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Buy a Tesla then, faggot. I'll keep my 1200 HP Corvette.

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Fuck Commiefornia

>1200HP only
Gay confirmed

Hahaha fuck CARB and goodbye "49 state" legal mods.

this is actually insane
if Trump knew how bad the air in California is, he wouldn't do this

California should just slap a 50% tax on all automobiles to make up for it
the air in California is shit
too many drivers
not enough non-personal transit options

All of this would come much easier if he'd just release whatever info he has to support the claim that man made climate change is a scam. Also, if auto emissions aren't as pollutant as they are claimed to be, then removing every single emissions reduction system, along with fuels made with ethanol, would be greatly appreciated.

Choke on it CA...CHOKE!

He won't because there isn't any. This won't make cars cheaper. Only our air will lower in quality
So much for being a fucking Republican what happened to states rights
Fuck Trumbo that fucking jew

California has the strictest auto emissions standards in the country. You sound like a communist faggot trying Ad more taxes like a kike. When a state is the most populated and more drivers than any other state the air will be worse
Common sense retard

It's part of his "gas the kikes" initiative.

Check out Tony Heller on YouTube. Climate change "science" is just the art of cherry picked data. I used to believe it too.

What Fucking rednek white-nigger monkey cuck , clearly unable to understand the implications of this decision and can't grasp basic science

No it's not. Fuck off. Find another manufactured crisis to dismantle the Bill of Rights

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The emissions laws in California are making things worse. They’re the reason you can’t buy small trucks anymore, only giant suv’s.

a tesla could smoke a lamborghini, let alone your....chevy.

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Explain how this is a bad thing, DemocRAT shill. Do you not want us to beat China? Ofcourse you don't. You're in kahoots with em.

That's the source,

>too many drivers
>not enough non-personal transit options
Maybe you could stop throwing extra taxes on operating a "gas guzzling" bus, because you would have 20 to 30 less "fuel efficient" cars on the road for each one.

Cali libs btfo

How in the fuck reducing air pollution makes things worse ?

Please fucking learn to read. He is saying that the regulations are making things worse, not that reducing air pollution, makes things worse.


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they could try collector and express lanes like toronto...and enforcing the fucking tailgating laws

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>not enough non-personal transit options

The Feds gave you a trillion dollars for a SF-LA train and all they did was line Nancy P & Tom Steyer's pockets with it.

Hey idiot are you trying to beat China when comes how bad is the quality of air.

The emission laws in California are a joke. They do nothing to clean air pollution. It's just a money scam for the DMV

my chevy corvette will decimate your tesla. Want to turn that tesla? You will lose, will your tesla last 300,000 miles? Nope the LS is better than your trash in every way. 28mpg, can go 300miles no problem and can smoke any car you have. Oh your torque will win a 1/8th stretch but Ill smoke it after that. Electrics win 1/8ths they dont win 1/4ths.

If that's what it takes to beat China, then so be it. But China and Communism cannot be allowed to win.

>1 post by this ID cowardly faggot

Fact: There are more chinks in china than bees in china.

Trump wins again! Trump 2020!

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Mexico dumps raw sewage into the Pacific. It often causes the closure of socal beaches. They are a failure of a people.

just don't buy stupid cars and if you do modify them to be more efficient. upgrading your car like a street racer actually can improve efficiency if you don't drive initial d

Unfortunately, california's major road systems are already shit as is without adding a play-along-to-win system that further inconveniences the majority of its drivers.

The primary issue is more due to the fact that socal is a moderately habitable region that is simply unable to support as many people as the true fertile regions that historic cities tend to be built on.

Hey punk the regulations exist to minimise emissions and try to maintain the quality of air. Think before writing another dumb shit

What an obtuse reply from a fucking faggot. You are the dumbest poster on this board bar none, give a better supporting argument for your trashheap car that noone wants to buy instead of sayin "ELECTRIC IS GOOD". Nice fucking throttle pedal assembly btw. I see its made out of fucking PLASTIC.

>the regulations exist to minimise emissions
No, they exist to sell more SUVs that get special exemptions from regulations that other truck lines must follow.

Are you 5 years old? Damn... your level of pure stupidity is amazing

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i have no financial incentive to win this argument

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If you really believe this you should do the world a favor and kys.

don’t forget the Paris accord, the money just goes back into the governments pockets. Trump knew this it was fucking us over and funding the euro zone with illegal cash.

You are a colossal faggot, aren't you. Tell me, what's a Tesla's KW output? Now convert that to horsepower...

Neither do I, I point out stupidity when I see it like yours. Hey since you want to post things about kikes, Ill let you know something. Finances? Kikes bankrupted in america in 1933 and owned democrats since 1880. Not only that, they have completely created a fake currency after seizing gold and even putting their masonic shit all over it. You and I both know this, after all you are a fellow goy like me who investigates the truth arent you?

To be fair a 3rd of California's pollution is actually dirty air from China drifting to California.

my sides!


If SUVs happen to have a better and less polluting exhaustion system its good for the planet and good for the state. So i dont see your point.

>not enough non-personal transit options
This, if California really cared about air quality they would improve public transit

The fact that they can dictate policy to the rest of the states just because of their size is horseshit. I hope this is a precedent for that ending.

