Buy guns and stockpile. 2020 is coming


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Other urls found in this thread:

You're living in the climax of human history.

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Be ready.

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You know, we could actually have a discussion about prepping instead of you just writing one line and spamming pics. This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

Keep posting kino kunstlers

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Guns will be outlawed and confiscations will begin in Feb 2021. If you don't turn them in, you will be heavily fined and imprisoned if caught with them. The War on Guns will become the new War on Drugs.

Cap this

(X) Doubt

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This is the only 1950's magazine cover in my collection.

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Fucking lost. This is the most accurate representation yet.

they never come...

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You only have yourselves to blame.

THE GUNS ARE USELESS if no one wants to use them.

And after that is... 2021!

Oh you are in for a rude awakening. Bundy Ranch situations will spruce up in every fucking county in the country. And once that happens, then the real fun begins. You attack the Bill of Rights then you attack the heart and will of us all. CW2 is WW3 screencap this

You are not wrong, it may not be 2021 but it is going to happen once non-whites have taken over.


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Civil War 2.0 Beta Run.

Civil War 2 you dense brit fuck.

>Stockpiling guns
>Not stockpiling drones for kamikaze

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Who the fuck are you you loudmouthed stupid cunt, if you stupid motherrfuckers had any fucking brains you would make youselves understood in the first place you shithead.
Instead you communicate in an alphabet soup, now get back into your coma.

Way ahead of you, OP.

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Insallah brother, all of these disgusting white people will be dead soon and our kind will rule the planet! Allahu Akbar my brother, our time is upon us!

Here's what actually happens:
>Huge squads of 30+ heavily armed soldiers roll up to each house for gun confiscation.
>No warning signs, squads roll out quietly in the dead of night. It's a complete surprise.
>You comply or are knocked out, arrested or sprayed to shreds.

And after the first house's get hit and people in those towns see what is going on. Militias form where they start ambushing those guys as they come out of the house.

They get attacked at home a week or two later. Their family gets scared so bad they leave the job.

The politicians ordering the confiscations start getting pieces of family members mailed to them.

Civil war and insurgents run rampant but yeah you sure showed that first round of gun owners. Good job.

But will people come together, in today's society that is conditioned to comply and be a slave
How many will rather die free than live as a slave?

this is entirely backwards.
btfo christcuck

Nah. Most will cuck out and give up their guns when it comes down to making a last stand. The few that don't will be slaughtered. Game set match.

Great aesthetics in this thread

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You remember the DC sniper incident? One dedicated negro and his boy servant caused like half a billion in lost revenue or some shit. It doesn't take a village to throw a few shoes into the machines.

2020 saturn jupiter conjuction

Basic necessities come before wealth. Gold is less than worthless if it can just be taken.

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This, very much.
Most Americans, will comply with a gun by back. A few will hold out and be pathetically destroyed. All it takes is one crafty dude, off the radar enough to not be noticed to really fuck some shit up. They don't have to be trained, or well equipped. They don't even have to be good. A few pop shots and they dissappear, is enough to seriously make things difficult.
They don't need, numbers or organization, a handful of actors across the states is enough.
If the govement can stop it, people loose faith, if people loose faith, the government get desperate, they'll make mistakes. They'll, harm innocents, create martyrs, make more enemys.
Remember, gurillas win as long as they don't lose. But gurillas have to lose for a military to win.

PSA has 5.56 on sale for .28 a round

Make sure to stock on whiskey, scotch, and gin gentlemen. It will keep you warm and you can barter with it.

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>ANFO is a weak HE
L0Lno fgt pls
ANFO is a mining-grade LE