(((Sackler))) family that spurred the opiate crisis being sued

So are you goyim cattle just gonna let these Yids slide like you did with Epstein?

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To all whom it may concern

The National Socialist Revolution will come for everything and everyone. We spare no one.

Seems like 2600 state and local governments are going after them and their assets, also tracking down the stuff they stashed overseas so we'll see if this gets anywhere.

This place is completely compromised, it’s nothing but race baiting bullshit used to divide and make any real research instantly dismissible because it came from a “raycis” source. I mean these Pawns on here forgot about Epstein within 2 weeks, literally the biggest happening in Jow Forums history and they just forget about it.

Yea just like they did with Epstein right? None of the other kikes directly involved with him have had so much as a slap on the wrist and news articles came up that basically said “Sorry goys Epstein’s lawyer said you cattle aren’t allowed to touch his money and his victims get nothing because that’s the law.” Might as well say “WE WILL RAPE YOUR DAUGHTERS AND THEN LAUGH ABOUT IT”

Can someone give me the quick rundown?

only civil, where are the state and federal criminal prosecutions?

Serious question. Why do you these people are not white. Except they don't they are White and they act against Whites' interests.

But, but this is how people get holocausted!

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Honest question
Maybe i am stooopid
They manufactured a drug approved by FDA
They manufactured drug according to standards
Drug is sold illegally and overprescribed by dr
What xactly would you sue for?
I know, i know false advertising..,
However, did dr receive any education on opioids and how they work

sackler family owns purdue pharm.
purdue pharm patented oxys.
lied to everyone about oxys.
bought off politicians and lobbyists.
bought off doctors to oush oxys for bonuses.
had internal docs about how addictive and dangerous it was.
started selling in the 80s.
have made billions upon billions while patients died off their lies.
civil suits start claiming purdue pharm lied.
purdue pharm attempting to bk and settle for a couple of billions.
sacklers should have all their assets seized going back to the 80s and then locked up for all the deaths (manslaughter).
they knew their drug was dangerous and profited from it.

Sacklers are holocaust survivors! Enact the holocaust cloak!

>What xactly would you sue for?
discovery proved that they lied to everyone (FDA, docs, etc.) about the dangers of the drug in their own internal docs.

pretty sure they learned how to commit their crime from the sassoons/rothschild tribe members.

the sacklers already moved their money over seas.

Silly goyim they're bankrupt.

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Maybe half of it. Perdue's itself is functionally bankrupt. Litigation will be billions. Likely the family keeps 5-7 billion. Still a great fortune.

I don’t know if that was the biggest happening in our history. But it is pretty damn huge.

They lied about the dangers about the drugs, and paid off doctors to say the drugs weren’t dangerous. Literally kikery, and those doctors probably killed in the thousands.

if we get serious about them, we can get the countries to freeze there assets and we can just drain it to 0.

they all deserve the rope, but they will all flee to israhell if they get charged criminally

I'm very happy that the opioid crisis is affecting mostly white people. You have no idea how much joy and schadenfreude I have every time I see or hear news about opioids absolutely devastating white people and white communities. When Donald trump was elected, I was so pissed that bigots and fascists had their way. But I console myself knowing that the whites are getting what they deserve after decades if not hundreds of years of racial injustice and terrorism brought on by things like slavery, the war on drugs, mass incarceration, and toxic tough on crime mentality.
fuck white people.

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t. Jew

You have won a retard contest

seethe cumskin. seethe

Hahahahahaha yikes

hey, I'm just being honest

The fact that they made oxy intentionally more addictive than it needed to be, and then also sold heroin to those addicts when their presecriptions ran out, needs to be emphasized.
Hearing too muh "lol the doctors prescribed it, it's their fault" from these rats.

why flee to Israel? Even Switzerland is a better choice.

That’s hate speech!

You’re retarded, its effecting all fucking races down here, but its mostly affecting the east coast and southern states.

because israhell will never extradite a top jew to any country that wants to lock them up

>You have no idea how much joy and schadenfreude
for a non Jew you certainly have an adept command of the German language in a way that only a certain tribe that speaks Yiddish would be.
are you fucking serious?
where'd you get the idea to post that shit here?
fuck off back to the deep dark leftist corners of leddit

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Can you pls elaborate on
Sold heroin, i havent heard this one before

good. I'm glad they did it. all the Sacklers deserve to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for their fine work.

