What are your opinions on styx?

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We think you're a cringe, tryhard faggot, Tarl

Which is fine, but nobody likes you

I’m saaaaaillllliiiiing aaaaawwwwaaaaaayyyy

I don’t know who this is but I love goth bitches. They don’t age.

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>Come Sail Away
>Come Sail Away
>Come Sail Away With Me Lads.

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Someone buy this broke loser some shirts.

You'll never see this on TV cablecucks.

Unsubscribed to him recently because I got tired of his arrogance and copy pasted style

Hes only 12-20 times more informative than the people on TV.

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I want to fight his wife, lol.

They are keeping it in the family.

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He acts like a wigger with a dark and edgy vibe.
There are few things more bluepilled than practicing magic and dabbling in the occult.

This ugly cunt should be b& for self promotion.

Literally who?

Hes wrong on the drug war and refuses to acknowledge the JQ. Other than that he provides the best political commentary on youtube. He'll be at a million subs by the 2020 election, despite being throttled by youtube in every way imaginable.

How is he wrong about he drug war?

LARPer whose greatest achievement in life is talking in front of a camera about how civic nationalism is the future while living in an area that has the highest percentage of whites living in it out of any US state.

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He lives in lilly white Vermont and doesnt understand what hard drugs do to a community as a whole, the crime and degredation of neighborhoods that opiates and meth cause.

Not gonna spend a second of my life listening to some Vermont snowflake lecturing me about civic nationalism, thanks.

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Thats my only problem with him..he needs to get out more.

For some reason styx triggers the shills more than any other political commentator.

moar like dyxsucksenballer! amirite.accdb?!

Anyone naive/evil enough to put 666 in their name is not worth The Time it takes to search their content

All memeflags must hang

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i don't agree with everything he stands for but i enjoy his commentary. then again i'm not a christian fundamentalist constantly teakettling about satanism and niggers.

Used to be one of my favourite YouTubers back in 2013 to 2016ish he's become boring now tho. he should only make one video a day maximum to keep things somewhat fresh and should stop focusing on just temporary American political bullshit. Also him changing his background to appear more professional was the opposite of what he should have done he should be the opposite of mainstream normie media and film his videos in unprofessional places around his house like he used to. another thing that bothers be greatly is that he has almost stopped going shirtless. Long story short the autistic part's of his content are becoming less and less and that's what made me like him to begin with.

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He's a try hard edgelord closet homosexual. This is why he claims that homosexuality is "normal". This kind of normalization of degeneracy has been part of their faggot playbook for 40+ years. This is why he is so obsessed with that faggot bootyjudge and can't shut up about how his gay candidate doesn't make an issue out of being a cocksucker. I think Tarl sees himself in bootyjudge, only wishing he could be open about his homosexuality. This will, when it finally does surface, be a net detriment to Tarl's standing with his fellow libertarians, not for being a fagot, but for being dishonest in his stance and bias.

how many months is he in his hrt?

Any other channels on bitchute or youtube where they talk about occult shit?

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uhm...excuse me, sweatie, but it's "she" and not "he"

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Did your uncle abuse you?

will you retards stop with this retarded shit, its been proven time and time again that Styx is not the blue haired trap in that picture

just fucking stop, its pathetic
You will be allowed to post once your country manages to win a world war

Did Tarl's uncle abuse him? Is that why he is gay? Is that what you are eluding to?
Shill harder fagot


You're probably right but it's still funny as shit. He got pretty butthurt about people spreading it around on IBS.

Fuck off huemonkey.

He already peaked, missed YT recommedations for right winged commentator. He still live with his parents, I dont think he made enough money on YT to move out. Waiting for inheritance. What else is there to say?

Short : he's a fag
Long: Reeks of Gamma, thinks he's so informed and edgy but has the same politics as a baby boomer, pothead. He's a fake (civic) nationalist. He's pro baby murder. Thinks the "Satanic Panic" is bs even though it's obviously the pizzagate before pizzagate.

Very difficult to form one without inspecting his penis

>it's a gardener thread

Cringe lolbertarian, but he's ok.

