Why is sex with young girls such a great taboo in America?
Why is sex with young girls such a great taboo in America?
t. town rapist
Nearing/Post-wall feminists are jealous of the competition.
>13 if penetration is not involved
brb getting a bj by a 13yo loli
Too bad it's only legal if you are a minor, meanwhile I could get a bj from a 13yo loli here and no one would bat an eye
Holy fuck how is this real
>sex with young girls
>just young girls
That's all children, subhuman pedophile.
And it's because their brains aren't developed enough as teenagers to understand the implications of sex which could ruin their lives. It's also predatory on the part of the older actor. Same reason we have legislation for alcohol and plenty other things.
Did you just assume my age ? I identify myself as an "under 18 years old".
everything before puberty = degenerate no matter what and must be prosecuted
everything inbetween puberty and hitting the wall = based and red-pilled
prove me wrong (protip - impossible)
>This thread again
Here's the map I made
It is based on AoC laws. The youngest AoC law nations get their wildest irredentist goals fulfilled.
These irredentist goals are based on the top search results on DuckDuckGo. Of special note is Bosnia which has no irredentist goals I can find so they just get a few billion euros as compensation for not being a jerk to their neighbors.
Because north America is a very violent, very pornographic and yet very feminized society and each of these aspects feeds the others.
13 and up is TEENagers. Hence the teen part.
Personally I wouldn’t go anywhere near a girl that’s younger than 17 big that’s just me.
That's the thing, even many 13 y.os are not lolis anymore.
True, idk what they are feeding kids these days but they are huge
>The Convention defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen, unless the age of majority is attained earlier under national legislation.
It's a matter of independence. 13-18 are rarely, if ever independent by their own means - they rely on their parents/families to survive. These people aren't fit to make decisions for themselves (or have them decided by some 40-year-old boomer who gets off to """petite""" like the majority of people for lax AOC laws).
Not to mention brain development continues on into your adult life. I'd even consider early to mid twenties to be children still.
You guys are a bunch of perverts
Pretty simple: American AoC laws are newer, but just as outdated.
Age of consent laws exist for moral purposes. Preserving a girls virginity was seen as a moral imperative for a variety of reasons. In that sense, the laws matched up with societal norms; men couldn’t fuck girls below a certain age, because it would ruin someone’s future bride.
Why 18? Because when the laws were being enforced that was seen as an average age as to when women would get married. The European laws just show that people married younger when those laws were created.
So really age of consent laws aren’t about protecting girls or punishing perverts; they’re about protecting marriage.
When you think about it, logically the age should be raised to about 27 to protect marriages and try to keep women virgins until they hit the wall and finally want to get married, or the laws should be lowered to match when girls start menstruating, as they won’t be virgins when they marry anyway.
Hey fellow Burger, it was the same here but we have been cucked for a long time. also drinking age and crazy feminist BS taught in schools nowadays..etc.
>muh independence
The average person doesn’t move out of their parents house until they’re 26.
You talk too much non-sense. Women were properties of father/husband back then. Age of consent came later when they gained rights. Before that it was up to the owner. And we clearly need to go back to that model because feminist society is free fall to the NWO abyss..... LMAO
romania and hungary have it the worst wtf
exactly, well said!
Is it really cucked to protect an impressionable mind?
>muh independence
That's what legislation points to with mention of "legal competence". Independent to make your own decisions, i.e. consensual.
Straight people here are a little nuts. From what I can tell, their social order is based heavily in attacking each other over sex. The whole thing seems based in making sure no one is having a better time than the losers who have to follow laws because they they have no better options. So if a guy cheats on his gf, his peers suddenly become moral white knights.
Apparently its within that murky grey area they get confused. They claim they have some moral bearing to defend while being jealous of whoever broke whatever rule to get laid.
I dont think they should be aiming for adolescent girls either, but the idea that any of them give a flying fuck about young girls generally is absurd comedy.
Remember, all this selling each other out is how they arrived at #MeToo crap.
Age of consent laws are dependent on which state you're in. However in California it's 18 and since most if not all of American media is produced there the age of consent is usually 18 in the shows/movies/etc produced.