I mean we do have that treaty with them. But your probably right.

are you serious hippiefag, who do you think owns all the poppu im afghanistan. opium has been a jew moneymaker since the days of old china that led to the opium wars. best part is that just last year or so the sackler patented medication to treat oxy addiction. create the problem and profit off the solution.

yes, I hate white terrorism. it's rational to hate the most prolific terrorist race in America, the white race

Fpbp and based NatSoc Revolution poster

why do you think I don't belong here?

Just didnt know about this patent

The drugs trade is a key part of world power.

Legal drug pushers on a massive and unprecedented scale. Responsible for getting millions hooked on opiates and easily hundreds of thousands of deaths.
>the Sackler family are descendants of Isaac Sackler and his wife Sophie (née Greenberg), Jewish immigrants to the United States from Galicia (now Ukraine) and Poland

youtube.com/watch?v=skb8aNiCEKs ))) Enjoy your karma


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>approved by FDA
Based off of falsified data
>Drug is sold illegally and overprescribed by dr
and pushed by marketing gimmicks and kickbacks that would make your local heroin dealer blush.

nuke the bastards

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The mods are literally all kikes. Every single thread that is on the front page is some memeflaggot JIDF kike posting degenerate shit that has fuck all to do with politics. Reddit faggots also storm this place too. This place is LONG gone. Even this thread will be slid or will be clipped by the kike mods. We lost Jow Forums.

Kudos to msm, they successfully channeled your anger to you neighbors, colleagues, and other regular folks
They def were conspiring against you for years
Time for you to demand reparations
Good luck

Oh that comic is a good one.

We can always make new threads, don't be unreasonable.

>nazism is shilling
>christian neoconservatism is the real redpill

Thanks bolton

Nigger kike.

Someone please start doxxing and killing these JIDF kikes.

What? You pilpuling me kike? We hardly see those threads stay up anymore.

True. But mods still push them down or clip them constantly.

This user thinking like a brainwashed troglodyte always spouting "death to wypipo"

He took what Dave Chapel said literally

you need to take your psychiatric mediation now

>your karma
>implying I'm Jewish
even if I was Jewish, Jews are white, and I am clearly quite happy that all whites are suffering with the opioid crisis.

I think if someone’s net worth is above $1B all crimes they commit that have a victim should be considered capital crimes. Just give them the electric chair. The justice system doesn’t work for these kinds of people. They are invincible.

I'm just happy white people are finally reaping what they have been sowing for decades

They should be hung in the streets tbch

nope, they deserve the Medal of Freedom

Oh, I don't know, maybe it's your blatant anti white hate messaging. It looks like some shitposting that faggots, feminists, trannys, Marxists, and other leftist degenerates cooked up on plebbit.

yes, I am an intersectional feminist, but I don't know what that has to do with anything

How is larping as angry black guy going?
Received enough (You)s yet?

Several thousand people died because of the greed of the Sackler family. They deserve the death penalty.

This thread needs some opiate junkie city zombies

And death will solve your problems and make your world better, eh? Death, death, death.

How enlightened, how noble! All hail the feminist!! You are the future of the human race!!! DEATH WILL FREE US.

>intersectional feminis
what type of new faggotry vocabulary is this?

Based and vengeancepilled

kikes are fucked but "threadclipping" is very uncommon, usually they just nuke threads they don't like, politics or not.

the whole purpose of intersectional feminism is to listen to different kinds of feminists – not just ones like yourself. Making your feminism intersectional makes perfect sense to us – your life experiences are based on how your multiple identities intermingle. And we can see compounding forms of discrimination experienced by the women we work with. There are many examples, but here are just a few.

DIVA for Equality, for example, tell us that LGBT women in Fiji found it more difficult to access disaster relief in the wake of Cyclone Winston.

In timor-Leste, class and socioeconomic discrimination intersect with sexism, making it hard for poor women to get elected because of the high cost of campaigning in the newly democratised nation.

Research IWDA has contributed to in Cambodia shows that women with disabilities are more likely to face violence from immediate family members, and more likely to experience controlling behaviour from partners.
Intersectionality is a broad concept, and it’s still one that’s hotly debated in the feminist community. We don’t claim to be authorities on anyone else’s feminism, but to us, acknowledging how different forms of discrimination intersect with and amplify gender-based discrimination is a critical way to ensure all women reap the benefits of women’s rights.


the worst thing that happened to Western civilisation in the past 200 years was giving women the right to vote.

justice is justice

seethe patriarchal scum. seethe.

the day will come when you will beg patriarchy you filthy shitskin bitch