Attack was “unquestionably sponsored" by Iran

... And still nobody will do a thing. Not. A. Fucking. Thing.

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>kike shill trying to send the goyim to fight his wars
Fuck off jew

yes yes, just wait till nk and iran nuke your asses

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Sand people and jewas fighting in the tatooine desert doesn't concern me.

The only people who need to do anything are the ones who were attacked. Nobody else should do anything.

Iran holds all the cards and everyone knows it.


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Look at this dumb fucking kraut. So the Saudis say someone did something to them and that makes it real. No wonder you lost two world wars.

Americans have become such pussies. We just now take attacks on us without doing anything? The fuck is wrong with this country. Fucking nuke iran its a shit hole full of terrorists

>... And still nobody will do a thing. Not. A. Fucking. Thing.

You're not even allowed to have an army krautkike

You do something

>country A attacks country B
>Country B makes a sternly worded post on Jow Forums

I would think the best thing you could hope for is the rest of us to stay out of it, considering recent history.

Maybe the Saudis should do something. Or Merkel. Yeah. Let's get Merkel.

Good I hope Iran levels the saudis and israel and America does nothing because I'm sick of dying for israel or saudis or whoever. Not your personal army.

Trips of truth

Why is "somebody" always America?

Nooooooo...but...but..Bolton said goy amerifags would attack must attack MUST!

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>take attack on us

When did Saudi Arabia become a part of the US? Why don’t they deal with it themselves? Fuck getting into more stupid wars with sandniggers. They can fight it out for themselves.

>in saudi arabia

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I fail to see the issue.


Check the date:

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Israel sponsored you mean fagget just like 911

Jews radicalize for their exploitation

kys stupid nigger

Yesterday, the US released crude oil inventory numbers. It was significantly above expectation. This is after numerous previous releases that inventory was at par of expectation.


can we just throw the nukes already? JUST FUCKING DO IT ALREADY COME ON


I would carefully examine OP's flag again, retard

Why don’t you send Germany’s powerful armed forces to... Oh, sorry. Guess two Eurofighters and nine ancient fucking Leopard 2 tanks ain’t gonna get the job done, Fritz. Tell you what, why don’t you sit back with a beer while watching your women get abused by rapefugees and STFU instead? You don’t get to pretend to be one of the big kids anymore.

Nobody cares, it's little more than a bad industrial accident. Nobody gives a fuck nor should they.

never thought I'd see the day John Bolton posts on 4chins

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rabbi predicts 6 day war, yam kippur war, and gulf war. also predicts korea will arrive on israels doorstep and will nuke them. sheol is hell/doom in jew lang. Seoul is the capital of korea

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oy VEY with this new we must bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb, IRAN! We cannot let this stand for our second greatest all after BASED Israel! We have to nuke Iran now!

Good its not our problem


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No one cares, Saud and Israel are big boys and can fend for themselves.

You're the only one getting nuked, shlomo. All kikes deserve to die.

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Us? Who is us? Saudi Arabia isn’t the US. They get off pissing in Iran’s Cheerios, so let them deal with it when Iran pushes their shit in. Not our circus, not our monkeys.

>Seoul is the capital of korea
I don’t even have words for the level of fucktardery in your post. Gas yourself, kike.


No one gives a flying fuck
I hope iran FUCKS saudi arabia AND israel all up
Fucking bitcb

faggot jew!

It is already being done. Think of Japan attacking Pearl Harbor. How did that work out?

That's exactly what I do. Watching feminists get enriched by their pets and praying to baphomet that you mutts die for Israel. That's just what you kikelovers deserve.

>trusting Saudis

This is the state that murdered and liquified a journalist barely six months ago

we need to send israel, saudi arabia, and iran back to the dark ages
so sick of these worthless slimeballs having technology

NYPA nigger

/thread, bitcb

that's based though, we're just jealous of them

Yea that’s effective kike. Hopefully Israel is annihilated. Praying for it!

It’s up to you kike coward. Go on and show the Iranians your powerful diaper force!

This fucking Jew in Germany has been shitting all over pol. Hans get the fucking gas.

Sounds like it didn't come from Iran then faggots

9/11 was unquestionably done by Israel. LOTS MORE EVIDENCE OF THAT

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>nobody will do a thing
good. we don't need to continue having our troops needlessly deployed in the middle east.

Fuck off with this pointless war shit. This is what took away so many of the great men from the human gene pool.
This is honestly half the reason why there are so many fucking NPCs today.

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stop questioning goy !

