It’s hilarious how docile and cucked you guys are

It’s hilarious how docile and cucked you guys are

>Libshit rams Trump supporters with car
>Brag about it on Twitter
>Scroll to the comments
> omg how can u be so hateful
>omg yeah because encouraging violence is sooo liberal riiiiggght

Lmao, the glownigger memes have turned you all into hand sitting cucks, begging for dialogue no matter what the left does

This is Shapiro’s brand of the Right Wing

Congrats kikes

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remember lads subscribe to pewdiepie

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Kikes will post slide threads to avoid a real thread like this


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It’s almost like they’re going to push for their cause irrespective of external optics or opinion

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Indeed, it's almost like an institutional imbalance of power downstream of the economic imperatives of the ruling elite is a better explanation for the social media observations you're making than "you're docile and cucked"

Heather Heyer deserved it.

It’s social engineering that can only be broken if called out, casting away the demons

You’re either with us or against us cuckberg

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What have you done OP?

>Why are conservatives, followers of an ideology that prides itself on letting the enemy fuck you and then reacting to getting fucked, such cucks who enjoy getting fucked?

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Lit the spark that will engulf the powerful enemies that stand to oppose us in a torrent of fire and death


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You did nothing but whine on the internet and try and incite violence to distract yourself from the fact youre an obese incel failure. Kys


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Don't interrupt when your enemy is making a mistake.

If your Jew Masters were not so afraid of right wing backlash, they would make this story world wide news, just like Unite The Right 2017. But that would crush the narrative of White Man = Bad, Everyone Else = Good.

The faggots didn't even get a single kill. Fucking losers.

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>attempted rage baiting
Oh this slide again.

Found the kike lel

Fuck off out of American threads, k thanks

Go find some eurocucks to comingle with, they share your passivity

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>If your enemy kills you, you win

*slow clap*

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it's scared kek

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Or they would keep the low intensity warfare going until public opinion shifts enough to make it more palatable

Which is why calling their bluff is the only recourse

You want to be given a secret? There is no such thing as a right wing in USA everything you see its only a facade.

>maybe if we tow the line the media will make us look like the good guys for once :DD

Fucking piece of shit kike

And yet, we’re the only Western country who’s brave patriots will fight back

The truth is the US is the last piece on the board, the rest of you are just here to watch

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>And yet, we’re the only Western country who’s brave patriots will fight back
You consider proud boys a homosexual group full with minorities and with optic cucks as fighting back.Well damn you are more deluded than I initially thought.

Well seeing as how they kveched for months about Charlottesville...

Keep thinking that :^)

Post your minority friends and your "training" sessions we both know what you people are really doing.You do know that you can just come out homosexuals are no longer hunted down.

That's right burger bitch. You're not so tough when not hiding behind your gay tough guy online avatar. We know you're all incel pieaces of shit and aren't intimidated. We will crush you, your hopes your dreams and your culture and you're gonna like it you bitch

What is exactly keeping US from having a civil war at this point?

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Fat, lazy normalfags

RIP Heather Heyer .
I wonder if this suspect will be treated the same as James Fields.

>Jow Forums is a miga board

fuck trump and fuck his miga mutts

Literally the Shapiro’s and Glenn Becks of the world

If we rose up in anger this nightmare would be over in weeks. Their survival relies on our passivity and there’s a lot of nervous kikes in this thread to prove it

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They're non-issue. Only 2% fought in the independence war.

You can’t find a single headline on twitter anymore kek

Every concern shill we keeps kvetching about the optics of retaliation needs a free helicopter ride

Dude we suck black cock way better than the liberals can. We really work the shaft and the balls. They're the KKK party bro we're the true progressives! Fuck racism and shit I love meeting this mind prison halfway everytime and telling myself I'm WOKE

The ability to eat and support a family.

Average person is 9 missed meals away from killing for food. They're about 30 missed meals away from cannibalism.

So long as the populace is kept fed and anesthetized with various trivial pursuits no civil war will happen.

We haven't hit our breaking point yet. We have God on our side. Keep it up tranny.

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So you're suggesting we should do what? Make violent threats on the internet?

That seems like a great way to get red flagged or watch listed glow nigger.

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The enemy is the entire court system, the entire media apparatus, 80% of elected officials domestic and abroad, social media CEOs, big pharma CEOs, NGOs, etc...

>For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.

>It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

>Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.

Did you know his grandmother was Christ?

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I would say this is a racist and hateful attack against trump supporters.

The only answer to incidents like this is exact same violence but hundredfold.

Some libshit injures 3 people? Ram some libshit rally with a stolen, modified car (metal skewers et cetera) then set on fire to get rid of evidence.

Some cuck hits a guy over the head with a bikelock? Find his address. Crack his skull open with a bludgeon. Sooner or later they'd be afraid to act.

It’s crazy how they’ve managed to insulate both sides with their kike logic to the point where it’s bleeding into Jow Forums

Pic related

Notice the constant lack of aggression or anger lol, every attack by the left will be laughed off by the mild mannered conservacuck :^)

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>some right wing autist spergs in to a few lib protestors
>lib uproar
>lib autist spergs in to a few trumptards
>lib praise

How typical.

Fuck both of you though to be honest, you're all retards and I just enjoy watching the show.


It dies seem to be the case that rightwingers are under the impression that you can't discuss violence while the left has no problem with it.
They seem to be correct because they aren't getting in trouble.

>t. angry preacher with no balls
Awwbbloooblboobobo do as I say do say I say, while I do the opposite or even nothing at all!

Yet another spineless COCK SUCKER. You aren't clever, special, unique, funny or interesting. Just another bitch made NIGGER LOVER.

wew time for a nap


It boils down to calling their bluff
They can only win if they maintain the perception of the silent majority. Once that curtain is shattered, this hell will have reached the beginning of its end.

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>say anything remotely aggressive from a right-wing standpoint
>account suspended, put on red flag watchlist
Gee i wonder why they aren't calling for the genocide of liberals on social media.

What is the point of this thread?

Cry about it you fucking faggot. Whenever there is a white supremacist mass shooting there are threads popping up left and right all about praising the mass shooter. Kill yourself you hypocritical twatwaffle

It’s the basic blueprint of their entire Modus Operandus

Keep the Whites of the country passive until public opinion shifts past the point of no return.

If we don’t stop it, nobody will

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Fuck off back to whatever gutter you crawled out you fucking disgusting faggot.

Yes after 150+ years of absolute cuckoldry the docile amerimutts are finally going to fight back. Really. This time for sure. 1776 incoming. Any day now. Just you wait. We really mean it this time.

But not on Twitter or allowed sites, you get banned.
Let's see if these people will get banned.

Seeething Kike

Ha ha

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Could you glow any harder? Honestly you worthless fucks need to step up your game, god damn amateurs. You're pathetic.

The bread and circus.

>over in weeks

Nah. Like any civil war it'd spin out into a years and years long cycle of bitter hatred and bloodshed except a civil war in the USA would put all of western civilization out of plumb.

Civil war? Yes?

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>It’s hilarious how docile and cucked you guys are
What is the proper response then?


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>being so new that you put subject title in name field

Be angry. We don’t have to seek middle ground with the enemy.