When has the military ever defended our freedom?
When has the military ever defended our freedom?
By maintaining the machine oiled, tested and operational. The main asset of the US is its military might, without a doubt.
Based Poland.
Kind of. They've kept the dollar as the reserve currency of the world which ensures an easy life for Americans. Even if it's kiked to the max, life could be much worse for us.
Seeing troops at the border was very refreshing imo
Keeping the fight away from your soil.
Do you miss september 11 or something?
Why are they not shooting?
More like the military is the one instigating blowback with their interventions overseas, retard.
Oof thank god for the US military, without it them mighty Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba, North Korea, Iran would invade the USA on dinghies and take away muh freedom.
That actually is true, but wont be permament, and the more time passes, the more the USA depends on it. And it will hurt more and more when its over. chinese influence, especially in the third world, grows and one day they will replace Dollars with Yuan in some countries, they have most influence on. That will spark the next great crisis with unknown results.
Yes goy, America fights for "(((("""""((((((oil))))))))"""""))))"
The military defends the government
Not the people
Never ever has
That machine belongs to zog
Not us
>Tripoli, our first war, we protected Americans and Europeans by ending the longest and most brutal slave trade in history
>1812, stopped England from kidnapping foreigners to feeds its stupidly oversized navy (~200,000 sailors) - England resorts to kidnapping men from its own coastal towns from then on
>1840-1850s, freed settlers from oppressive new dictators, especially Santa Ana, rising up in the southwest in the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Spanish Empire
>1860s, prosecuted one of history's bloodiest civil wars to end forced labor
>20th century, took over England's role of preventing any one superpower from ending human freedom worldwide
>21st century, decide that "counterterrorism doesn't work" isn't good enough, replace maniacs like kissinger with effective maniacs like Bolton and Mad Dog
fuck right the fuck off
also this
Why is it always this flag? You're not even allowed to have an army
Not true in The Revolutionary War. The South in The Civil War.
>1840-1850s, freed settlers from oppressive new dictators, especially Santa Ana, rising up in the southwest in the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Spanish Empire
Maybe in Texas, but mostly you invaded mexican territory and settled it afterwards. Granted, mexico couldnt handle those territory but you liberated next to noone.
> 1860s, prosecuted one of history's bloodiest civil wars to end forced labor
In your own country, seeing that isnt worth economically too, on the long run. And you replaced it with segregation and limiting blacks to low pay jobs.
> 20th century, took over England's role of preventing any one superpower from ending human freedom worldwide
You didnt during WWI, Germany was close to collapse when you entered. You didnt in WWII, as germany was unbeatable for you without the soviets, as shown at the battle of the bulge.
To the cold war I will come in a moment.
>21st century, decide that "counterterrorism doesn't work" isn't good enough, replace maniacs like kissinger with effective maniacs like Bolton and Mad Dog
You are protecting your own interests as explained here Making sure you control oil prices, using it to enforce your will on whoever necessary. Allying yourself with Saudi Arabia, a country defending freedom as much as North Korea, shows how much you care about freedom. Same for the cold war, financing coups of south american dictators, bombing the Vietnamese civilians with napalm etc wasnt done to protect freedom. it was done to protect your sphere of influence, your interests, your buisness.
>Maybe in Texas, but mostly you invaded mexican territory and settled it afterwards
I can see you haven't studied Mexico's history, there was no Mexico, there was only Santa Anna's playground including many whites
Everybody in the southwest today of every race who is free is free because of us
2.5 First Empire and First Republic (1821–1846)
2.6 Second Republic and Second Empire (1846–1867)
2.7 Porfiriato (1876–1911)
2.8 Mexican Revolution (1910–1920)
2.9 Early-20th-century stability and one-party rule (1920–2000)
>In your own country
yes, we liberated Americans
>you replaced it with segregation
we're figuring it out, plus, implying this decreases the magnanimity of emancipation is dumb
>You didnt during WWI, Germany was close to collapse when you entered. You didnt in WWII, as germany was unbeatable for you without the soviets, as shown at the battle of the bulge.
Yes it was a world war you dumbfuck, I never said we did it alone. Say thank you or I'll let the soviets run loose in Berlin again
>You are protecting your own interests as explained here
Ok so we agree, the military defended the american interest by inventing effective counterterrorism. everything else is a question of scale, for example, I would give up less freedoms for patriot act-like bullshit given the choice. good convo friend.