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saudis keep bombing Huti schools and what not
everyone knows they do much worse

user, there are three types of armies in the world that you can't just send darkies to kill. Those are armies created by whites, East Asians and North Arabs. Whites have been so fat and happy since World War II that they stopped breeding and started importing darkies to do all their working and fighting for them. Can you imagine a bunch of niggers and spics trying to fight fucking Persians? It would be such a devastating loss for diversity that the USA would make it a hate crime to mention how badly the Rainbow army got creamed.

Hell, whites are either devolving into Late Stage Hedonism or comprehend how screwed over they have been by their Jew Masters and rich white Good Goyim. And even still the (((Government))) is scared to fight them. Think about that. Whites are a bunch of soft, squishy pussies these days and all the darkies in the world are afraid of a fight against whites without a 15 to 1 advantage.

Most darkies couldn't even find Iran on a map.

the best thing that can happen for the world is america declaring war on iran for the sake of the jews. it will end america through ethno-racial separatist movements and thus end the jewish state. the world will build monuments to iran for being the straw that broke the camels back, brought down the international finance system once and for all, and saved the world.

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The only thing I'm sad about is we didn't do it to the Saudis ourselves. Scum.

go over to Iran and start shooting you shill war monger

Gas yourself

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jejs nice projection there kike, you are the sitting there that they can reach, with his pants full of shit and shekels/dead goyim on his mind.

japan: "NO evidence it was iran"
iran: "we did not do it"
yemen: "WE DID IT you fucking kikes"
kikes: "it was iran"
kike ally SA: "it was iran"
kike golem US: "it was iran"

notice the pattern kike? everyone NOT A FUCKING JEW knows who did it, including those CLAIMING responsibility.

the worst thing that could come of this is if the US signs a defensive pact with israel, i swear to fuck the VERY NEXT day there will be a "false flag" attack on israel with fake footage and deaths. GUARANTEED. followed kikes pointing their lying fingers at iran and their goyim golems marching off to their deaths.

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>Attack on "us".
I dont recall Saudi Arabia becoming a state.

Brainlet here.

Why do Iran and Suadi Arabia hate each other again?

Unironically nuke Saudi Arabia

Why do turks in Germany bother? If you're so upset fuck off to live in a Muslim country.

Sit down, Hans. The entire EU (Germany especially) has been screeching and crying about us dicking around in the middle east for literally 2 decades, minimum. You dont get to play war hawk now.

From done by Iran, now only sponsored by Iran
What is it fags?

US and Israel sponsored Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Now butthurt same thing happens against their faggot goatfuckers? Oh no no no no, poor poor little snowflakes.

"Why wont someone do something" and "U.N. peace keeping force" has literally been U.N. code for send in the U.S. and a handful of brits for literally almost it's entire existence, with very few exceptions.

Bernie has nice tits.

>globalists shill for Iran for ages
>noone takes the bait
>Iran doesn't do anything
>Iran doesn't complain about it
>Someone conveniently attacks Saudi's Oilfield
>for literally no reason at all
It's all so tiresome.

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Why do you even care, leaf? Why arent you rooting for our destruction like the rest of the maple faggots?

Different flavors of goat fucker religion. Think catholics and protestants, but with no ocean in between them for thousands of years.

Not an expert but since digits I'll give you a half-assed explanation. SA is ZOG, Iran is not. After the Arab spring in Egypt, never ending Iraq war, Syria civil war the only remaining possible threat to Israel, in regards to immediate satellite nations, is Iran. So, as I'm sure you could guess any excuse will do in order to take down this backwards, barbaric, uncivilized, womyn oppressing, antisemitic country. Good luck Iran.

what means that the drones where manufactured and sold by Iran. Was that ever even a question?
Are Iranians responsible for how their weapons are used? Are Americans?

We don't care. Saudi can fight their own wars.

saudi arabia and israel are allies. are you braindead?

I'm sure you're right and that's probably a part of it, but I think this explanation makes a little more sense. I just don't see Iran starting conflict at this point. What could they possibly gain? Who would defend them?

Saudi Arabia its his own player user, contrary of people here calling them ZOG, they do have their own version of cold war with iran seeing that they are a strong rival in the oil department, and israel mostly just wants them outside of theyr borders, heck you can even say that israel needs iran just as iran needs israel, just like USA and USSR back in the day.

Because if not, who will you blame for all your troubles, people here seem to be really ignorant of the version of boomers in the middle east.

They cant hahahhahahaha they just literally do not have the mathematical, engineering or metalworking skills to do that. North Korea cant even launch a satellite, unless they were aiming for the ocean.

No point. Jow Forums is all about the boogey man

Are you high? Israel and Saudi openly agreed to work together to neutralize Iran. The Saudi Royal Family are jews.