Fun in the sloppy water with the hated muslim shitskin invaders he (supposedly) wrote about and (supposedly) killed.
Brenton Tarrant having fun
Other urls found in this thread:
Anyone who has read his manifesto knows he didn't hate non-whites as long as they stayed in their own countries. Picture is probably a travel photo. Nice try though.
The picture is from 2013 and he started hating them in 2017
Confirm this date.
Brenton Tarrant does not anybody except traitors and invaders.
Get your facts straight.
Also, OP is a desperate shill who already opened the same thread yesterday.
*does not hate
From his announcement thread
I'll see if I can find an archive of the facebook post itself
>Brenton Tarrant does not hate anybody except traitors and invaders
I never implied otherwise
never heard about the silly caption before, kek
from the phrasing is sounded like you did
You be following these threads closely I see.
I have read his manifesto so I can recognize when someone says something wrong.
Do you have a problem with that?
What I wrote only aligns with the truth if you put it in the context of OP's statement about the other people in the boat being invaders
this is now a memetic warfare thread
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
this is now a memetic warfare thread
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
this is now a memetic warfare thread
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
this is now a memetic warfare thread
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
this is now a memetic warfare thread
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
this is now a memetic warfare thread
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
Fine with that.
Yes. kys kike
can you explain his manifesto and how did you chose what to believe in and what was a meme ?
also where the fuck did he find most of the meme he used in it they're not even from 8crap or Jow Forums
the spiro and china shit is not from here the Jow Forums meme wasn even funny or really known
just watch at the nose of the jew behind in the pic just wtf
And your evidence it was in NZ?
Even supposing it was, I guess your shill logic is that someone can't be opposed to mass immigration if he is ever in the vicinity of an immigrant. It's practically impossible to avoid them if you're living a Western country.
Ave, true to Saint Tarrant!
He was based.
Stop projecting Moshe.
Yes, I saw an identical thread yesterday.
Here it is in the archive.
*the more you notice*
Go fuck yourself together with OP.
Thank you for the thread OP, you can fuck off too.
He ruined his video stream with that shoutout to pdp, very forced and cringe.
>what was a meme and what not
It's not difficult to recognize that, unless you're a braindead journalist.
>wheredid he find most of the meme he used
Tthat's called having good bantz leaf, you either have it or you don't.
Tarrant does.
Discord trannies are relentless. It would be entertaining if we knew who was behind the shill posts. Maybe that's an understatement, it would be fucking glorious.
At least some of them are magatards.
Do you mean dox them?
>this is now a memetic warfare thread
Some days are worse than others. A lot of the shills are weak-willed, just take a break from Jow Forums for a day or two and when you come back they'll probably be gone.
>It's not difficult to recognize that, unless you're a braindead journalist.
i know right you can do it but it's sooo fucking easy
i bet you everything I have you can't even explain 1/4 of it tho
>Tthat's called having good bantz leaf, you either have it or you don't.
ya really funny meme about China socialism and spiro so funny top bents fren
you guys sure don't sound like complete newfag
>everyone who doesn think like me is a shill
swedistan you have more urgent thing to do than praise a terrorist.. you gonna lose whats little left or your country
No, their statements make their intentions and background clear, there would be no NEED, but if one of their discord groups slipped up and revealed the tranny plans, it would make for some good lulz.
Would be even nicer in red and black.
Sore thumb
dude you're batshit crazy there's no tranny discord hell bet into subverting your little personality cult
you are straight up hallucinating
Holding out for a Tarrant
Meme flag, opinion discarded
Yes, it would be nice.
>i bet you everything I have you can't even explain 1/4 of it tho
Ask me the specific stuff you did not understand from his manifesto and I'll explain it to you.
Meme flag detected
Those are probably "Israeli art students" he is hanging out with. Very sloppy job.
I have that somewhere, but I couldn't find it, so have a white one instead.
Not an argument.
Semite is as semite does.
ZOG flag detected
They look paki/indians to me.
Checked and burger rekt (sorry burgers, but you are ZOG central)
tell me where he found the spiro meme and the china meme show me in the archive where it was ever made... or even his Jow Forums meme show me.
Absolutely, but they seemed much more worried on 8/pol/, right before 8ch got taken down it seemed like every other thread was a slide thread and the shills in the memetic warfare threads were averaging about 30 posts per minute spamming their retarded slorpy johb memes
I remember that, suddenly there was a flood of shill posts completely derailing the thread. Very odd.
he is a gamer, he chose the name of a game that could never be possibly associated with violence and throw it there to mock the dumbasses incapable of detecting the joke (same thing with naming Candace Owen as source for his radicalization)
>china meme
What are you referring to?
Is that from pakistan? You boneheads realize that he went there to train with muslim terrorists likely ISIS -KP?