>Making sure you control oil prices, using it to enforce your will on whoever necessary.
yep, taking over England's role of maintaining world trade at great cost. you're welcome
>Allying yourself with Saudi Arabia, a country defending freedom as much as North Korea, shows how much you care about freedom.
fuck the house of saud, but I'd ally with them again. learn about Iran and regional power balancing. A few saudi civilians pay the price for regional stability.
>protect your sphere of influence, your interests, your buisness
you stopped trying to say the military doesn't defend americans' freedom. you're 100% agreeing with me and it's hilarious.
Not in my lifetime
Anyone who signs up now is a mercenary who deserves what they get if they die
But that’s how women think.
>I killed 10 children who will never compete with or threaten mine.
Why was slavery unilaterally proclaimed against the law well after the outbreak of the civil war, and why were four northern states and New Orleans exempt from the Emancipation Proclamation?
By sending millions of shitskins in my country
>I can see you haven't studied Mexico's history, there was no Mexico, there was only Santa Anna's playground including many whites
Everybody in the southwest today of every race who is free is free because of us
It was still called Mexico. Since its independece. See Picture
And most of the territory was inhabited by natives, I dont think they are so gratefull for liberating them. I would ask them, but wait, they are gone. There were few mexican settlers and even fewer american. The conquest of those territories was opportunistic imperialism. Not liberation. As mexico couldnt do much about it.
> Yes it was a world war you dumbfuck, I never said we did it alone. Say thank you or I'll let the soviets run loose in Berlin again
You couldnt stop them back than even if you would like to. And today russia has no interest to do so.
> Ok so we agree, the military defended the american interest by inventing effective counterterrorism. everything else is a question of scale, for example, I would give up less freedoms for patriot act-like bullshit given the choice. good convo friend.
Protecting economic interest isnt same as protecting your freedom. You think 9/11 would happen if the USA wouldnt involve itself in the middle east? Or that NSA surveillance, thread of terrorism, and the spiral of violence would be necessary if you would leave the middle east after the gulf war?
>yep, taking over England's role of maintaining world trade at great cost. you're welcome
...At a great cost? Are you fucking serious? Without it China would pass you a long time ago. And no, the world wouldnt fall into chaos.
Also disclaimer. Protecting american interest doesnt mean protecting the common US american. You think he will see much from that oil money or american trade control? Why do you think the wealth gap rises so drasticly? Stopping all this wouldnt decrease the average quality of life, it would improve it, as you would focus on domestic problems. Only the top 1% would suffer.
> fuck the house of saud, but I'd ally with them again. learn about Iran and regional power balancing. A few saudi civilians pay the price for regional stability.
Because they allow you better control of prices and dont sell oit to china as much. In terms of treatment of its citizens, Saudi Arabia is worse than Iran. Iran just happened to nationalise its oil 40 years ago. Saudis didnt. Thats why Iran is the enemy and saudis arent. Iran fought ISIS, Saudis supported them. But well, thats unimportant I guess.
> you stopped trying to say the military doesn't defend americans' freedom. you're 100% agreeing with me and it's hilarious.
No, the american military isnt protecting american freedom. Its protecting american imperialism, the buisness and influence of your top corporations, benefiting a few, who happen to have their lobbyist in Washington. The common people see next to nothing from that "protecting of your freedom". Actually they suffer, as the USA arent focused on domestic problems, people get scared from those terrorists and fall victim to wallstreet paid populists, so the people can continue to support american buisness and imperialism.
revolutionary war
the last time was 1835.
Troops are pawns.
If you want to attack the military, attack the Pedo Pentagon.
>oy bey goyim give us more money or else 9-11, which we had nothing to do with, will happen EVERY DAY
>also remember the 6 billion
During the revolution, it wasn’t really a military though, more a guerilla army.
>send two ships
>take credit for ending Arab slave trade (which didn't end)
No. Envy does that.
Military is just there to remind governments that they should ere on the side of caution when it comes to Americans.
Oh god yes I love these threads. Mad amerimutt welfare queens always make my day
No. Americans fight for each other.
Politicians pimp them out for money, votes, and oil
War of 1812 and the 2nd Barbary War?
Not since the civil war. Back then our based leaders fought against the central bankers. Now they bow to them.
Because Yankees like to pretend they were the good guys rather then the tyrants.
Funny thing is, they hated niggers more then we did. They wanted them off the continent. We just wanted them controled.
