revolution from these producers.

>t. coomer


Attached: chart (6).png (480x400, 17K)

You answered your own question.

I love how the liberal left are just soulless commie blocks painted in dumb faggy motivs.

Attached: 1555430247695.jpg (640x522, 27K)


based bgkumbi

>The only value in the economy is ultimately labor
false, labor is also capital
if you invest labor into producing something nobody wants, you waste capital
lrn2 economics

90% of right wing youtube like sargon, shapira, TJ and black pigeon and the like is triggered reddit tier white boys screaming at a webcam, and the rest is joe rogan tier idiot bro scientists

Attached: A8q63SCyW.png (1500x1552, 609K)

I like spikes

Attached: puY7uDD.jpg (363x395, 22K)

Get out gypsy

Needs Travis Bickle in top right

Attached: youtalkintome?.jpg (800x499, 42K)

Attached: 1568132761841.png (2000x2177, 2.11M)



Attached: FB_IMG_1525965347711.jpg (1021x1024, 72K)

shut up mutt

Attached: 1524938726052.png (4200x6184, 1.19M)

Explain Harry Potter to me.
He seems way more anti authoritarian.
He never listens to his teachers, resists the government, is very prideful and thinks he knows best, doesn't give a fuck about politics, thinks Hermione is a retard for caring about house elf rights, he also uses the "unforgivable curses" at least twice.

Harry Potter is the ultimate glorification of centrist liberalism.

Attached: 1545067124578.png (1187x2403, 444K)