Protect the political activist who's changing the world

Protect the political activist who's changing the world.

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>the eternal white beta cuck
So young and already spoiled.

>another greta thread
JIDF shills are obsessed with young gentile girls.

Fuck greta

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do not do this

kek the "my lady" hat tipper it's alright he still has time to find his masculinity.

It's hilarious how much grown ass men get triggered by one autistic swede with facts.

>but i shielded you please have sex with me

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Look at that little fatty.
His parents should be ashamed.

where was this?

This is so pathetic... nice knowing some men (boys actually) already selected themselves out from the genepool

How did she even get famous in the first place?
This is like seeing the prototype goony bluecheck white knight in larval form.

Slide threads like the one you're posting in.

I love it.
Let's hire only children below the age of 10 for government positions. The president needs to be an 8-year-old girl.


>It's hilarious how much grown ass men get triggered by one autistic swede with facts.

Nobody cares about Thunberg herself. It's the fact the mass media is promoting the hell out of her, along with politicians and people with money, that has people talking about her. Same shit with Hogg last year.

I would do unspeakable things to her tight lil body

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Even their shikshas of choice look like a worm-infested ass

This kid is literally the embodiment of the left. A self entitled, worthless, privileged shit who tells everyone else they are fucking up while having none of their problems. She is glorified for saying the right things and lauded for hitting the most easy targets in society. She has zero capability to sway people not already in her camp to her side because she has the charisma of a wet stain on a cinema chair. She is arrogant without earning the right to be arrogant, lacking experience or challenge. A perfect symbol for the left and everything they stand for. A wealthy, entitled, holier than thou smartass who flaunts their wealth in the face of people who live pay check to paycheck then tells them they need to serve her needs.

I fucking hate this kid.


My son would do the same thing. He’s girl crazy right now. He’s 13 and puberty is hitting him like a Mack truck. Can anyone give me some advice on how to curb this behavior? I spend a lot of time with him and try to keep him busy but It’s hard to compete with a biological imperative. An example of his horniness is that he hand wrote propositions to each and every gal in his class, the classes are small (12 total), but still pretty funny. His teacher called me to tell me about it. Give me some advice, guys. I don’t want him to become obsessed.

Pic is him filling his deer tag for Youth hunt, opening day was this past Friday. He took a shot at the mama and she cut out into the tall grass, but her baby stayed behind for some reason, so he took him out. The backstrap off this baby will be like butter.

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Her handlers and other young prominent heads of the movement are the same. Upper (middle) class with connections and resources, love to travel (by plane, of course), entitled, double standards. The whole package.


Please tell me the boy is "American"

Duper's delight in full force.

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feel free to give graphic details, I need a good fap

Oh god it is really an American. HAHAHA


Lemme just take my carbon fiber racing yacht across the ocean real quick

Don’t forget the lefts army of mongrel brown untermenschen who do their voting

Its all so tiresome

I bet that fat kike kid must be fucking her too

Im afraid your son has a terminal case of moronizm.

the only course of action is euthanasia.


Buy him a pro? No way he won’t be trying to hump anything that walks. It is what it is. Have you had the talk? At the very least the kid needs rubbers so he doesnt slip up. Also give him ‘rational male’ as required reading

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just be there for him when a girl brakes his heart, if he is not a total idiot he will figure out how healthy women-men relationship works

Smack him. Not for the puberty. It's just good upbringing.

>babby's first whiteknighting
You can see still the innocent hope on his face that things will go his way. Sad!

She has not facts. She just parrots what Obama, the unelected World President wants, which is to hand over complete control of energy production to the state. Fuck. That.

Slip him the coompill. When you coom enough then you might not feel so easily attracted anymore. Of course millages may vary.

nigga, just be glad hes not out at hot topic picking out pretty pink dresses and matching accessories. Whats that joke, tell him not to run over and fuck one of em, but WALK over and fuck them all.

And already he's white-knighting. Does he not realize that she's twice his age?


Ik glad I dont need to grub here for fucking pennies

>energy production
Not confined to that. They want to control practically everything. And a "climate emergency" is a wonderful reason to interfere with individual lives, implement drastic policies, regulate or nationalize whole industries.

Fuck off coomer

Hahahaha he has shoulder pads hahahaha.
He didn't shield her, he ECLIPSED HER lmao.

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>They want to control practically everything
That too. They want to tell us how often we can shit, how often and how long we can bathe; how long we may leave the lights on and more. Liberals are control freaks with others because they cannot control their own slapdash lives.

sudo purge friendzone

The kid has bigger tits than Greta

your kids a fag

That's probably his intention

Wow Epstein would have been all in for this group...