The Yankees had a fucking point of wanting them off the continent
>implying that welfare queen ever set foot outside the wire, much less killed anyone.
>It was still called Mexico.
you may actually be too stupid for this conversation
a dictator's playground is not a sovereign state
the people who lived there, of all races, rebelled to restore their economic liberty which disappeared with the collapse of the spanish empire
>most of the territory was inhabited by natives
you know nothing about the southwest's demographic history
it's more miles of empty land than you can image
your people die in all our empty land
nobody cares what color your skin is, if you ranch formerly-useless land and a generation later some autocrat tell you to clear off, you shoot him
>I dont think they are so gratefull for liberating them
thinking someone would rather be conscripted by santa anna than become a free state, I don't have the words
>You couldnt stop them back than even if you would like to. And today russia has no interest to do so.
missing the point and answering as if the metaphor was literal
are you ditching primary school right now?
>Protecting economic interest isnt same as protecting your freedom
Germany, everybody
>You think 9/11 would happen if the USA wouldnt involve itself in the middle east?
arguing for less foreign intervention, I agree with you
but arguing that certain specific actions weren't taken to secure liberty and trade is just ignorant
>...At a great cost? Are you fucking serious?
we all know you guys don't pull your fair weight in NATO. but until Trump made a big deal of it nobody cared. You know why? Because you could exceed everyone's most optimistic spending targets and still have a military that looks like a canoe next to our aircraft carrier
our military spending burden involves numbers you can't conceive of
we have the biggest air force in the world and our navy has the second biggest air force in the world, just for starters
goddam you're one ignorant motherfucker
Andrew Jackson was the last good American President
>Protecting american interest doesnt mean protecting the common US american
I'm not a communist. I invest in stocks, own a business, and patronize many businesses throughout the day. My neighbors and I *are* american business. It's ok if you can't understand that, pinkos have smooth brains.
>a few, who happen to have their lobbyist in Washington
you can't see that our foreign policy is influenced by warmongering lobbyists and the peoples' interests at the same time.
you don't understand nuanced opinions like when I said I'd roll back the patriot act without scrapping the entire notion of counterterrorism.
you actually think things are this black and white. grow up, friend.
>The common people see next to nothing from that "protecting of your freedom"
cope harder US US US
>as the USA arent focused on domestic problems, people get scared from those terrorists and fall victim to wallstreet paid populists, so the people can continue to support american buisness and imperialism
I'd moderate the corporatism and imperialism a bit if I had my druthers, but this is pretty close to the ideal way to run a superpower. we just err too much on the side of security instead of freedom. no disagreement there. you're just a retarded extremist about it. let's chat in a libertarian thread, this right here is a thread about the US military and how it's done a pretty good job of protecting american and foreign freedoms since its inception. including corporations, which are fictional entities owned entirely by people.
seriously, just buy defense industry shares and stop bitching. now the defense industry is you. stop bitching, buy S&P-listed shares, now corporations are you. it's that fucking simple you dirty bolshevik,
>send two ships
the fact that it was that fucking easy just makes it more pathetic that you wouldn't help sweden get the job done
>take credit for ending Arab slave trade (which didn't end)
for centuries the arabs sailed all the way to Scandinavia taking slaves. now they need the cover of a civil war and help from Hillary Clinton to capture some subsaharans. an American should understand why we went to war in north africa while many of the hardcore minarchists and non-interventionists who wrote the constitution were still alive and in power
Truly. Abraham Lincoln tried with the government issued greenbacks and he didn't want to free slaves, but the bankers through France forced him into the war. Andrew Jackson was a true hero though
America didn't stop the arab slave trade
>you may actually be too stupid for this conversation
a dictator's playground is not a sovereign state
the people who lived there, of all races, rebelled to restore their economic liberty which disappeared with the collapse of the spanish empire
Are you retarted? You took over that mexican land, oficially owned by the first mexican Empire, settled mainly by natives, some mexican settlers, and very few american/nonlatinamercian.
>thinking someone would rather be conscripted by santa anna than become a free state, I don't have the words
Mexico was unable to contest texas independence, even attack the few hunderds american settlers in California, when they declared independece. The natives probably didnt even knew who is claiming their land. And most certainly no mexican dictator could conscript them by force. Mexico had little control that much north and was unable to defend it. You used the opportunity and annexed it.
> missing the point and answering as if the metaphor was literal
are you ditching primary school right now?