Also checked.

Oh so you aren't a goy like me? Whats the only thing that isn't a goy? A kike. Oh man, Id give up schlomo if I were you. You outed yourself here.

with a pit stop over Japan to pick up some radiation

Trucks are exempt from CARB you fuckwit

When are they going to prove that global warming, I mean man made global warming, I mean man made climate change is real?

like you're going to do anything, faggot. go ahead, give me an excuse to get you red flagged.

"muh dick" is a perfectly acceptable response to an initial "muh dick".

>knew how bad the air in California is,
I live here and thats a huge lie

>leftists will constantly come to Jow Forums to post shit that no one fucking cares about

Gas the californians

Alot older than that, commie.

All California has to do is tax the shit out of gasoline cars. To save the polar bears.

Choke on it.

California is not its own country, it cannot make its own laws because they are high off their own farts.

Fuck California. Worst place to own a car. I used to live in LA and they don't let you tune your car even slightly. It's bullshit. We should move all of our most polluting manufacturing to California and turn it into a Shenzhen clone.

Electric motors don't have the drawbacks that gas powered vehicles have for acceleration?

Go ahead kike, Im waiting for you.

You know what would really help California's air? Deporting millions of the non Americans illegally present.

you'll be waiting a long time. i didn't work all my life so i could venture into hicksville. the black mold from your manufactured houses alone might kill me.

Holy fuck finally. No more retarded smogging checks

Oh god no! this!!!! Does Trump not get that if he does this California will vote Democrat? >_

Teslas do funny things to people's brains.

They're adored by faggot libruhls who can't afford a nice mountain bike, let alone a $80k car. The same people who, for decades, told us "a car is only used to get from point A to point B", "you don't need that much power, you must be compensating", and "American cars can't turn."

Now that Tesla puts out a quick gimickey car, they won't shut up about it, despite failing all of the prerequisites like "having the range to go from A to B", and not being able to turn worth a damn (inb4 muh low center of gravity).

Teslas are garbage cars with cheap, shoddily assembled interiors. I'm not impressed that an AWD electric motor can beat a gas engine off the line. In most realities we wouldn't dare compare an AWD car to RWD.

All of these fanbois do the bare minimum research and spout the same nonsense over and over. "Instant torque at any speed" (not true, electric motors lose power as they spool up. At freeway speeds they're turning 22k RPM), 800lb/ft torque off the line (not true, no car, even AWD, can apply that power to the ground without breaking traction), etc.

I don't get how Tesla is allowed to rate their car by combining the power of both the front/rear motor. A 300hp front motor, and 400hp rear motor means you are only effectively putting down 400hp.

I could go on all day about the Tesla owners and their "quirky" license plates that I see nonstop in the bay area. I used to own a Z06 and currently own a 392, and putting them in their place on the freeway is the best part of my commute. If I have to hear one more time about some dumb easter egg that can make their car do a light show, or how they can enter "lightspeed" on the screen, I am going to lose it.

There are faster cars. There are more beautiful cars. There are cars made with better materials. There are cars with better sound systems. There are cars with better "autopilot" features.

Fuck your big battery powered coughdrop.

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Then you'll have a tough time "red flagging" anyone. Empty words and empty threats. You lack aether.

its 2019, the air problem in CA was solved 30 years ago with Catalytic Converters, EGR, EFI, and unleaded gasoline.

everything else we do is expressly to increase costs and make cars unaffordable for the poor.

Fuck California which wants to destroy the industry and collect all those fat fines because they're a broke ass state.
>inb4 B-but banning high gas emitters doesn't harm anyone
Yeah tell that to the people who get killed in car accidents because they bought a smart car.

Tell me that a 100hp clown car is more fuel efficient than a v6 or baby v8 when you have to give it 40 seconds of full throttle to reach and maintain freeway speeds.

California is a terrible place to live. I would never recommend it to anyone.

Makes auto industry more competitive. Very smart move.
EU is cucking their auto industry with bs electrical crap > increased global price > lower sales

Moved here for work. Been here for 2, 1 more to go.

I live in SF. Miserable people, but great food and things to do. Chicks are easy to pick up, surprisingly so if youre a conservative.

>surprisingly so if youre a conservative

That's because you're exotic.

>Makes auto industry more competitive.
There are 1.4 billion cars on the road.
The auto industry can calm the fuck down, desu. I like cars as much as the next guy, but government attempts at funnelling more resources into a zombie of an industry isnt a good thing
I hate obama for bailing out american manufacturers. They made idiotic cancer-tier growth-for-the-sake-of-growth decisions and our tax money paid for it when it flopped

air pollution levels are still too high

Good, now if we could relax the CAFE standards maybe we could get back to affordable automobiles....

This, my 300 hp lincoln mark viii gets better mpg than my 4cyl infiniti....

You'd have to drive a whole fucking lot before an electric car is cleaner than a regular one.

lol I'm sure cars are the reason why China's atmosphere is completely fucked

CA emission compliant vehicles drive like shit.

Can't vote democrat if you can't breathe.

Why does this read like a shill post?