Women should be taught not to fear rape

Society teaches women that their modesty and chastity is their most important asset, that they have no value other than what they can get in return for the hole between their legs. This is very condescending to women. Women are more than just sex objects. And they shouldn't just view sex as a transaction where they must under all circumstances get something worth their vagina. If society stops programming girls from birth to be terrified by it, and instead teach them that rape is just a meaningless few minutes of sex, women would be able to get on with their lives and be much more productive. In fact with a good upbringing we might teach that rape can be enjoyable. Do you agree?

Attached: rape.jpg (727x677, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Fuck u

Shut your ass up you flithy sandnigger, you wouldnt say this shit if you were female - research about vaginismus in shithole countries like yours.

Don't they already assume rape as normal in Lebanon? Don't think it does the country any good

On thé contrary. All men are happy here. Nobody is denied his right to sexual fulfilment.

>According to Iran's civil code, the legal age of marriage is 13 for girls and 15 for boys, and girls below 13 and boys below 15 can be married with the consent of their father
Almost 30% of marriages are with girls under the age of 13

I do appreciate the amount of effort you put into making your picture.

>teach them that rape is just a meaningless few minutes of sex
I'd rather teach them to have rape fantasies.

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Thank you

Welcome to nigger philosophy 101

Baby steps. First we much teach them not to fear rape. Then we teach them how to relax and enjoy it. A penis is a wonderful thing that can bring great pleasure to a woman when inside her, it's just the culture that doesn't allow women to express their sexuality.

That must be why Lebanon is such an advanced society, regularly outpacing its global competitors in science, art, and economic output.

Attached: Lebanese doctor.jpg (202x249, 11K)

Friendly reminder that if you talk/act this way anywhere other than your computer desk you will get killed

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But look at the smile on his face. He's getting all the pussy he wants, and he doesn't have be handsome popular and rich. Being happy is better than being advanced.

Thank you for this prime example of sandnigger thinking.

We are not cucks like you. Here was can disagree with m'lady without getting lynched.

Stupid roastie


He ripped it off from the old pro rape reddit page.

Unoriginal fucking faggot show your real flag.

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Women have never been traumatized by rape. Killing rapists is about maintaining a pool of virgins suitable for marriage to men. Now that women are all whores, rape should be treated the same as any other mild physical assault.

I'm the OP in that Reddit page. u/ActiveShitter

Can any anons help me out, I've been thinking about fucking my mother in law for over two years now. I've decided I'm going to move forward with making it happen, however it's yet to be decided how to make this happen. Should I be a gentleman and work towards it with a slow boil and charm her, she's already interested and compliments my body regularly. Or do I barge into her room, our guest room, and force myself on her? I could put her wrists in a double column tie and gag her so I can try to reason with her and let her see why it's a good idea. user's please help, I might catch a charge but I'm willing to bet she'd be all for it.

Don't care what you say. Just know there's a white devil out there that would love to blow your brains out

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how do you expect anyone to take you seriously you absolute waste

It shouldn't even be called physical assault. Physical assault can leave permanent scars and broken bones, even disability. Rape is just a few minutes of sex, the biggest punishment should be a small fine. I don't understand these bitches they know most men are sexually frustrated and that it would make all men so happy to get free sex on demand. Perhaps they're against rape just out of sadism, cause they like to see men suffer.

You probably a bitter roastie who knows she's too ugly for anyone to rape her

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completely agree. u couldn't be more right

Thank you. Finally someone with common sense!

Glad there is still some White men with a spine and some decency left in the kike infested cisspit that is the US.

rape is privilege after all.

I found this humorous

Attached: iridium_2019-09-18_09-48-13.png (1253x312, 83K)

Spamming every thread with this copypasta.

Do you really want to make rape socially acceptable in a society with shitskins and niggers, you utter faggot?

The more you worship women the more they abuse you and walk all over you. This is the reason white women are the most misandric entitled cunts on the planet. White men are almost biologically programmed to view themselves as disposable mules who live only for the welfare of women.

Yes. All men of ALL RACES have a right to sex.

You are a fucking moron.
No one is entitled to sex.
You have to work for it.
It's how an ordered society works.

It's not fair. Some men work for it all their lives and still don't get sex. Why should they be denied just because women said so?

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Unlike you disgusting incel misogynists at least they are real men cause they respect women.

>t. low test beta faggot
no wonder your country is getting raped by the jews. kek

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pic related, how's this work into the equation.

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absolutely based

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>Society teaches women that their modesty and chastity is their most important asset

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Woman need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Woman enjoy rape. Dont let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and dont know their own minds. Woman want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Woman have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that woman who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as opposed to woman who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Woman who are raped often have orgasms as well - some woman have never had an orgasm in their lives save for rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programmed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without woman becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern woman. These feminists desperately want to be put in their place. Thats why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Wether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until the cant stand up. This is what woman really want. I say we give it to them

How are they getting raped by your handout taking parasitic kind.
A couple of hundreds Hezbollah stopped your little invasion and forced you to beg your sugar daddy for more handout missiles.