Yeah, um the REAL reason for mass immigration:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c3856a No.5110466
Feb 10 2019 16:52:24 (EST)
Would you know if not posted by individuals on social media?
FAKE NEWS attempting to 'CONTROL' the narrative by not providing coverage?
Do the protests in EU go against the narrative that majority of people are for globalism, open borders, and mass immigration?
1. Dilution of citizen voice
2. Dilution of citizen vote
3. Dilution of national independence
>Police turned against its own citizens
>Citizens turned against its own police
>People v People
Controlled media > prevent mass awareness
If the news doesn't report the facts (ie, truth) - how do people get informed in order to be heard?
Silence the people.
Localize disruption.
Target leaders of disruption (quietly take action).
Deploy scare tactics & political cross-talk
Control volume.
The media no longer represents the will of the people.
Think for yourself.
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
Sheep no more.
fuck off you disgusting kike pedo
anyone think it's weird that in many american states it's legal for a 16 year old girl to have sex, have an abortion, or have a sex change, but it's super illegal to take nude selfies of hersef? but if you point this out you'll just get called a pedo. how does this work in europe? do you charge girls with making child porn of themselves? I wouldn't know but it doesn't seem like there's a massive amount of amateur "cp" coming out of europe.
Women didn’t go from property to blue armpit hair pierced nose my bony my choice harpies in a single generation.
Fuck you pedo.
it's illegal but unlike america no prosecutor would ever dare charge a underage girl for cp
If a girl is physically capable of becoming pregnant, has full breasts, and has the hip to waist ratio of grown woman, is it wrong to fap to a clothed, legal picture of her?
older women that are childless despise younger, fertile ladies.
>Eunice Winstead Johns, 9, with her husband, Charlie Johns, 22, at their home in Sneedville, Tennessee on Feb. 2, 1937
jfc America.
I heard a theory on pol that Jews were essentially trying to make it harder for white males to bed young females so the females would have more time to take in miscegenous propaganda and find their first experience with browns.
White heterosexuals are the only ones I know that not only make a virtue of NOT having sex but literally buying into it. Men everywhere know that there is no point in trying to reason with women so you just tell them whatever they want to hear. White hetero males are the only ones I know that actually fall for the bullshit they are supposed to be using to placate women, making the men as witless as the females.
>imagine shilling (((discord)))
>not setting up a matrix server
Same goes for most asians tbqh.
Moralists. The same fucks behind prohibition
I agree, which is why sex should be banned below AOC completely...regardless the age of the other party.
AOC laws are gateway to purity laws, and they will be exploited thusly.
How easy for...visitors?
Monogamy will ruin their lives, dysgenic cock carousel individualism is good. Please enjoy your freedom goyim.
>I wouldn't know but it doesn't seem like there's
a fellow connoisseur
Useless fun anecdote. 95% of people I've met here in Canada, living here my entire life, have thought the AoC in Canada was 18. It's 16. It changed to 16 in 2008, and before that it was 14. There are also close in age stiplulations for people having sex with those under 16, down to 12 I think. A 12 year old can consent to someone who is two years their senior, and a 15 year old can consent to someone who is as old as 20. If I remember correctly.
>don’t understand the implications of sex which could ruin their lives.
Just more of an argument for raising the age of consent to 27.
It's the result of an old hag's envy towards the young.
You keep talking about mental development but have you seen the average progressive liberal? Or the nigger? There isn't a set standard of development for everyone, and all your prudishness is doing is killing your people with below replacement birthrates. You can't be a prude and throw out the rest of the old ways and expect it all to still work. Either you get married young and have monogomous families or you wait and everyone just has sex with everyone. There isn't a middle ground.
> women not ready to bear children at 13
> sex destroys girls' lives
> girls are always harassed
> sex should be legally viewed as a drug
15 is ok. Actually, adulthood and all rights abd obligations of a citizen should start at 14. Join the army, get a job, change your religion, marry, drink alcohol, make a will, drive a car, vote etc. should be set at 15. 18 is way too late.
No one wants 40 year olds creeping on their retarded highschool daughters. It's different if this was like the old days where people were actually looking to marry a young girl rather than just take advantage of her naivete.