Will they have an audience with Biden er ?

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he put his stature to judicious use, this is peak photographer-blocking performance

She's never going to fuck you kid.

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She has no tits. I legit thought she was 10.

A young faggot raised by a single mother somehow believe whiteknighting is going to get him laid. He wants some of that fetal alcohol syndrome pussy. He probably thinks he has got a chance with her since she looks like she is 12.

That's the Epstein legacy...

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He can't protect her from SOPH

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nobody touches queen greta

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Well achtually it wouldn't be that big of a change.

That American "child" is twice the size of Greta

She thinks she has found her career in politics. That she's set for life, that she'll make easy money without even having to finish high school.
The fall is going to be real hard. She'll probably kill herself when the kikes behind her give up on her.

Hes big enough

Buy your kid a sex doll bro. Let him practice banging it and beating the brakes off it. Then he will know what to do with a real woman.

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Let him make the mistake of trusting a women he shouldn't trust

Imo, the thing most parents fuck up with their kids today is not allowing them to make mistakes

Let your son have his heart broken, feel the pain and consequence of his mistake, then be there for him and explain what he did and how to avoid it in the future.

Also dont post your kid on Jow Forums you dumb fucker.

Be careful to post pics like this shill
It gives more away than you think and might cause troubles to the wrong people

>A leftist journalist featuring a brave and powerful W*itoid protecting the damsel in distress.
Where's the diversity? Why didn't they photo-op Jammal being an activist for brownie points?

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Yeah, I’ve been having the talk with him in one form or another for a while now. I’ve had to switch it up lately to try and help him learn discretion. His mama walked in to say goodnight to him about a month ago, he was starfished out on the bed, snoring like a bear, with jizz on his chest. My wife damn near pulled an eichenwald and started seizing, kek. Also trying to teach him about standards in women and which ones to stay away from, etc. Condoms are definitely next on the agenda. Thanks for the book recommendation.
Good advice, user. I fear he might fall in love with the first little gal that lets him touch a tit.
he’s caught one to the back of the head a time or two. Usually for being mouthy, he’s a really good kid in general though.
yeah, you’re right
he plays basketball, hockey, golf and chess (I know, not a sport) , but if I’m being fair he only excels at chess. He’s not really passionate about sports the way I was but he does enjoy participating in competition. He prefers vidya.

Jamal would have muhdiked her on the spot and undermined the kikes strategy of boiling the frog slowly.

the fat kid done good.

you are allowed to shoot young deer? where i come from (uk), there is stag season and doe season. i don't know if there is a ban on shooting young deer but mainly the practice, which might just be gentlemen's agreements i don't know, is shoot older deer as it is a land management thing and so shooting young affects the population of deer greater. i'm not being critical of shooting young deer, just curious.

I hope the fat jew weinstein gets a run at her

Fuck off cuckold

SEETHING nigger^

Those little cunts

More like a white castle knight

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thats a big guy

Tell him his sexual urges are demons and will lead to rape and distraction. To focus on his school work he needs to masturbate to completion as fast as possible before leaving the house to release the demons. With practice he should be able to complete this task in under 1 minute. It's as natural as taking a dump but who sits there and takes a dump for more time than actually needed?

Reminder that this potato supports antifa.

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for u

Who the fuck is backing her?
Who are her handlers?
Why is she national news?

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>He took a shot at the mama and she cut out into the tall grass, but her baby stayed behind for some reason, so he took him out. The backstrap off this baby will be like butter.
Don't think a lot of fathers would be proud of that.
Might be someone else's pic he's using

>This just in: little boy gets no pussy

U.S. and European relations in one pic.

she right help save the environment

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for the love of good buy him a fleshlight. just buy him one and leave it in his room to do is business. its better than him knocking up some rando hoe. and on top of that get him into weight lifting so once he hits highschool hes full chad. you dont want him to become a neet now do you?

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that fat fuck is going to be a permanent virgin.

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Probably the Clintons, Obama, and the Queen. First link I saw when Soros came to mind:
So Soros for sure. Her message is a legitimate threat to us all. Ironically.


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take your cancer to Jow Forums, you dangerously incompetent parent.

Legitimately autistic. Makes sense. They probably program well.

Do you guys think she's still a virgin?

It's definitely discouraged to shoot young deer like that, but technically as long as it doesn't have spots it's okay.

Ah, yes. The larval stages of a paypig fulfilling it's biological imperative. Truly fascinating.

Nah. They're all sexually abused. Look at her eyes, she gets no sleep and her stance says that she's guarding her holy of holys.