Sorry, you have to be more clear than. You know, if you think something, I dont know about that. Crazy I know.
> we have the biggest air force in the world and our navy has the second biggest air force in the world, just for starters
goddam you're one ignorant motherfucker
You claim you have that to protect NATO? from who? Russia with their old rusty soviet tanks? Syria? Maybe afghan invaders?
OR maybe to be able to show presence on the whole world, intimitade whoever necessary, have a leverage on China and Russia. Making sure noone steps out of line and threatens the US-Dollar.
Thank you thank you, I sorry that I doubted our glorious Lord protector of the Realm of Europe, Donald Trump.
>look you could buy malians in libya in 2016, this proves that arabs were still terrorizing the seas and raiding europe for massive numbers of white slaves in 1820
I hope your job doesn't using information to make decisions
>When has the military ever defended our freedom?
When we fucked the germcucks ovre at gleiwitz
Aren't you forgetting someone?
You got a problem with the military and who/where/why we fight?
Then go talk to our Political Leaders - they are ultimately the ones who send us.
Either you're just against the military in general and want to shit on us...
Or you're really that fucking ignorant and mis-place blame...
unfortunately that coal burner didn't get killed off in Iraq.
> I invest in stocks, own a business, and patronize many businesses throughout the day. My neighbors and I *are* american business. It's ok if you can't understand that, pinkos have smooth brains.
Not something most americans can say about themselfes. You can consider yourself lucky, especially clever. Or part of the problem. Depends, I dont know you.
> you can't see that our foreign policy is influenced by warmongering lobbyists and the peoples' interests at the same time.
you don't understand nuanced opinions like when I said I'd roll back the patriot act without scrapping the entire notion of counterterrorism.
you actually think things are this black and white. grow up, friend.
Nope, its almost exclusivly lobbyists. And brainwashed commoners. But no average american has any interest, 0, none, in a war with Iran for example.
> seriously, just buy defense industry shares and stop bitching. now the defense industry is you. stop bitching, buy S&P-listed shares, now corporations are you. it's that fucking simple you dirty bolshevik,
If you are able to buy enough to influence what they are doing, you are a part of the problem. 90% dont profit from stocks, shares and dont own their own company.
America had nothing to do with ending the arab slave trade, underage nigger
>implying Muslims would just leave us alone
because the us congressional military industrial complex is a kike tool to silence opposition, push (((their))) global agenda and to make israel the hand that rocks the cradle
Calvin Coolidge.
>You took over that mexican land
you're seriously respecting a single guy, Santa Anna, saying he owns shit as of a mere few years earlier, because he has an army of conscripts - over the will of the people who live on and work the land, who launched a revolution in the spirit of opportunity and self-determination?
you can me just don't share the same worldview, friend. If I could kill Santa Anna today I would.
>it was all natives
delusional, I tried to teach you about the demographic history. this isn't fucking ecuador we're talking about, it's white ranchers and spanish-african serfs, who mostly sided with the whites against the spanish-native serfs invading their ranches from the south. if you studied anything about plantation slavery vs. ranching vs. gold-stealing at different latitudes you'd know that.
>Mexico was unable to contest texas independence
to the benefit of its now free people of all races, the people who revolted. you keep conceding shit but position yourself as if there's still an argument, it's weird.
>The natives probably didnt even knew who is claiming their land
I think you're having trouble because every part of europe was some tribe's land from well before the romans started taking names.
the southwest is fucking empty. nomads and migrations and people displaced by war. a few anasazi ini the canyons, a few plains indians who got lost, and these guys already had their carve-out as sovereign nations. american ranchers were the first to actually settle. merely being in a place isn't settling or we would just use the word resident.
>be more clear
fine. just because I can't actually send soviets to berlin, which was a joke, doesn't mean we didn't prevent a hegemonic empire. which was the substantive point. just because the soviets helped in WWII doesn't change that. just because you were weak at the end of WWI doesn't change that because war and history are chaotic systems. anyway WWI wasn't really a liberation, but it was an instance of us taking over as global hegemon-blockers, which was my point several posts ago. I didn't say we helped germans, actually we helped ourselves by preventing a europe-wide empire from rising, which used to be britain's job. you won't get far with me trying to change the question when all our posts are linked and answered line-by-line like this.
