Hello, hard working Polish man in the UK here. What happens to me after Brexit? Are you going to turn on your immigrant friends? I don't want to go back to my shithole.
Hello, hard working Polish man in the UK here. What happens to me after Brexit...
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Nobody cares
fpbp, sage
Fuck off
shit, poles did that?
Poland isn't that bad, but honestly you should prefer the company of your own people over material wealth.
> don't want to go back to my shithole
What a fag. Poland is the best country in EU.
Come to Germany.
Pathetic assmad paki brit larp. Fuck off. Can you even own alumininiunmium foil? It can be fashioned into a sharp n pointy.
we sent them our best and we don't want them back
Thank you for taking our gypsies mate :)
My grandmother was selected to voluntarily work in Germany many years ago and wasn't paid, so...
damn it lithuania, that's a great score for such a small population
Looks like you should take in more Pakis.
This time you wil be paid.
>Hello, hard working Polish man in the UK here. What happens to me after Brexit? Are you going to turn on your immigrant friends? I don't want to go back to my shithole.
you came here and took our jobs. fuck off back to your country
Meh abit of a weird one. I don't mind you white christian well speaking polish, that are able to adapt to British way of life but at the same time there are to many of you here just like shitskins that driving down living standards. Some of you have to go back
Ok, stop pretending, Jimmy. We know who's on the other side.
Nobody wants to go to UK anyway
>taking bait of a random Jimmy pretending to be Polish.
Yeah, please don't come back.
You should come here.
Germany is much closer.
First of all, get in line. Second of all, if you pay taxes, do the paperwork, and contribute to society, you're more than welcome here.
Why anybody would want to come to Germany?
Stop believing your Jimmy norf compatriot and his bait and 0 replies.
Go home.
Go with him you pathetic fuck.
yeah we heard you jews have been ripping the economy off for 800 years, this is why they dont like you.
Close to Poland, better pay.
Don't worry, we like you mate.
Also, the Poles have a really good reputation of being hard working.
It's fucking Islam (regardless of which shithole sandnigger country they came from) which we fucking despise.
Stay, enjoy the UK, settle down and have a large family.
Just sign up for residency ASAP!
There are much better countries and there are next-door to Germany. Can I repeat then... Why would anybody want to go to Germany then?
What the fuck do you want, Pavel?
get a room pls
i want to work in geramny
stop leaving your semechki shells and empty beer cans everywhere, you fucks
Otherwise, thanks for based Mleczko selling buckwheat and tasty kielbasa I can't get anywhere else
I mean, why do you want to move into a shithole (this is what essencially germany is) just because it's close to Poland doesn't necessary means it's a good choice.
That's fine.
Just thought he might like another English speaking country. But you can have him. I don't like foreigners anyway.
In what measurement is Germany a shithole?
You should of been here in the first place. Look man, I don't hate you, but see I love my country and I don't want to move to Poland like you do here.
And I don't want anyone moving here Polish or not. Sorry, you have to go back.
Blair engineered it. When dumb fucking parents believe their stupid fucking kids were clever enough to go to Uni. Blame Blair.
Every measurement. Just cross the border with Switzerland (1 km away and what a difference) to see. GDP per capita poorer than 3rd world state of Mississippi.
I don't think I would want to spend my life in such enviroment.
Number of Germans.
>3rd world state of Mississippi.
Keked and checked.
The jokes on you. I'm a fucking Canadian living in UK atm. Hard working whites should be able to live with you. I just spent a week in North London. The pollacks there are the least of your problems.
lots of you guys treat lehrlings doing ausbildung like shit, put me off going there again desu
im an engineer, german industry is generation ahead of us also they pay better.
You're still a phaggot for taking bait. Most of Poles in UK are troglodites who don't know english, none of them would post it here.
Why do you want to waste your precious life on learning german to make a laughable amount of money?
It's not bait judging by the number of your retards come here
Thats true, but opposed to other countries, dual education is mandated by the state, so that every youth is taken care of, so companies don't do it, because they necessarily need them, but because they are required to.
Because he makes more than in Poland and 20 other european countries?
that's mainly because rent is lower, and car insurance, otherwise it's even worse than here. High electric bills, stupid prices for used cars, and more expensive supermarkt. I once saw a chicken for sale at like 7 EUR ffs. Might depend on the bundesland though, Ba-Wü is supposed to be full of rich fucks
Yeah, maps made on pait won't change the facts.
GDP per capita of Germany: 41,000$
GDP per capita of California: 78,000$
GDP per capita of Switzerland: 81,000$
Can I repeat my question? Why anybody would want to move to Germany?
