>tfw gauls again
Meanwhile, on /Roman pol/
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there should be a word for you fasces-worshipping cunts
who's going to repair the aqueducts destroyed by the last barbarian raid? native romans? of course not you fool.
I love the part when our ancestors the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.
Fuck off bigot, Gauls are oppressed people, we should welcome them.
Rome collapsing is a conspiracy theory and Gauls won't turn into genocidal maniacs given our weapons
the empire really is collapsing, isn't it?
>muh empire
We took this land from its rightful black rulers, Tarquinius Superbus and the Etruscans. Apologize!
thread theme: youtube.com
hello there
>R*man bois at it again
The R*man "man" belives himself capable of beating down the AFRIKAN BVLL. Carthaginian seed is flowing into the womb of tight r*man beauties every night. Hail Hannibal.
>mfw puny R*manoid gets crushed under the foot of an elephant
Fuck these Dacian girls are cute.
Can someone please stab Elagabalus, I am completely done with him and his whore mother.
I miss the republic bros
Christianity is what ruined the Roman Empire.
Come on man he is fabulouuuus.
Also can someone can just kill galba?
Sincerely oto.
I cant wait for next Saturnalia!
Degenerate traitors like you belong on the cross.
Literally the only thing holding this empire together.
Giving citizenship to warrior tribes and treating them as Romans is what's killing us.
Keep them out!
>Salve Cristo Salve Cesar
Just introduced a young German noble called Arminius into the Roman Army
>That's nice. Germany will be civilized soon
Let's see how it goes. It's only one man. It's not like one German could bring down the Empire and destroy Europa is it?
These long nosed fellows are pretty peculiar. I seem to see them everywhere in the empire now.
/b/ros this boudicca bitch aint playing around my other /b/ro got his head chopped up in a raid last week im scared guys
Don't fool yourself, Rome was barely ever a republic, they were being cucked by the Etruscans left right and center, and couldn't stop dictators from hijacking the levers of power.
Conquering Greece was a mistake; democracy doesn't work with an ethnically diverse population, because all of the politicians will just pander to the lowest common denominator in order to get votes.
Our descendants will look upon us with shame.
So, will states just organize into a confederacy and secede? Will the south rise again?
>t. Centurion serving in Britannia
Ask me anything.
Shut the fuck up.
I suspect the hebrews did this.
I protected the cult of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, why won't I be accepted into Olympus like Hercules?
>Yeshua HaNazrei W'Melech HaYehudim
>r*manoid mad his """empire""" is collapsing
Ave, fellow romans.
Hodie feci panem