That's because age of consent laws exist for edge cases. The point isn't to justify two 16 year olds having sex, nor to condemn two 15 year olds. The point of age of consent laws is to prevent fully mature adults abusing children.
Are 15 year olds children? No, they are teens.
Because it's one thing to drone kids in the middle east and another to drill their booty holes
Threadly reminder that pedos should be beated, blinded and bastinadoed.
Have a great day!
Meanwhile in every other nation
>Pic related
Well, I believe it was also custom to marry much younger than people do now. Wars, farm life, disease and so on.
Im a genXr, so I can remember even in my time that it was considered a bit odd if you werent even trying to get married before 24. By 23 you were already expected to have vetted out your first real attempts and start being serious.
I often wonder if thats how I turned out homo, just because there were five marriages in my immediate adopted family and another five in my biological family. Not counting foster parents.
Seeing what a hell it was for dads as a kid made me wonder why men would ever want to live in the same building as a female. I didnt mind girls my own age so much, but the presence of adult females always gave me the same feeling as being around a large ill-tempered dog. I never knew what would set it off, and from what I could tell, the adult men didn't know either because the arguing never seemed to stop. Which confused me more because even dogs didnt make that much noise most of the time.
After a while, I figured whatever it was that girls became or however it happened, I'd rather avoid them any chance I got.
You're a degenerate. Never come to America. Never!
I’m with you Hans. This extended childhood business has been a disaster for Western Civilization.
Go fuck yourself. Women/girls are not property.
He kind of makes a persuasive argument though if you think about it. Idk about all of it but the job and military part sounds good. Especially now.
пoхpюкaй мнe eщё, хoхлинa
They need the age of consent to be high so cianiggers and fbi to run human compromise operations on key individuals to control them so they can force America to be israel's bitch.
Found the roastie.
If you're on this board you must be able to read and write English. Use that skill.
You're trying to collude, aren't you?
хoхлинa, плec, дaвнo yeхaл?
Nice kushner love there kike
Most girls I knew throughout school lost their virginities at age 15, some at 14, often to boys who were a year or two older than them.
When I was 14 I was trying to get laid. Unsuccessfully getting pussy was pretty much what most of my life revolved around.
Naïveté is a bullshit argument. I knew exactly what I was doing (in the sense that I knew what went where and that I wanted to do it, not in the sense of actually getting my dick wet).
>wah, you can't do that because the government wrote something down on a piece of paper
legality = bullshit
law = natural, self explanatory and innately/inherently understood
what you talking about you pedo scum?
It's true, niggers will never be developed enough to consent. We should ban them from reproduction.
It's impossible for the state to consistently prosecute those laws, because the amount of nudes of minors is vast and is mostly taken by the individual themself. They generally go after production and distribution of prepubescent cp especially where it's tied in with human trafficking. Of course on the other hand, the same governments investigating are the same govts protecting human trafficking networks for the elites, so it's all bullshit.
AOC laws are arbitrary, but it doesn't help that many of the more vocal proponents of lowering/abolishing them do so because they are interested in getting the pants of teens.
Thats boys though. At what age do girls actually get anything physically out of it. as in sexual (not emotional) arousal.
For example, I have never heard of a teenage girl waiting till her parents werent home to sneak a peek at some porn and diddle herself silly.
I thought I read that some portion of the adult female population cant even have orgasms, so I cant imagine what it is for teenage girls.
Plus, you have a creature selectively bred to mature as slowly as possible when youthful traits were selected from adult females. So it is fertile as a teenager, doesnt sexually peak itself till its in its thirties, doesnt reach the age of reason until about 45 or 50, at which point it has lost its sexual appeal to the point of being nearly equal in hormone changes as a man.
Humans are of interest to me.
blowjob is penetration you retard
>often to boys who were a year or two older than them.
The girls in my class when we were like 15 all had boyfriends who were 18 to 29 or so. One girl was living with a 35yr old lawyer who took her on island vacations and had weekend “getaways” with his Porsche. Seriously sometimes picked her up after school. All the other girls envied her.
Well that was in the early 2000s... different times.
Im not sure penetration when used in law is legally the same as sodomy. Maybe thats what he meant.