I get it that some 3rd world Turks and arabs see Germany as an improvement, but an European with tertriary education, with PhD would not want to move to some other place where he would essentially lower his own living standard and wasting time to learn some subpar language that isn't important
I would grant entry to 250000 pollacks into Britain if it meant that there would be 1/10th the Muslims.
Germany has literally the lowest food prices in Europe. Which is why our supermarkets are in all countries
Then move to USS, none keeps you, but its half way around the world.
And I doubt California is better.
Its mostly 3rd world immigration that is the problem
Come to Ireland. We have loads of toilets too
getting paid twice as much with comparable costs of living and working for a companies whose whole economic model isn't based on low wages isn't nothing. Also learning new things is not a waste of time you fucking dufus.
I'm not moving anywhere I just asked why anybody would want to go to Germany. Most of people go to Germany with sacrificing thier living standards coming to a less developed country as a form of adventure (like many of my collegues from the US)
I see no point of moving there other than that.
Too little GDP per capita.
Compared to Eastern Europe?
What the fuck are you talking about, Pavel?
Also if we assume he's a Pole that want to change his place of living (which is not true btw)
He would need to sacrifice his life to learn german just to make less money than in UK (at best the same or little more)
Do you think that's option for him? If I was on his place why would I want to be forced to learn a new language?
GDP per capita Poland 15,431$
You apply for citizenship here? They've pulled out the stops for you EU chaps, it's a tiny 32 page booklet to fill in and then you're British.
Or you fuck off back home, where really you should be going anyway, it's not like Poland is a massive shithole any more. Things have improved there since 2004 when our traitors came over to woo you with stories of high paid work.
Go long the market.
Cash has been sitting on tue sidelines way to long for it to go anywhere else.
Only problem im having is finding a highly leveraged inatrument to get on board with
you have to go back.
>negative interest rates
future doesn't boat well for you, hans.
And Germany GDP per capita is 41,000$ which is level of the 3rd world-like states of US. Aka the worst state Mississppi.
We have 2 million Poles in Germany, maybe you should ask them.
You autsitic fuck.
If someone comes from 3rd world Bosnia then maybe even Germany is an improvement.
I live in Warsaw, and only place I would want to move to (if ever) would be 1st world countries such as Switzerland, US, Canada, Netherlands, Scandis.
Germany is like wasting life for me. Also I wouldn't want to pay my taxes on enemy country.
Negative interest rates mean, we get paid to take on debt. How is that bad?
You are not my friend. The good Polish are still in Poland. We only ever got the trash. Gtfo off the planet
Actually 3178937198 billion. What a retard.
And what? It's still 3rd world tier level. Not even poverty stricken US states are so bad.
Thats good, noone was talking about you.
Germanys GDP per capita is still about three times as much.
So you essentally want to waste your time on learning a useless language and earning crap money instead of moving to a 1st world country? (if you don't like it here in poland)?
>Actually 3178937198 billion. What a retard.
What fucking stupid retard am I talking to?
The UK should take in as many Polish economic migrants as possible after not declaring war on the fucking USSR for invading Poland 2 weeks after Germany did
fuck Wielka Brytania and fuck Angloids
Let me guess, you enjoy your Job Seekers and watching Jeremy Kyle?
If germany is third world tier, then what is Poland with about 1/3 of Pay?
You fucking genius?
I'm talking to a German with GDP less than Mississippi thinking he's an option for someone to move to and live.
ahah stop trolling
I'm not talking about Poland. I'm talking about Germany, which is a poor country with very weak economy.
We have 2 million Poles here, so obviously it is an option? Maybe they have a skill, though, as opposed to you.
Whatever you say, Pavel.
Thats literally what it means.
Nice old memes, Jeremy Kyle was banned from TV for baiting it’s guests. Several suicides later and it’s gone
No you don't have. Stop fucking lying, this is becoming very annoying.
Glad we agree on the fact that nobody want to come to Germany besides 3rd worlders.
no it means you put money in a bank and they are gone in decade
You don't know that there are millions of Poles in Germany?
I don't have negative interest rates with my bank.
Esentially why Germany is so brown is because 90% of your immigrants are from 3rd world countries. German government once promoted large-scale migration to Germany and nobody from Europe was interested to move here so they took the impoverished Turks to come to Germany, and they were essentially the only one willing to move there.
Same with Arabs to which their shit huts are worse things than Germany.
But we're talking about people who live 1st world tier standards. Why would they want to essentially lower their living standards and be forced in new weird and culturally inferior enviroment with different language?
Cash in the Attic and Pointless it is then. Although the latter may be a bit highbrow for you.
There are very little of Poles in germany.
There are about 2 million Poles in Germany.