>You boneheads realize that he went there to train with muslim terrorists likely ISIS -KP?
Source: your ass.
Not odd at all when you take into consideration that Jow Forums had killed 73 muds, beaners and one jew at that point
I remember that too, they were getting desperate, they opened multiple threads about MUH ACCELERATIONISM IS BAD! MUH OPTICS! MUH JEWS ARE BEHIND WHITE NATIONALISM!
Then everything went very fast as Crusius removed some tacos in El Paso.
>e is a gamer, he chose the name of a game that could never be possibly associated with violence and throw it there
the meme wasn funny it made no sense and was referring absolutely nothing it just served to take away his credibility... for some internet fame ?
>What are you referring to?
he praised china socialism and identity...
his meme were stupidly not fun and most of them didn even have root in the board culture when he could have done it easily...
he never said anything about the bank enslaving everyone and owning the population...
he was a plant he was used to demonize nationalism yet against and you guys fell for it
you are like the hitler worshiper
a bunch of fucking loser in a personality cult because you can't fucking live your life if you're not worshiping something or someone
you are the very fucking reason we are in this shit to begin with
you can't fucking use your head to do anything else than invent the fucking reality around you
where the actual fuck do you think you are...
if peoples thinks accelerationism is bad they gonna say it no matter how hard you would like this place to be your safe space fucking coward
I normally shit on memeflaggots, but you are correct.
wtf you talking about little dickhead.. Brenton said himself he was an 8crap user not a Jow Forums one ... he never referenced anything from Jow Forums ever and both board hates each others....
Don't argue with a memefag, leaf
Is the new picture prepared?
No one is buying Tarrant. Only meme flags push Tarrant
>Only served to take away his credibility
Credibility of what? If anything the fact that he inserted meme's to fuck with journos lends credibility to his being /ourguy/. Also, you really need to slow down, your writing is horseshit.
>Absolutely, but they seemed much more worried on 8/pol
The strategy of oppressing nationalists are all about suppressing their organizations, but there is no way to shut down lone wolf terrorists, that know they are being watched.
They also have a very hard time shutting down the memes, because what is funny, is dependent on the zeitgeist of the society, since what is funny is usually the true stuff we can't talk about.
To stop the memes being funny, they basically have to change society, in the direction the progressives and jews don't want it to go..
everyone who use (((/ourfag/))) is a newfag form 2016 or a disgusting shill tho
they always wanted to label the board to be able to demonize it easily
>he inserted meme's to fuck with journos
only a fucking zoomer with half a working brain could ever think it's a good idea
you know you have to be 18 to post here ?
>but there is no way to shut down lone wolf terrorists, that know they are being watched.
dude you're in for a rude awakening ahah they can do hella more than you think
OP, can you explain the idiotic fallacy you're using here? It sounds like you're saying "no Tarrant actually LIKES Muslims and he didn't shoot anyone, you see? Because here's a photo of him being happy while a Muslim is in sight" *dusts hands off* "I'm an intellectual"
>You're a shill
>You're underage
No, but you are a fucking dumb leaf.
>the meme wasn funny
You have no sense of humour and you seem unable to read between the lines (if you did you would have catched the reference to the decade long MSM witch hunt against videogames "causing violence")
>he praised china socialism and identity...
Tarrant is an ethnonationalist. Of course he is okay with China since they did not fall for the multiculturalism fraud
>he never said anything about the bank enslaving everyone and owning the population.
Wrong, he mentioned the perverted capitalism behind the fall of the west in many parts of his manifesto.
>blah blah blah
not arguments
Any recent news?
Let's give up goy!
is always a Jewish ploy
Doubly so when a leaf says so
So with that in mind, to reddit please go
>dude you're in for a rude awakening ahah they can do hella more than you think
So tell how to do that?
The ones that want to become a terrorist, and are capable enough to become one, is not going to tell anybody, or for that matter raise any red flags, outside perhaps being a part of pro-white internet mob, and that mob is too large for the glowniggers to keep a tab on everybody.
You mean "red flag" laws?
It's not difficult to bypass those.
A minimum care in using the internet would be enough.
Both spot on
damn a zionist mutt golem told me i'm a leaf
what will I do
>You have no sense of humour and you seem unable to read between the lines
ya because finding an unfunny joke unfunny is not having as ense of humor
reading between the line doesn mean you can just make shit up to fill the gap retard
>Tarrant is an ethnonationalist. Of course he is okay with China since they did not fall for the multiculturalism fraud
are you that fucking ignorant about the history of china ? you should just shut the fuck up and lurk moar
what was your point ?
