Ever since 8pol leaked onto this board, there has been a sharp extremist shift in about 1/3 of the posts here

Ever since 8pol leaked onto this board, there has been a sharp extremist shift in about 1/3 of the posts here.

Before, we were tame. Belligerent? Yes. White supremacist? Arguably in many cases. But we were tame. We’d make threads about fuck women or hahaha white people are the best or hey guys check out this car chase in California.

But now I see threads saying to spam pictures of the car that killed Beto’s dad on social media, people talking about attacking the eiffel tower, deliberately erasing parts of american history to make it look like other races have provided less or no contribution, vids of people shooting others, and more.

Our time on this site is limited if this shit continues. There is no one Jow Forums that will survive. If you fall into the categories described above or come from 8pol, download Tor and go home. Your site is still there. They can’t take it down on the darkweb.
Leave here before we get shoah’d too. This is your only warning.

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cuck/pol/ has always loved slide threads, newfag
>dump X
>redpill me on X
>1 post by this ID
>divide and conquer

Shut up nu/pol/ moron. This is the same shitty place it's always been. Only change is an increase in trolls, shills, normies, and newfags.

Been here on Jow Forums since 2011 and you are talking out of your ass.
We always been edgy and extremist.
You clearly never went through the gamergate or the fappening kek

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fuck off pussy



OP can fuck right off back to plebbit.

Imagine making this cuck post.

newfag cancer

>before 8ch, we were tame.
This is why we called you cuckchan.

>Our time on this site is limited if this shit continues.
>Cares more about a fucking internet site than his race
This is why you are called cuckchan.

There is no political solution.

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Jow Forums in general has had a general trend of becoming less extreme for the past few years due to a lot of Reddit immigration. This spike of 8ch users is actually an adjustment towards the old norm.

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I said Jow Forums, you fucking mongrel.
It was /new/ before the opening of Jow Forums, you literal subhuman.

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It is over.

No nigger we've been this way for literally 15 years even before Jow Forums.
It's (you) and concernfags like (you) who are /new/ to the giga puddi and genuinely believe that (you) and (you)r type were the average of Jow Forums.
(You) have been mistaken desu~.
Either adapt to the way things always have been, pop tits or gtfo.

You are a nu/pol/ reddit faggot. Shut the fuck up.

Sigh...i just want 2005-09 /b/ back.

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Yeah 8 sure had some spergs on it eh? but the things you mention are a bit much even for them. i'd reckon this is being done artificially to try to kill 4 like 8. this is great though. the right ideas are already out there shutting down sites will do nothing but force you faggots into IRL interactions

Fuck off Agent, when half chan becomes useless, you will false flag the shit out of this website whenever you want

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Stop being a pussy little bitch nigger.

>asks rhetorical questions and answers them in a smug and zoomer way
Pretty gay post desu

>gay ops will be the end of Jow Forums
screams retard for the 7th time this year

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Yeah the storm-weenies got to go, I suggest /b/.
This is a family fun and friendly anime board, where we play pranks on people and have rare pepe competitions.

No true Jow Forums user is a psychopath. Depressed, maybe? Sad, oh im sure it happens...
But no one here found that sub-to-pewdiepie meme funny. At best, we kind of nervously heh heh'd along.

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Ok so you have anything else to say?

You guys were cucked faggots now are slightly less cucked. Your welcome.

>actual newfag trying to call out somebody else as a newfag

Literally nothing has changed. I've been coming to Jow Forums daily for 6 years. There's been no change whatsoever.

Fuck off, retard. You're welcome to leave and go back to whatever shithole you came from.

>deliberately erasing parts of american history to make it look like other races have provided less or no contribution
lel what

niggers were farm equipment at absolute best

There are less blacked threads which is nice. They must be on vacation this week

OP have you ever considered ypu might just be a pussy? You are not cut out for this line of shitposting kys.

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>Before, we were tame
Hey, shill. What's happening?
Jow Forums was never "tame", it just wasn't full of 8ch schizos because they left for there until it was taken down. And still, the shitposters and spammers are far more numerous than 8CH SCHIZOS. Every retarded discord/bot meme shows this, most recently the "coomer" (sure, that's definitely organic).

Anybody got pics of the car that killed beta o'rawr's dad?

12-4 chan refugee here. by destroying 8/pol/, which served as a containment zone for us ebil NEETsocks incel shooters, we migrated back here. we owned 4/pol/ before the GamerGate crackdown, so this was always our ancestral e-homeland. go ahead and call the cyber police and get 4/pol/ banned. then we will jist flood out onto the open Internet and spread our memes in all forums and trigger and redpill the Burger Boomer massses about the JQ. i welcome the start of the Great Meme War of 2020. bring it JIDF faggots.

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