CALIFORNIA BTFO! Trump revokes California's authority to set stricter auto emissions rules

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EMP hardened Cummins for everyone!


What a big day today. Trump orders declass. IG Horowitz hearing. Ed Buck gets arrested. Now this. Trump attacking the Federal Reserve again. Netanyahu cancelled his trip to the United Nations. Kek.

Remember, whenever you see a lying conservative banging on about 'state rights' just bring up the removal of the California waiver.

California was working with a cartel of auto makers to push this through. DOJ is investigated 4 car companies for antitrust.

And your point is?

This has nothing to do with state's rights.

What’s wrong with more fuel efficient cars though?

Decreased demand for Permian oil or something?

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So you think that states should be able to determine their own emission standards or not?

Greta's gonna fuck his shit up.

No they shouldn't. Especially when the state is trying to use emission standards in conjunction with auto makers to fuck over consumers. California was granted a WAIVER to do this. The Federal Government is merely revoking that waiver that was given.

>What’s wrong with more fuel efficient cars though?
lithium wars

>What a big day today

I'll say. He is supposed to try fitting four jew cocks in his mouth later today, but I'm betting he only fits three.

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Netanyahu is losing so badly he had to cancel his trip to the United Nations. cope.

No since CO2 is a global problem.

Then you simply don't support state rights.

California is setting policy for the whole nation they have been doing it for decades. The car makers don't make cars for each state.

maybe we'll get lucky and they'll attempt to secede

Climate Change is a fucking hoax

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I’m going outside to run my two stoke motor cross bikes in celebration!


This law was taking away rights.


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pettiest shit i’ve seen in awhile.

No it's not. Whether the car makers follow Californian emission standards in other states or not is their choice.

Feinstein is seething

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What a retard. It's not a state's right when it affects the whole nation.

California was trampling over other state’s rights, you dipshit. Cars aren’t made for each individual. They would have to comply with California standards nationwide, which is California imposing it’s will on other states.

Not when the auto makers are working together as a cartel to all decide to make these cars. Pushing more expensive vehicles on the entire country because of California.

Interesting theory, so we should consume more gasoline because That way we’ll be less dependent on Chinese rare earths?

I just want us to stop getting cucked by the saudis, and maybe actually use all the LNG we flare off.

he's pushing them to secede and it'll be the coastal counties that do it

I wouldn't mind having a law like this that bans imports from countries that don't follow our emission rules or pay their employees our minimum wage.

You have to be 18+ to post on this site

California citizen here. We pay $4.80 a gallon, we're saving absolutely nothing at the pump

The jew wants to milk more money from you.

There is no legislation or law that prohibits auto makers from using different emission standards in other states. If you don't support states to set their own emission standards then you don't support state rights.

>saving millions at the pump
Listen you kike cunt, you want to save your constituents millions get rid of the CA gas taxes. Shut the fuck up, youre just scared shitless youre gonna get indicted.

Commies BTFO

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That's why 4 automakers are being investigated for antitrust. They all agreed to abide by CA's ridiculous rules.

4 companies agreeing to lower emissions of their vehicles has nothing to do with cartels, trusts or monopolies though. Absolutely nothing will come of that 'investigation', guaranteed.

Watch the companies hold to the agreement anyway given the political ramifications of pulling out at this point lol

>He doen't get his gas from costco

If you don't support states taking away your rights you don't support state rights?

KYS, memeflag lolbertarian

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>Trump further erodes the autonomy of statehood

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This is unequivocally cartel behavior.

Look at all these shills pretending like this is a state's rights issue. BIG WIN FOR TRUMP. Shills seething.

Exactly. If you only support state rights in areas that agree with your personal political opinions and not in others then you simply don't support state rights or you are a lying hypocrite. It is effectively an binary thing.

This is about eroding antitrust

If he's telling the state they can't govern themselves I don't see how that has a fucking thing to do with antitrust.

