What do?

Phase 1:
Women: we have voting rights now, now we normalize adultery and fornication, increase age of consent from the average 11-12 to 16-18 and call you pedophile for ever questioning this, allow no-fault divorce, let women run half-naked on the streets, install government handouts to mothers and single mothers
Elderly: we now have pensions, we stop working at 60-70 and won't have to rely on our children to support us, taxpayers will pay for us instead, that means we can treat our children like crap without the consiquences of being left alone on the streets, and with all the medicine we now live much longer, while retaining our voting rights and our property/capital, so we will influence politics and economy real hard, as through years we accumulate both wealth and political power, even though we no longer contribute to society and only parasitize, and are basically senile
Men: refuse to breed and form families, refuse to work and disconnect from their parents/grandparents, leave politics
Phase 2:
Women: we open borders and invite millions of wild animals from Africa, Middle East and Asia, they are poor and hungry so they will work for scraps, providing us with taxmoney, while we fuck the most handsome and rich men and turn into single mothers, we will also fuck immigrants and make interracial families and children, as immigrants are less demanding and will settle for our ugly old asses in exchange for citizenship/money/house/access to a white girl (that are better than shitskins)
Elderly: if you won't give us our pensions - immigrants will, we also quite like sitting at the top of the food chain with all of our accumulated wealth and power
Men: radicalize into right wing ideologies
Phase 3:
Women: create laws about extremism, racism and hate speech, jail most reactive RW groups, ban RWers from all the platforms on the Internet, fire and ostracize anyone who dares to speak against the left/feminism
Elderly: all in favor!
Men: sup /pol, what do?

Attached: feministants.jpg (1000x923, 480K)

>Revoke voting "rights"
>Segregate from boomers, cuckservatives and weak ass pussywhipped rightwingers
>Steal and plunder from the society that clearly is not yours anymore

Attached: 1516700498724.png (691x889, 1.11M)

Stop internalizing cuckspam, women do not support mass immigration out of some calculated effort to fuck foreigners

yeah sure
the data tells us otherwise

Attached: 1535043811493.jpg (1158x1000, 578K)

you don't have the power or any means to do that

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t. Incel

you are a pathetic cuck

Attached: 1559673710755.jpg (1024x852, 89K)

Had a great dream about living in a house with 11-12 year olds, gave my life meaning.

Im fuckin' shocked.

t. angry feminists

Attached: feminism.png (1447x623, 93K)

>pathetic cuck

Attached: 1421078221675.jpg (400x386, 103K)

what is there even about 7 year olds in OP post, canada
why are you so canadian, canada?

Attached: canada.png (884x728, 128K)

>Im not a pedo! Im an enpheeboheeblobibliophile!
Spare me, subhuman.

Phase 1: Read the Quran
Phase 2: Become Muslim
Phase 3: Find a Muslim wife
Phase 4: Have children

t. US Marine

Males ants only exist to reproduce and die. Ant colonies are already a feminist's wet dream. I don't know why this image has survived for so long.

Agreed with based Ivan who studdied pol well

I am not any sort of phile, you fucking degenerate, kek
whenever someone mentions the fact that age of consent was basically 11-12 all around the globe right until 20th century, and that it only changed when feminists gained power, there comes a screeching Canadian cuck and starts to autistically project his pedo fantasies
Age of consent was related to sexual maturity, i.e. the ability to get pregnant, and whether women were ready for marriage was decided upon whether they had menstruations or not. Females without mensturation are children, females with menstruation are biological adults, and age of consent is supposed to be whenever sexual maturity is achieved, that is 11-12, it always was at that mark and is supposed to be there in a healthy monogamous patriarchal society, end of story.
Increasing age of consent allows for premarital sex between underages (it is not illegal for them to fuck each other, so they do, because they want and there is no husband to stop them, by "they" I mean underage Chad and Stacy), and a non-virgin woman is as good as dead, she is trash and isn't worth anything, and men will either will have to turn into cucks and date those deflowered whores or men will stay single forever. This cannot be allowed.
And as adolescent girls aren't getting married and don't have husbands to put them in shape, they will get brainwashed in public schools, where feminist women will spread their feminist ideas to the younger generations of women. This cannot be allowed either.
High age of consenst is the means of creating a feminist cucked sluthouse of a society. It was never meant to be that high, and women certainly shouldn't have a say in it.
But (((you))) don't really care, you are just fatbaiting and shilling for (you)'s, as usual.

Attached: singlemother.webm (842x474, 2.99M)

Why would you kill ants in your garden? They are very useful

I love how you sandwiched your pedophilic fetish between the actually legitimate issues. Kill yourself scumbag.

okay, im not taking that bait anymore.

Attached: 123.jpg (538x718, 103K)