GOP State Sen. Mike Folmer Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

Why is it always Republicans and Christians?

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another shareblue slide thread no doubt
you fuckers are panicking over Epstein

Whatever delusions help you cope

discord tranny kike shill

>Why is it always Republicans and Christians?
Because the media is run by kike as a mouthpiece for the democrats and calling a jewish pedophile out for his actions is antisemitic.

No user this man is actually in jail for child porn at this moment. And liberals all hate Epstein and Bill Barr for facilitating his death as head of federal prisons. You're a loon living in a fantasy land

Look at the mental gymnastics required to come to your conclusions

You discord shills are pathetic and this so called raid is equally pathetic. I'm just glad the majority of Jow Forums can see right through it.

Your mental illness wont get this man out of prison

are you a pedophile?
seems like it...

Why do Republicans obsess about alleged pedophiles yet when we uncover one in a position of power you go deaf and blind? Is there a chance you might be brainwashed and stupid user?

>Why is it always Republicans and Christians?
it's always congress, every single member of congress is a pedophile alcoholic

No but I assume you are as you're obsessed with ignoring the statistics regarding your party and religion. You're actively defending and enabling child rape by supporting them.

>Why do Republicans obsess about alleged pedophiles yet when we uncover one in a position of power you go deaf and blind?
I'm not forgetting Larry King and the Franklin scandal

>both sides
Nope, you can simply look up the stats to see how many more Republicans are caught with kiddy porn compared to dems

>dems traffic them
>repubs diddle them

No bullshit, but it wasn't too long ago, maybe 10 years or so that there were was almost weekly shit just like this re: Republicans to the point where it was a relief to see one that wasn't pedo/gay shit with kids or public rest rooms.

Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests

>Why is it always Republicans and Christians?
Because having family values also means being attracted to children as well

no, it's just typical conservative Republican Christian "family values."
the "family values" meme is meant to cover up, and overcompensate for, their own degeneracy.

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and it's always white people

Where would the money come from if we ALL decided to go to the voting booth to vote for our living, rather than work for it?

it goes on across all of the ruling power elite, whether politics, business, entertainment (Hollywood, music industry, etc), royalty, prominent media talking heads, or high society philanthropy ...

it's everywhere and never exclusive to politics.

>mental gymnastics
Logic is too hard for libs so they call it "mental gymnastics".

>The married grandfather of seven was caught as the result of a tip that popular blogging site Tumblr found that a user had uploaded an image of child pornography using its application
>Folmer told authorities he received child pornography images through his Tumblr blog and that he was experiencing “some personal problems,”
Tumblr, you say?

That said, it wasn't as "institutionalized" - those faggots were on their own. abberations.
the GOP didn't have a whole machine built around the enterprise like the left.
Ed Buck, Epstein, etc.

They make it too obvious. Whenever I see a thread about Republicans and over zealous anti Israel stuff I immediately know it's a shareblue smear campaign.


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The republican party is a pedo ring. They have one of the biggest pedes in the USA at the top right now. No coincidence.

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The Republican Party is filled with uneducated inbreds who unironically vote against their own economic interests

If you are allowed to vote on a thing it is always against your own self interests. If anything was going to be for your self interest it would be a right guaranteed under the Constitution already.
Use your brain idiot.

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Proven fake news. Shill harder.

Every bill that bernie Sanders is propping up are bills that are in my economic interests as a working class white man

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