
>refuses to name the Jew
How is he /ourguy/ again?

Attached: fucker_carlson.jpg (931x524, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who does Tucker Carlson get paid by?

jews and gays are /ourguys/ whats the problem?

This dumb reactionary asshole got eternally owned by Jon Stewart

boring millionaire funded by billionaires

He has never been /ourguy/ he is a republican faggot cuck. He will destroy our neo nazi movement if we continue to allow him to speak for us. He does not represent us. I advise us all to start making more anti tucker sentiment on youtube and Jow Forums so hopefully he distances himself from us and fucks off

This. We should honestly convince fox news to drop that libertarian faggot. He is ruining our movement with his brain dead rhetoric.


Are you saying Carlson is working for Jews !?

Your ID remains the same even when you change your memeflag. This is why the JIDF fails.

we have to support conservatives it's the only way to protect the jews and the gays from third worlders and marxists

>purity testing autism
This is why you lose. Nobody goes from 0-100 on the redpill scale. Tucker can take people from neocon talking points and boomer conservatism to paleocon, and it's your job to take it from there. Everybody makes a compromise on ideological purity in exchange for the ability to speak to a larger amount of people. Tucker's incrementally redpilling over 3 million people every night; how many people get redpilled by TRS, where they made their own brand cancerous and abrasive to normies?

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Sure Saul

I read on Jow Forums that meme are a effective way of exterminating jews

Literally who?
Is there anyone on this board who gives a single fuck about the American e-celebs or whatever apart from some mutts from ptg?
I can only name Lauren Southern, mostly because her documentary on South Africa was good and some permavirgins kept shilling her back then.

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WTF is he supposed to do, just say "fuck the jews"? That's so ridiculous. First off, not every single Jew is bad. Second off, he would be labeled an anti-semite in a heart beat. This board is pure shit. You guys have your heads up your asses. Seriously.

"My way is the only way"
- everyone on pol

Based Schizophrenic

>Just compromise goyim!
That's why the right has lost every battle for the last six decades. Faggots like you who try the half-way everything.

New here?
Fucking retard.

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just an ordinary regular based multi-millionaire DC cocktail-circuit elite shoulder-rubbing COMMON MAN

yep, also cashing big Pharma Checks to smear legal Marijuana once per week

it doesn't even fucking matter since whitie is gonna be minority very soon. Faggots will conume podcasts and get very excited for next podcast while their country goes into terminal decline the economy goes to shit and society becomes even worse they will never get married the online bullshit and product consumption will stop having the desired effect by the time they are in their late 30's at which point it's far too late to change anything they will spiral into an even bigger depression and schizophrenia post more shit online scream into the void louder and more retardedly and vote harder for the next retard but attain nothing and still die alone in shitty state run retirment home run by minorities at which point the culture and society will be radically different. If anyone will even remember white nationalists and conservacucks they will be remembered as a joke as a bunch of lsoer white retards and wankers who posted and played vidya games as the West entered terminal decline after more than 2000 years of history who failed everything. This is your fucking future you can try and and larp and post and chimp out and consume podcasts and vote harder but this is what will happen

fuck off concern troll


Make me, you mick faggot

Yet here you are shilling

>not every single Jew is bad
what do you mean "bad"? they are a highly ethno-centric group that fervently pursue their own ethnic interests. their sense of history is one of constant victimhood and persecution at the hands of other ethnic groups. it's not a matter of a few evil powerful jews running shit but a tribe that sees itself at constant risk of being persecuted and how to prevent this from happening as well as getting revenge for past slights.

>Our neo Nazis movement
>Jow Forums isn't one person!

I can't tell if you guys are practicing taqiya or practicing pilpul


No one mentions, no fetal cells in vaccines, no chem trails for several months and Bradley Edwards saying "Trump was the only one that helped..." Speaking of Epstein victims in 2009... Video related... Serial brain 2 and truthification chronicles are the only ones that speak of this respectively... Tucks a tick!
https:// youtu.be/iWvOyrf_OQs
If it won't play web search Bradley Edwards, Trump, Epstein @YouTube for the two minute vid

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Last time he came too close, Fox made him take a two week fishing trip.



JIDF needs better trainers. Flag != ID.
And you unironically think you are yahweh's chosen yet you can even get something this simple right. No wonder you all wear diapers when in uniform.


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At the end of the day he's still a Fox News employee, and I'd rather recommend against devoting too much time to any media personality, but he's easily the least despicable of anyone on mainstream television right now.
If you've got time to waste complaining about cucked retards on TV, you might as well spend it on someone who really deserves it.

I liked tucker until i realized he was anti pot
Anti government on all things but pot
Hes owned
Woke yes but still owned
Everyone famous is a shill
And anyone who makes over 150k a year is involved with bad shit
I know for a fact my family is

Why do people do this?


>neo nazi movement

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Ur a pussy and a degenerate

Marijuana smokers are faggots

shut up zoomer

Yup, this is going in my cringe compilation

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Tucker is owned by none. KYS shills

Because of two very important videos of his:
1. youtube.com/watch?v=mgvpxE_WKxw
2. (video of Tucker being interviewed by Ben Shapiro. Tucker makes a great argument about the free market to Ben, who has no rebuttal). Has this video been removed from youtube, wtf? It's Tucker Carlson on The Daily Wire's Sunday Special. Very good conversation.