>An organization representing Jewish communities in Europe are demanding the removal of a “racist and humiliating” depiction of Jews as having large hooked noses from an online dictionary of Flemish sign language.
Petition to replace it with hand rubbing and smiling
no rubbing hands? sloppy job mossad.
How is it racist if it is true?
>implying only kikes have hooked noses
jews are a disgusting pest
they should be slaves
>implying glowniggers know anything about thumbnails
> According to the dictionary, there are three ways to sign the word “Jew”. The term can be represented by stroking over the chin – an action used in British sign language – or by displaying pipe curls with the fingers or gesturing with the finger over the nose.
Wow Deaf people are based
labor isn't our forte, but if you need your taxes done, give us a call.
>t. Semitic ant hill dweller
Flash News: you're the slave burger
It's amazing how you can't tell the truth about Jews without them exploding with rage. They must be evil down to the bone for them to hate being identified so much.
Sorry :(
>It's amazing how you can't tell the truth about Jews without them exploding with laughter.
ftfy. no, seriously, we love the whole schtick about us secretly running the world, it benefits us like the big dick myth benefits black guys.
When I say slavery, you say jews did it.
yes, we were slaves, we did all the work
Hook noses for ants.
Every human is a slave to time.
is Belgium waking up?
The year before that they were used as crusaders so It was not to mock jews but just recycling.
The text in Dutch translated:
The head with the so-called jewish nose (right) was previous year already used as a crusader
They've always been pretty woke. pic related
From Brussels.
He's well known in certain circles and yeah, he has quite some history
let's say that in your .gif he was still behaving himself
>tfw you'll never have the honour to vote hime
Are jews gaslighting everyone when they get butthurt over acknowledgement of their phenotype? As if they DON'T have hook noses, beady eyes, and covetous natures. Please, the heebs know what they are.
europe sucks, i hope the brown hordes destroy belgium
Rollan for 1
Not bad
why do they look like morrocans.
i really think majority of andalusia stayed there and mixed with the christian invaders.
Im using it. Fuck kikes
But it won't make much sense for newer generations that won't see that kind of Jew ever again.
>inb4 4-5
FUCK, reroll
digits looks scary
get rekt aake
i thougt we wer frens, ivan
oh we are
i dont even know why you rolling such great offer
gud :DD phew
i roll because that's what you do on 4chins
nice try rabbi
If jews are a race, then judaism is racist, cunts can't have it both ways.
Second to bottem right is creepy
sanpaku eyes
they don't man... its been debunked million times here.
its just that the meds skin gets darker in summer.