Kitörés 60

Ausbruch 60 in 6 months, lads.
I hope you're ready. Can't wait to meet with the German frens again.

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What's happening?

A commemoration of the German-Hungarian breakout attempt from Buda castle during the siege of Budapest in 1945.

What this user said.
This German dude made a pretty good video about it:
Too bad I barely understand the language.

Ah. Very nice. That would be a good reason to make a trip to Budapest again. Haven't been for years.

Imagine invading a country and then being butthurt about it 75 years later because they defended themselves.

Operation Barbarossa was a preemptive attack. The Soviets started transporting their Far Eastern armies to the European borders.

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I think you are completely misunderstanding the situation.


You're a Slavic-Asiatic mutt, you don't even belong in Europe. You're more closely suited to live on the steppe.

>Said the viKANG who raided European towns like an animal until got btfo'd, then went back to his frosty peninsula with a bloody nose, only to get constantly btfo'd by Germany again and again until he got German territories for literally nothing from the Entente.
You belong to the bottom of the Baltic Ocean

Asiatic cope, even if you had won ww2 the Germans would sooner or later remove you because they had a distain for Asiatics.

Sea. Baltic Sea.
I'm losing IQ points from this retarded Dane.

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Next you're going to tell me the Holomeme was real

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Hope but hate for Asiatics like you was very real. At least Romanians have European origins.

I went this year, really nice place and people.

HUNG ARYANS are whiter than you. I should know, being part Hungarian and fully hung Aryan myself.

God damn it, you must really be pissed.
Got up with the wrong foot?

You're not white and the fact you even consider yourself to be anything remotely related to white is laughable.

jesus, look at these bunch of mongols mutts

Danish cope. You aren’t white, you mass migrated to my lands and raped my people, then got BTFO by English Christian men.

You really played these simpletons like a fiddle Hans, they have even forgotten that they were forced to fight for the krauts. Hell you even have the occasional poles that supports you which is just mind boggling. I suppose these lesser "people" truly can't be saved.

That's your average Asiatic HUN

> r*manians
> having anything in common with white people

How did we get BTFO if you carry our genes in yourself? We don't carry any of that Celtic garbage.

>Carry your genes
Aye, when we took your women when you fled back to your shitty land, EVGLISH BVLLS took your women when you left.

Jesus, look at that memeflag
>forced to fight

Attached: 1478394083453.png (491x585, 56K)

kek stop twist history Nigel, hardly any women came on our raids. We came killed entire population of male villagers and breed the women there. We did this throughout your entire Island until you started to resemble humans. Too bad we only stopped half way, you would have been spared the fate of looking like pic related.

Attached: P_5tSW6-v-f9OqBb1Hwh2qTNp6V3ek2GsUx6aCLB-Go.jpg (1018x645, 87K)

jesus, look at that memecountry

>I went this year, really nice place and people.
I know. I try to visit from time to time. It's wonderful to see KuK cities as they get slowly rebuilt again after communism ran them down.

>being part Hungarian and fully hung Aryan myself.
What's the other half?

So salty.

>You belong to the bottom of the Baltic Ocean
Come on, user. Don't pollute the Baltic with trash.

Attached: Like father like son.jpg (607x558, 80K)

>The faggot with the CSA flag calls a 1100 years old country a meme country

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I thought he would be happy next to his Vikang ships

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I am descended from the mighty races of the world: ANGLO, MAGYAR, CELT. So who is a snow nigger to say I'm not white? And I live in the former Danelaw, so don't start with the eternal Anglo nonsense.

See above for races, and only a quarter Hun am I.

have fun being impaled by 12 negro and 3 arab cocks while chanting “asiatic”
you are a disgrace to europe

Imagine being so drunk on the on revisionist wine that you literally think an absence of evidence means it never could have existed. Such conclusions are dishonest. Also if we look at the what national socailists have done in eastern europe from a historic perspective then "generalplan ost" is actually quite believable.

Even the Soviets have documentation of their actions, user. In fact, there's even documentation regarding Stalin ordering false flag attacks within Eastern Europe during the war. Why not Hitler? Because the Germans are so incredibly efficient that they erased them with the foreknowledge that they would lose?


>national socailists have done in eastern europe from a historic perspective
Hanged commies and partisans. The death toll from starvation an disease is a different matter.

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