Preparation for when California is no longer part of the Union.

You can implement antitrust measures without removing the ability of states to set their own legal emission standards.

>ever unironically thinking commiefornia is on the right side of history

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People who are against gas tax are freeloaders. Why are you freeloading so much?

It doesn't. Donald Trump announced that he was going to order an antitrust investigation (which is just funny), and now the /ptg/ types are forced to work backwards to try to make sense of it.

Like segregation? Immigration policy ? Affirmative action ?

Glad we agree. It sounded like you were saying this was anti states rights, but since the emission law was removing state rights it's okay for the federal gov to override it, returning the rights back to the state.

They were trampling on other states, you tard.

Stop blaming this on Trump supporters. The only people who are against this antitrust are paid shills.

This action will give the federal government the precedent to set emission standards and impose them across the entire union in case of a future democratic government. I hope you realize this. It's a short-sighted and dumb move.

Either the greatest troll, or a lack of comprehension

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Couldn't Californians save a fortune at the pump if her husbands company actually finished that high speed rail project they've spent a few billion dollars on?

That fucking general is so embarrassing and retarded. I can't get over how they just type dog sounds. They communicate, literally, like wild animals sniffing their own assholes. It's fucking baffling.

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>four automakers make backroom deal among themselves
>nothing to do with antitrust

Taxation is theft, kike, and the CA tax levels are completly out of control. Audit the CA state govt.

Do you guys think all of Jow Forums is completely retarded or what? You think people don't see directly through you asshats?


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So do you think fagifornia is just the smartest state or something?

Just a normal jew and their disordered thinking

Why should a single state be able to pass laws that affect the rest of them? What California wants is not what the rest of the country wants or needs.

>Do you guys think all of Jow Forums is completely retarded or what? You think people don't see directly through you asshats?

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What Trump really needs to do is kick california out of republic entirely. Cut off their water. Cut off their electricity, and authorize lethal force against anyone attempt to leave or flee that putrid shithole of a state.

No one has actually clicked on it for years, i just assumed it was a botfarm.

>Why should a single state be able to pass laws that affect the rest of them?
Why should a state be able to pass their own regulations? Because it's a constitutional provision we had a fucking civil war over?

Declas was ordered a year ago.

California has prove for decades that it can't rule itself much less the entire country. Gas prices are ridiculous there, too, so it's hilarious hearing that old battle axe talking about saving Californians at the pump.

You're saying a state should be able to pass emissions restrictions that affect every other state?

>Jow Forums
>not completely retarded

Fuck California!

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That is so based

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>Netanyahu is losing so badly
I'm sure the 50 billion Trump has sent Israel since taking office will be able to wipe away his tears Trumpnigger.
You're either a Low IQ Boomer or a paid shill. Zero chance any sane voter supports ZOGnald in 2019 after his betrayals. Zero.

Kikes don’t get to comment on human countries. Shut up.

states' rights is code for killing minorities

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They can do that already. Cali was given this exception.

>tfw Prius driver

The southern states that wanted the ability to take away rights with "state rights" lost. Rights are affirmative. A restriction is not a right.

kikes built your internet

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The antitrust part is the agreement by automakers to not undercut each other. It is illegal because in a normal market, one of them decides to take advantage of the three going one way and releases a car that DOES not conform to the standards.

Sweet so no more clean air act now?

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What? This rule is as interstate commerce clause as it gets.

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Nope. All I'm saying is that elevating emission standards to a federal matter will come to haunt the republicans later. If they withdraw the ability single states to set their own emission standards then this inevitably will lead to federal emission standards, set and imposed by the federal government. It's a short-sighted and dumb move.

I'm more concerned with individual rights, and in the grand scheme, when states have rights, individuals don't. the federal government, despite its shortcomings, has done more to advance individual rights than any other entity in history.

Yeah but he stoped chem trails...

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go chew on felt

What happened to states rights? Republicans have no principles.