>Thank you thank you, I sorry that I doubted our glorious Lord protector of the Realm of Europe, Donald Trump.
being facetious is simply exposing an indefensible position, that the world would be just as secure without any anti-hegemonic activity at all. again, we could have a really interesting time in a libertarian thread about exactly how much of this was necessary vs. how much went overboard. but you just sound silly, exagerating like this. you are transparently trying to reframe the question as "does imperialism have any downsides?" when that's clearly a motte-and-bailey, tangential to the question posed by OP: "When has the military ever defended our freedom?" the answer is all these times and we can all see you haven't refuted that post at all.
Oh boy. Another 20 year old man child who couldn't lose 60lbs to join the military. Fucking ingrate. Nek yerself.
>just gonna keep repeating incorrect stuff
this thread is about to disappear into the ether, if you're not expanding your mind I don't know why you're bothering to post
catch up on your education: en.wikipedia.org
>Not something most americans can say about themselfes.
that we patronize many businesses?
I get that it's popular to hate on big biz but anyone who thinks about it knows you don't need to own shares to benefit from companies' success. kroger's bottom line affects how much I pay to feed my kids. just because the connection is remarkably indirect doesn't mean it's not there.
>Nope, its almost exclusivly lobbyists. And brainwashed commoners. But no average american has any interest, 0, none, in a war with Iran for example.
I am trying very hard not to defend my argument at the cost of my actual values, so again I'll say I mostly agree with you, but it doesn't undermine my point in the slightest. lockheed martin has shareholders, here are some of the major ones
those shareholders have owners. it's a big stack of entities owning entities but eventually you get down to people who hold stocks directly or have them in 401ks
even our leftists mostly understand that corporations are people. euros literally don't understand this, you don't get that the actual owners of Aldi's and VW are a bunch of humans
>But no average american has any interest, 0, none, in a war with Iran for example.
buy shares in defense industry, change your mind
most people don't care enough to resist, that's find with me, that's democracy working.
for all the decades of "inevitability" we're still not at war with iran
>If you are able to buy enough to influence what they are doing, you are a part of the problem
and proudly so. We made some mistakes with Iran and Iraq, I'm glad we avoided Syria, but that's the cost of what's now been a good century of (relative) pax americana in the middle east. shit's complicated. that's why I keep saying the libertarian vs. neocon argument you're trying to host is too distracting for this thread.
>90% dont profit from stocks, shares and dont own their own company.
America is an amazing place where people kind of understand that their livelihood depends on their employer's and food suppliers' portfolios whether your own or not. in europe you are hostile to capitalism itself, not knowing that consumer livelihoods rise and fall with corporate performance.
>Mad amerimutt welfare queens
US niggers don't use the internet, much less a Serbian wood craft website. We hate the welfare state of the coloreds more than anyone.
forgot to put that " they were trying to kill me too tho"
gun control thread are up to distract from democratic donor arrest.
i think your premise is flawed. Freedom is a jew trick. Look at how free america is, we're free to fuck our buddies in the ass. free to let our women become debt slaves, free to have our children dance in drag for dollars. Fuck freedom. I'd rather live in a moral dictatorship than an immoral land of freedom.
Get fucked, rabbi
>you're seriously respecting a single guy, Santa Anna, saying he owns shit as of a mere few years earlier, because he has an army of conscripts - over the will of the people who live on and work the land, who launched a revolution in the spirit of opportunity and self-determination?
you can me just don't share the same worldview, friend. If I could kill Santa Anna today I would.
Easier, in those areas there were barely any people who would launch this revolt. Sure the US claimed, that it needed to protect them. But the true goal was to aquire land to settle with its ressources and weaken the potential rival of mexico, no matter who rules there.
> but it was an instance of us taking over as global hegemon-blockers
Now you are the global hegemons and there little we can do about that. And I dont like it, as you maybe realised. I am saying that more or less the whole time. Sure its in the interest of , the elites, its buisness, its military strenght,
the US government and maybe in a little amount the US commoners.
If you go back to The last time you truely, without doubt, protected your own freedom was 1812 (civil war doesnt really count). Hard to say how the 20. century would go with continued total US isolationalism during the world wars. WWI wouldnt change much. WWII is more difficult, as a soviet, or nazi dominated Europe would be a thread to US freedom. But how much you intented to prevent that and how much you decided to step in and take over the influence left over by britain to benefit yourself, hard to say. Everything after WWII was a powerstruggle for control, influence, econic benefits...
