Ethnic slurs against Brits?

Do they exist?

I'll start by making up some stupid low-tier shit for you to rate.

>crownkisser (possibly also Canadians, Australians, etc.)
>fishstick (my personal favorite so far)

My understanding is, most good slurs are nonsense words that have no other meaning other than being a slur (at least no other meaning that I'm aware of).
For example:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sounds more like a compliment.

Ive been browsing pol for almost a decade, so i know that kike is short for the yiddish kikel which means circle, which is what eastern european jews put on their immigration forms instead of Xs at ellis island because Xs looked like crosses

Attached: The cheeky swinger.jpg (720x1046, 123K)

Yeah, that's probably the dumbest one I came up with.
Possibly still useful in some contexts though.

Here's all the ones I've ever been called

>redcoat (mostly by Americans)
>tan (mostly by Irish people)

They don’t truly exist because there was never any need for them. Anglos designated them to everyone else. We are the default whites.

limey is probably the only semi legitimate one


"Perfidious Albion" is a historical example

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Yeah, that's another good one. I thought that was more of an Australian saying though

We call them rosbifs:

Attached: Roastbeef.jpg (950x713, 96K)


Lumpy masher


More complete list here:

Simply call them by their name, Mohammad

Attached: Untitled.png (744x141, 13K)

>fog nigger

Square heads.
Black bastards
Tea niggers.

Brits are immune to most slurs because chances are we'll just start using it on ourselves

This is exactly what happens when the left tries to insult the right.


neat. how long ago was that?

"Bong" was common some time ago

Jow Forums isn't even a decade old you lying scrub

> he thinks kike is just a gobbledigook word with no deeper historical context
> same user also has an irrational hatred for British people
Burger education everyone. And peak reddit, too.

That reminds me, I have a leftover burger in the fridge that I want to eat today.

>1 mention of bong/britbong
This thread made me realize that redditor tourists have assimilated Jow Forums

Just calling a Brit a Brit is enough to make them recoil

For the record, I'm not a reddit user, never have been.
Just a lowely newfag.

And secondly:
The more reddit tourists come over here, the more they get exposed to the redpill (as long as proper Jow Forumsacks don't abandon ship).

I've seen threads by legit reddit tourists explaining how they came here to laugh at racists and totally got redpilled in the process.

I guess the only real question is, does getting redpilled stop them from being a newfag.
And if my OP is any indication, I think the answer is definitely no. (been redpilled since ~2012)

I have one ,


>My understanding is, most good slurs are nonsense words that have no other meaning other than being a slur (at least no other meaning that I'm aware of).
>For example:

He doesn't know about the circles

Attached: 3fe.png (600x536, 253K)

>1 mention of bong/britbong
>This thread made me realize that redditor tourists have assimilated Jow Forums

Or, at the very least, have never been to brit/pol/

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fuk off

Austin Powers is the British N word


we can call them "queenys" cause dey love der queen day do!

Attached: GXWdZ4YVn.jpg (782x810, 146K)

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Kike comes from the yiddish word for circle, you retard.
All slurs have meaning.

I just call you Pakis.

actually I dont know many folk who like the royals.

we just call you niggers.....mutt

The bong is immunized from all dangers...

Limey is the only one I've heard, but I've always thought it was retarded considering the context is around Brits using limes on long voyages to stop scurvy.
Sounds high IQ to me.

This, it's funny as fuck

Also this, also funny as fuck

>yfw you brag about how you loved niggers so much you couldn't even move to a new continent with out bringing something along
Post teeth.

afaik limey and hun are the go to terms for the people, along with perfidious albion for the country

Well they're 3% of the population or something so why not hand them our entire country, it's what you did to Europe after WWII anyway :)

Not really a slur, since it's their preferred form of address, but the Eternal Anglo loves being called "EU citizen."

If you called a Brit a hun, they'd be very confused why you're calling them German.

Brit in general is one of the worst things you could call a human

>america handed your country away
>mfw when you're such a cuck your former colony sells you like an Englishman sells his daughter to a grooming gang

How is it going EU Citizen.

I know the Brits call Germans Huns but I've heard Irish call you guys Huns

They're referring to Protestant Christians.
Irish do it because (some) of them are Catholic.
It's a Catholic thing.

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ahhh I see

Teatard is pretty good

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Inbred island kike is a good one.

Why are Murifats so shit at banter?

Limey teasucking fogbreather

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Nothing makes me happier than pissing off Yanks in one thread only for them to make an entirely new thread in "revenge". Really illustrates how we exported all our low-IQ trash to that country.

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According to my Irish folk music Horseface is an acceptable slur, as well as tan or limey

What noone ever used sconefag?

>posts daily "le ebin 56%" threads after getting BTFO by burgers
>posts this
What do you know? The EU Citizen really does cry out in pain as he strikes.

Inselaffen / island monkeys was used in Germany.

Probably because curry is their national dish.

Unfortunately "sea ape" is already reserved for Puerto Ricans.

There's probably nothing you could say that would piss me off.
I haven't been annoyed by any fishsticks lately, so you probably have me confused with someone else.

(I wanted to try out "fishstick." Did it sound as good on paper as it sounded in my head?)

Did it sound really awful and unfunny in your head?

Don't forget Tongans, Hawaiians, Dark Australians ...

Yeah, kinda.

Then yes.

>Tea niggers

>>fishstick (my personal favorite so far)
i dont get it

I've been called



You guys eat tons of fish, it sounded really gay in my head.

I'm a filthy yank, and I made it up on the fly, so I can't guarantee quality humor.

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Oh wow that must really get their blood boiling. Faguette.

Now that I think about it, a "filthy yank" sounds like a masturbation session to lemon porn when you haven't showered in a week.


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>Toothpaste Dodger
>Monglo Saxon
>Brit Fag



After "Bong", the best I've heard on Jow Forums is "Nigel".
Obligatorily mention to Le Rosbif tho.

aww ew no you love em ew do!