There's a ton of laws about sex, and probably even more now since the work-place litigation blow-ups in recent times.
And this recent curious rash of female teachers bedding high school boys. All very peculiar if you ask me.
>doesnt reach the age of reason until about 45 or 50
If girls mature faster than boys at that age and boys develop their sexuality from 11/12 onwards, then it would seem likely that girls do as well.
I'm talking about eurotrash like you with your stone age ideas. Fuck off.
And, obviously I am not the pedo. Stop trying to hide your guilt by pointing your finger at me.
Don't take this the wrong way, Hans, but you *are* German, so...
>tfw you'll never be the rich old man from a hentai mango with a high school girlfriend
I don't wanna live in this world
Girls are horny as hell at 12 MAX
Fuck off antisemite. You're a fucking evil piece of shit and if you don't support drone strikes on civilians and the occaisional massacre of Palestinian children, then you must be some kind of Nazi incel or something. If anyone stands up to Israel, then not only them, but also their children and their family and their nation must also face merciless rape, violence, and complete destruction and decimation.
It is the only way to ensure the safety and security of g-ds chosen people in this world. The Jew have been hated,, mistreated, and abused for millennia. The recent rise of the Israeli Nation and Zionist imperialism is just the hand of G-d exacting revenge on the goyim cockroaches.
Perhaps, but maturity may not mean the same thing at every level. For example, a male can feel an orgasm often before actually ejaculating.
The importance of anatomy has waned so much in culture that I am beginning to think the magnitude of biological differences is slowly eroding from the collective male mind.
I so often hear men describe women as though they were psychotic men with tits and they just dont get it. Its way worse than they can actually imagine. I see men continuously women as having irrational bouts of immaturity, and I am thinking "no, that is biologically exactly where they are in development." The fact that so much behavior from women ages 18-35 seem similar to the thinking and mannerisms of children is not a coincidence.
Because Americans care about their kids. Imagine you're a parent. Do you want some 30 something fucking your 12 year old? You should know the consequences of sex better than they do, so you look out for them and try to keep them from making dire mistakes like winding up with a baby and STDs by the time they're 13. And what of your grandchild? What if the guy leaves her to parent that kid alone? How fucked is your grandchild's life? Sexual "freedom" comes with a dire cost, that's why kikes push it so hard.
>I'm talking about eurotrash like you with your stone age ideas
it's fucking nature and a couple of million years evolution you pedo scumbag. read again you blind windowlicker:
>everything before puberty = degenerate no matter what and must be prosecuted
>everything inbetween puberty and hitting the wall = based and red-pilled
prove me wrong (protip - impossible)
before puberty it's not a woman
after hitting the wall it's a fucking granny
They seem to be able to use that affect for attention, but the motivations seem entirely different. For the male it is only partly social incentive, but for the female, it often seems almost entirely social.
You'll never hear about girls in the locker room yakking it up about what a monster fuck they bagged last weekend. In fact, when a woman does become visibly sexually aroused, the woman herself seems surprised by it.
This is why Russia is still strong and the rest of Europe has cucked itself
But aren't those laws made contemporary with the original marriage laws? Meaning, wouldn't the spirit of the law assumed marriage in the context of the culture?
I dont know if that changes anything. I just assumed there weren't any western countries hot on years of lowering consent laws; I presumed the oldest sex and marriage laws of any national charter emerged from the same time frame because they're so basic to so much other law in the most primitive of societies.
16 is reasonable here, they've passed their main school subjects, going on to higher level education and are more developed to take on responsibilities for sexual wellbeing, counterracting STIs and starting new family branches
As for age of marriage, that's open to debate. It's 18 over here and I do think that it's something more to take on at an older age personally.
> Why is sex with young girls such a great taboo in America?
Why it is in Europe too?
Redpill: all laws on aoc and marriage age came out of feminism.
What a waste of time
Yeah, it is odd how it is very taboo to have a highschool girlfriend now. Back in the days, it was all ok.
No, I mean the fundamental laws of marriage, not whatever batty divorce crap they cooked up starting around the sixties I would suppose, since it was shortly there after that you started seeing them everywhere and practically every movie became about infidelity.