Should college athletes get paid?
Should college athletes get paid?
No? The NCAA should just not be allowed to profit. All revenue should be spent on schools
I didn’t mean to put a question mark after my No
this post
and the student athletes should not get special treatment or admissions preference
>shitty grades
>great athlete
>sorry no admittance
>spending of taxpayer/government funds isn’t politics/current events
California is about to pass a Fair Pay to Play Act that would outlaw the NCAA’s prohibition on paying student athletes. This is absolutely political.
Yes give them a stipend and disallow scholarships for athletes.
This. Let them directly try out for the pros if they can't get into college.
college is such a joke these days. many of the athletes are dumb as bricks and barely pass their retard majors
UNC made up an entire fake school for their basketball team lmao
Ban college sports. Sports have nothing to do with education. Ballplayers are then free to pursue minor league careers for pay while their chairs in basket weaving class are freed up for other useless degree seekers.
Require a minimum fitness test to graduate, disabled still required to have a minimum fitness for their disability.
>Should college athletes get paid?
There shouldn't be college sports.
You want to be fit in college, take a workout course.
In fact, a course that keeps you physically fit and in shape should be a requirement for every diploma.
>college athletes get paid?
The best football/basketball stars already are. The rest get free college.
IF the colleges are making huge profits off the athletes (which most are) I believe some form of compensation is due. Especially now that these athletes are forced to compete in college ball if they want to make it to the league. I would have no problem with them not getting paid if athletes could still go to the NFL and NBA straight from high school.
t. absolute retard who failed gym
Absolutely, just get rid of them being students and give the seats back to kids who would actually use the education.
They are. They got into college in spite of being low IQ niggers who don't warrant such a thing. If it wasn't for people's interest in their ability to run around with a ball they would be:
A. Selling drugs on the street corner in their own neighborhood
B. Working at Burger King
C. Sitting on their front porch drinking 40oz bottles of malt liquor and waiting for their free government gibs to roll in
Emphasis on A and C being the most likely scenarios. They should consider themselves extremely fortunate that fat retards are enthralled by their athletic prowess and like to live vicariously through their weekly games, otherwise they would just continue to be the gutter trash that they are.
Make the nfl find their own farm systems like baseball instead of pimping colleges for free player development.
College athletes shouldn't get paid.
The NCAA is a racket.
Colleges are a racket.
Sponsorships are a racket.
Sports companies are a racket.
Physical education classes should be required each semester to obtain a degree. However intercollegiate athletics serve absolutely no purpose beyond being a cash grab
Colleges are corporations now. They're not even selling an education anymore, they're selling an "experience" and kids are no longer students, they're clients.
University administrators are evaluated on one metric these days: retention (ie did you get the paying customer to come back)
Fuck no. There shouldn’t even be college athletes
How do we quell the goyim interest in sportsball? Big time demoralizer that needs to be eliminated.
They get free college from what I hear. That's what, 150-200 grand for 4 years? Seems like a great deal already.
Yup. I work at a university, they act woke outwardly, but they're Enron as fuck when the cameras aren't rolling. Shit's amazing.
They are being paid with an education and a platform to reach the NFL.
They get paid in free tuition, fuck off ungrateful coon
Admin is the single greatest cause of rising tuition. Every increase goes to hire more diversity officers or "community outreach" queers
A family member of mine works at a state school where there are entire departments dedicated to keeping the dumb nogs in college. They help college algebra, other tutoring, resolving issue with residence halls, conduct problems, but most importantly, making sure loan packages are up to date and submitted by deadlines. They know these kids can’t pass and graduate: the whole operation creates literal debt slaves for life, all because little shaquana promise grandma on her death bed she’d go to college.
And hire babysitters to keep the POC paying tuition via predatory loan practices
They already do/did/whatever. They get 1st class healthcare, access to performance enhancers, and sports "scholarships". Tell me, what's so "scholarly" about sports?
How would you explain all the shekels being poured into financial aid that's aimed toward these subhumans?
The American economy is a racket-based economy
They bankers known that they will be bailed out by the next democrat to win the White House. They don’t care. The universities are growing administrative staff because they know the people are eventually going to vote for free college ie free school FOR ALL through the 16th grade
They do get paid. Tuition, housing, food, medical treatment, travel, the list goes on.
Either eliminate college sports - at least in public universities- or else impose a 5 year moratorium on any college athlete who gets a scholarship or grant from being able to play professionally. Pro sports should not be using public universities as their free training and recruitment centers.
They are already overpaid.
Free tuition
Free housing
Free food
Free tutoring
Free whores