I feel like I’m watching Dresden get bombed all over again
They defended the freedom to cut your foreskin
Those mercenaries upon whom you wish death would place their bodies in between you and a foreign force trying to kill you or expel you from your home. Or failing that, would chase the crazy Muslim who killed you halfway around the world to make him pay for killing you in a terrorist attack. Those are the mercenaries you’re talking about
imagine being this stupid
> So tired of getting raided by Berber Pirates that you had to denounce the Christian religion just to sign the Treaty of Tripoli.
> Took over England's role of spreading subversive liberal progressivism to the whole world by force.
In all fairness, that's your government fault, not military.
U.S. military is God-tier and only envious hypocrites can hate them.
Inb4 hiroshima or agent orange. People are just jealous US military actually follows orders while other armies defect, surrender, and are generally useless.
The military defends their own freedom, Here's Why that's a Good Thing: Only those capable of defending their own freedom are worthy of it. You who are dependent on their benevolence, are beneath them. They don't owe you their freedom. They merely defend you out of their own honor, good-will and pity. Don't mistake this for them owing you anything.
> muh taxes
Your taxes are taken by force, you just pay them out of fear of punishment, not social contract. They don't give you a moral right to defense by those who are superior to you. They are warriors defending their own freedom by any means necessary including death. You can say it's just a paycheck to them, but don't mistake them for a simple wagecuck.
The fact that they choose the most dangerous job possible to earn a living means they are either really dumb and easily brainwashed, OR they have values higher than simple hedonistic goals: this gives me hope that somewhere inside their brainwashed liberal-mind, there is something more than the materialist bugman so common today. A higher man.
> But they fight for a corrupt system
I agree, and I think that's the reason so many are disillusioned with their service and some even go insane, because their (unconscious) higher values and warrior ethic aren't reflected by the country they serve and die for. They figure out the people that send them to die don't give a shit about them, the plebs back home don't give a shit about them, liberal-democratic society only cares about gibs. We are willing to offer veterans is a better share of those gibs, and some empty-handed praise, but nothing more, nothing meaningful.
I think soldiers are much happier fighting a spiritual war, one that's actually about values, an honest war where the wealthy benefactors aren't cowards and at least have the courtesy to be authentic about their motives for war.
to be fair muslim "children" are far from what is considered as children here at home
The U.S. revolutionary army was a bunch of leftist degenerate useful idiots and their Masonic capitalist overlords, it's downright blasphemy to compare them to the modern U.S. Armed Forces
OP has a only 1 brain cell or never took history, you decide
>blaming the military itself when it's ultimately jews pulling the strings in the Middle East wars
I love being in the USAF desu. I hit buttons. That's my job. I get paid 24hr to do it. Life is good.
The Barbary Wars. Only legitimate time.
>tfw you will NEVER be an arab slave trader sampling all the fine white pussy Allah brings you
feels bad man
>Those mercenaries upon whom you wish death would place their bodies in between you and a foreign force trying to kill you or expel you from your home.
Yes they're retards for doing this.
>Those are the mercenaries you’re talking about
Yes, as compared to regular mercenaries THESE mercs are REALLY that dumb.
>>The fact that they choose the most dangerous job possible to earn a living means they are either really dumb and easily brainwashe
>grunts are either dumb, brainwashed idiots or actually super smart warrior ethos philosopher kings
Lmao at thinking a woman could have that kd
long term it is making America better. Its ten less parasites that would no doubt leter try to feed off America or even attack it.
Hahaha. I can explain. Even dumb people know the path of least resistance for getting a job, that's why most of them are wagecucks working in retail/fast-food.
I'm not saying the average army grunt is consciously adopting the warrior-monk ethic, but at least in the higher levels of military, deep down inside their is an aristocratic ethos.
Just look at the Air Force, you definitely see elements of aristocratic society reminiscent of medieval knights. With many American generals you see obvious stoicism and hints of the philosopher King.
Most people would much rather trust a general to run the country than your average slime-ball politician or big businessman.
You have to get off your fat ass and get Democrats to accelerate their positions and become unelectable, and at the same time replace the Republican party with a populist one.
>The military defends their own freedom, Here's Why that's a Good Thing: Only those capable of defending their own freedom are worthy of it.
>heres why thats a good thing
>defending their own freedom
Odd, I seem to recall coming back home to a muslim nigger in the whitehouse and growing talk of gun control with, at the time, an explicit focus on getting guns out of the hands of veterans. I didn't defend a damned thing aside from my desire to get into combat.