Great argument and contribution, rabbi

It's not about fairness, retard.
It's about creating an enviroment in which men are forced to compete with another in order to gain female acceptance.

You're a fucking tranny jerking off to self-made "misogyny porn" roleplay.

Back to tumblr. Oh wait, they banned this disgusting shit on tumblr! Guess you got nowhere else to go but discord, huh faggot?

Some girls have tighter vaginas than others and are physically hurt by rape. My dick is big enough that if I were to just thrust hard into my GF and not ease into sex she would bleed. I can also reach her cervix, so with a smaller girl could actually damage her cervix if I just slammed in balls deep. There are also fucking STDs which could effect the person for the rest of their life.

If you ever have sex these are things that you actually think about. You at least at some point have to think about the potentially bad things associated with having sex when you're in the situation to potentially have it instead of just thinking about how much you just want to finally stick your penis in a vagina.

The only people that think like you are the stereotypical Jow Forums incels and niggers.

Actually I think they're just plain evil and get a sadistic glee out of men's suffering.

Well I say screw competing with each other over women. Bros before hoes. Sex should be distributed equally among all men regardless of what these bitches think about it.

That settles it then. Women with tight vaginas should be forced to wear a badge that says so. That way men with big dicks know to avoid them and men with small dicks know they are perfect for raping.

They aren't afraid of the sex you dumb mongrel. They're afraid of the sexually transmitted diseases your rotting cock most likely carries, they're afraid of becoming pregnant with an unwanted child that will have weak, inferior genes you carry, and they're disgusted by your looks and smell.

So it's not the sex. It's you.

Faggot incel.

I mean this sounds good in theory but fact is, their vaginas are the only thing of value they have and venerial disease is not good. The problem is that women have been able to commodify their vaginas because they have the notion that they own their own bodies, and not the most powerful man in their life, which should be the owner

actual incel desu. have sex ugly sand nigger faggot

because they are usually assaulted by monkey brain sand niggers like you in the process. also the vagina can suffer physical trauma. I’m sorry you can’t have sex without raping

>My dick is big

Attached: doubt.jpg (326x501, 131K)

Hopefully you will choke on a stuffed vine leaves in Minecraft soon, saving the world of Minecraft from hearing more of your idiotic thoughts.

this, based, redpilled, and /thread

rape should be like tickling, sure maybe you don't want to be tickled, but it'll be over soon then you'll just go back to your life so shut the fuck up bitch

What they said


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ايري فيك
Wonder how you'd feel if your mom/sister/gf/wife got raped.

Thank you. I think this is the sickest thread I’ve ever seen on Jow Forums and that’s saying it’s really sick. I don’t know why the mods would let this one stay. Pro-Rape is not the designation 4-Chan needs right now.

Does rape ever even actually happen? How can we know for certain that they all just don't lie about it?

Whenever I tell people I have Lebanese ancestry, I try to make them see that they aren’t savage, backwards mudslimes and are actually an evolved people, but I guess that’s going to be harder to do now.


You ever seen my mother? I'm not sure anyone would rape her, even for a million dollars.

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When will you roasties gtfo Jow Forums already? Nobody wants you here. Cunt. You're only anti-rape cause you don't want ugly men to get sex.

they can visit prostitutes and fuck their wife

Good point. I never thought of that.

You sorta have a point.
Rape happens everywhere in ever species.
Only in humans is it considered a life ruining event where the girl is iredeemably destroyed.
Look at that teen girl that got "euthanized" because she was raped about 10 years before, iirc she wasnt even 18 when (((doctors))) executed her.
Why are girls taught that they are so damaged by rape? Same for men. Also why is rape on a man considered funny but raping a girl in the ass is a high crime?

Equal rights man

OP needs to be raped by a black mamba.

I’m sure we can get you to like it. Next time, you’ll beg for nails in a bat.

only m*slim and nigger women should be raped tho
starting with your mum, faggot

I still have no idea. How the fuck do you hold an unwilling woman down, get hard, and bang her? How does she not get away? I still don’t get it.

you should kill yourself you cancerous retard

Ok rabbi then you have nothing against me filling your daughter with white male semen

What if somebody raped you? It’s just a few seconds bro don’t worry

Since it’s so beautiful why don’t you want to be raped? It’s just a penis

Rape can give you STDS you fucking nonce. You wanna give a girl AIDS just so you can have 3 minutes of pleasure?

The biggest incel on the chanz

yeah komrade seize the means of profucktion!

kill yourself, sandnigger.

They did produce Kahlil Gibran, to be fair, and he was pretty badass. But wait...

...born 1883, emigrated to the US in 1885. Nah, nevermind, we had him since he was 2, we get to claim credit for him. Fuck Lebanon.

Thank allah for goats then, amirite?

>I'd rather teach them to have rape fantasies

They already do. Women are why ultra violent porn exists