I watch and love the guy. I'm just memeimg from the drama you dip.

Pseudo-occult wizard.

>Every catty douchebag dogpiling on him in this thread

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So, I guess it was you then.

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he has carved himself out a pleasant niche editing the eldritch txts and grimoires for a millennial audience. for that he deserves kudos. I am also happy to see that he has taken to wearing shirts.

stylistically, he should be much more concise, and focus on his central point for each video. these is too much rambling and going off on repetitive tangents.


100% Finnish phenotype

It's the same fucking plants in the background. How about you look at the clues.

What channel is that Anyway? I am trying to find it.

Would be funny if Styx tried the tranny pill first to get his boring talking points across.

Can't take him seriously since he's a lolbert. He also thinks demographics don't matter and California will go red before texas goes blue.

>come sail away
>come sail away with meeeeeeeeeeee!
That's about it. Peace out.

He's skinny and has an edgy handle.
His content is pretty dry to me, so I've never stuck around long enough to make a concerted evaluation other than that.

how do you suppose he grows his eyebrows back for each video?

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Gee, I guess that since he likes water, I have to suck his dick as an expression of my gratitude for him existing as a fellow water-drinker.

also just to reminder that e-celebs and anons are by definition diametrically opposed entities: styx hexenhamer' is a made up persona, pasted on top of another made up persona.
anonymous thinks it better to cast off the tawdry shroud of persona all together.
why would we not spite these petty Caesars?

I think reply girl

Hes gay and he fucked my fartbox

Kill it with fire! If I ever click on one of his vids, just shoot me in the head...

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>its been proven time and time again
has it? i doubt it but please feel free to prove it again. until then... it's him.

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Yes, because when you oppose a particular form of childish narcissistic behavior, that means you're advocating for the extreme opposite.

Didn't say "nobody can criticize him" - what I'm saying is that the majority of the criticism stems from jealous insecurity. Snarky, catty put-downs are not an argument.

He's better playing his Razorfist character.

Styx is Stygian AF

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>"..and that's about all. Support me on Subscribestar/Patreon"

Styxx gives about 7 or 8 different possible outcomes to current events. Then when one of the outcomes happen, it’s all “See I told you so”

Fuck off discord nigger

Domo arigato Mr Roboto

Crossdressing Opiate addict.

i thought there was more variance when mixed smashing happens? like there would be a few darker ones and a few lighter ones.

Has anyone spoke with Rutland Animal Control about all the cats he sacrifices?


Styx is cool

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styx is better than you filthy fucking animals deserve, but the gullible children that believe ancient jew propaganda and were sold on becoming Jow Forums nazi larpers (thanks cnn and msnbc) will hate him.

Styx is an absolute legend, I've followed him for years and bumped into him at an airport three years ago in the smoking area shot the shit with my gf and I while we waited for our delayed planes.

Pol probably won't like him, since he is a bit of a jack-of-all rather than a focused politics big-brain like Enoch. I like him though.

I think he should be deported to Finland.

>It's the same fucking plants in the background. How about you look at the clues.
this. It's literally the same shit and a from different angle (and some thingy in the middle is moved a bit) thus it's not copy pasting of the same background).
I like styx, even more now that he is married but he obviously made a huge mistake when he was younger. None is perfect, Styx, no worries. Just don't do any homo stuff again.

the libertarian shit is gross but he makes lots of content

Styx is better then Nick

His 2016 presidential election stuff was fairly good but the rest of his rambling nonsense about the occult and stuff like that...he's like a large child who never grew out of the goth phase. And the e-begging for a laptop is kind of the clincher for that.

Apparently he's the one who pays the bills for the house

Looks like a FtM of this bitch

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He looks like that one girl from Recess. The one with glasses.

Totally cringe like all the other libertarians and pagan larpers

Cringe satanist libtard who for some reason is popular with right-wingers.

an absolute fence-sitting faggot who thinks he's an expert in a subject after skim-reading a short article

We have crossed it a long time ago.