>The ones that want to become a terrorist, and are capable enough to become one, is not going to tell anybody, or for that matter raise any red flags
ya thats why so many have been arrested lately right
na i mean they see everything you do and ear everything you say
all the time
What they fail to realize is that it's never Jow Forums or 8ch that pushes anyone over that civ-nat cuck fence to start noticing things. It's always mainstream events, and then people come here looking for answers. Even if Jow Forums or 8ch cease to exist, people would still realize what is going on because ethno-nationalism is only a reflection of the truth, the truth that becomes more evident with each passing day.
Not that I know of.
Last I heard the trial has been postponed to june 2020 to avoid ramadan,
> can't into imageboard websites
> a fucking leaf
Like clockwork
Brenton never used Jow Forums tho.
There's a little crew of propagandist who try really hard to indoctrinate impressionable young into accelerationism and terrorism. You are in one of their thread.
>i'm a newfag
>the post
fuck off attention whore
What a jolly lyric, thanks Winston
>ya thats why so many have been arrested lately right
I said capable enough to become one, not retarded enough to fall for FBI entrapment.
None of the ones I have seen arrested in the USA, looks to have been motivated lone wolf terrorists, but people doing shit the FBI informer/agent tell them to do, to fit in with the group.
The memeflaggots always come out in force to defend this psyop.
(digits of truth)
>are you that fucking ignorant about the history of china ?
Is China being invaded with non chinese people?
>na i mean they see everything you do and ear everything you say
all the time
And how do they do that?
Are you serious?
He was literally spotted doing the ebbaposting thing on here in 2017.
>When you're trying to shill but you're too much of a retard to understand that the image you just posted disproves all your stupid bullshit
>I said capable enough to become one, not retarded enough to fall for FBI entrapment.
they were not tho i refer the German special ops who got caught and to the german who's been caught with a list of political personality..
>Is China being invaded with non chinese people?
the chinese peoples doesn even exist it's a fucking mongrel race, they've been conquered so many fucking times why the fuck do you think they have no souls ?
>And how do they do that?
why are you even on this board retard if you not gonna read anything and just post your need for attention
>Facebook and London police have teamed up to foil the live streaming of terrorist attacks, in the wake of the New Zealand mosque massacre earlier this year.
>London’s Metropolitan Police said that in the initiative, it would provide Facebook with footage of training by its firearms command unit.
>The videos will be captured on body cameras provided by Facebook that London's firearms command officers wear during exercises.
>It will allow social media companies to gather another imagery so its artificial intelligence technology can identify and remove live footage of violent incidents.
You type like an eight-year-old.
This is such a beautiful drawing.
It made me teary eyed.
God. We don't deserve heroes yet he essentially chose to die for us.
>He was literally spotted doing the ebbaposting thing on here in 2017.
ya thats him just because you said so also that dumbfuck doing the ebba posting was pretty much hated... funny you only post the OP and no the reply telling him to fuck off with his cheap emotional manipulation
like i care retard maybe i'm not native english and you should just shut the fuck up ?
>What they fail to realize is that it's never Jow Forums or 8ch that pushes anyone over that civ-nat cuck fence to start noticing things
They might notice it, but they can't tell the others and keep their job, so as a collective, this information is forbidden to them.
That we target our memes towards the topics the establishment can't talk about, without being thrown out of the establishment, is something they can't even mention, so it's not that strange that our propaganda takes on mythical proportions in their universe.
> he doesn't know fullch had a Jow Forums board
> calls anyone a newfag
It's immigrants like you that earn 4cucks its name.
>he doesn't know fullch had a Jow Forums board
where did I said that ? the dude never said 8crap Jow Forums he said Jow Forums and was referencing Jow Forums fuck off retard
Live soon:
>Subcommittee Hearing: Meeting the Challenge of White Nationalist Terrorism at Home and Abroad
>This hearing will examine trends in white nationalist terrorism both at home and abroad. Witnesses will offer their assessments of the threat posed by this extremist ideology and what the United States Government can do to combat this threat.
Uhuh sure there isn’t gaslighter
top kek
>the chinese peoples doesn even exist
I doubt that
> not gonna read anything
Explain it to me then.
If you don't speak to anybody about your plans and don't post anything online about your terroristic intentions, how are they gonna find you?
Hello newfag. You’re here forever.
English is my second language. You have no excuse for not being able to write properly.
>i refer the German special ops who got caught
top kek. Germany just had an anti-white politician shot, so they probably just arrested somebody innocent, so they can have showtrials.
The reason there have been no successful nationalist movement before the pro-white mob since ww2 in no western nation, is that the western governments cheats.
> getting asshurt about muh emotional manipulation
Something tells me you were perfectly okay with pic related being slammed on every front page for months on end
Check the reply chain
> anons talking about shills filling the memetic warfare threads that were only on full/pol/ at the time
> one user says it's because Jow Forums has a total kill count of 73 if you rack them all up
You were very obviously convinced that fullch doesn't have a Jow Forums board or else you wouldn't throw this much of a tizzy over optics.