Doomer/Depression continuation thread

Last thread was deleted by Jannies.

In this thread we will continue the conversation about depression and the political ramifications of thousands of young men being depressed.

Norway posters

Japanese, Australian and Americans were the main posters in this thread. Here we will continue it

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All White males are optimistic about the National Socialist Revolution

I want to kill myself, why should't I?

Red flag laws are being pushed everywhere in my country. How long until my people will stand up against it before its too late?

To the Japanese poster thanking me for my posts I tried to reply but the thread was pruned before I could.

No problem mate, It was some random nice user on Jow Forums that told me I had depression when I googled it, I saw that it was describing me exactly and after crying for 20 or 30 minutes I took action.

To the Dutch Dude asking about peppers - The American wasnt talking about bell peppers, regular peppers.

To the Norwegian poster who for some reason thought I was talking to him when talking about being a scumbag, no I wasnt talking to you, which is why I replied to the American lol.

Italian Poster

> You are never going to have a revelation one day and turn your life around. It's constent steps and persistance and when you have lapses not throwing everything away

100% correct and based.

Also, how do you save/ get a thread archieved instead of having the qhole thing deleted and 404???

It was an active and valuable politically orientated thread.

Link to the last thread?

this was the thread but it 404'd

put the regular Jow Forums URL before these numbers


Im trying to post it but it won't come up it 404'd

As a spic i never understood white depression. I get being depressed about shit like your loved ones dying or losing everyone all at once, but i don't understand the whole "wanting to kill myself" shit, especially to people who don't take chances on fixing their situation. I had an Asian friend who i saved from depression by literally forcing him to go out, talk to people, working overtime so he can afford more stuff, and he got out of it so it seems like i'll be as easy and "just do it"

white depression on Jow Forums just seems like entitlement, like people here say they're depressed because nazis aren't stomping on non-whites faces and sjws are saying retarded shit that hurts their feelings..

I think men who are depressed need to just somehow get a bro to get them through it or at least talk to other people (preferable non-depressed people) and that shit goes along way if you just yourself out of it. Otherwise we get all these faggot school shooters

The depression will be out if you work HARD for improving yourself.

If you feel depressed because degeneracy/ no hope for this world, you can only try to spread the truth and motivate others into improving themselves. Because you can be the perfect man, but if you are surrounded by literal niggers nobody can resist being delusional about future

>I get being depressed about shit like your loved ones dying or losing everyone all at once, but i don't understand the whole "wanting to kill myself" shit,

Ok so you don't understand the kind of depression we were talking about in the last thread, animals don't have as much intelligence as humans and so can't be depressed that way its ok Juan.

The world is pretty shit yeah but you all need to lighten up! There is always hope for a better world. Things have always been bad but people have always struggled through, made do, and made a life in the most impossible of places. There is still good in this world and you should still be making every effort to live a life you can be proud of. There is nothing wrong with hope.

kek, i knew some buthurt depressed kid was going to say "muh intelligence" and i should've included that inb4 but decided not to

but yea, don't snap at me just because i don't understand being depressed while doing nothing, you could help me understand but instead you're getting buttmad, i mean if you're going to sit there and get all buttmad and vulnerable you kinda deserve to be depressed

Im fine user, Im trying to get back in touch with the other anons who I was talking to who arent fine, sadly the previous thread 404'd is there any way I can get access to it again maybe thru an archive or something?

A lot of anons posting didnt even realise they were depressed.

Im not depressed, and I dont want to help educate a spic, this is for whites only fuck off mutt.

my advice, your choice

then why are you getting so anally salty if what i said doesn't apply to you?

I have bipolar depression and things are getting weird.

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to see the end of this wild ride

Because your animal instincts say that's bad and ghosts are always cold and miserable.

>To the Norwegian poster who for some reason thought I was talking to him when talking about being a scumbag, no I wasnt talking to you, which is why I replied to the American lol.

I just didnt see how what you said to the american guy who replied to me, was relevant to what he said.
It sounded like you were talking about me.
I also heard you said that you were posting from a phone so I thought maybe "he" was auto corrected to "you" or something.
It was immature of me to call you a schizo. I dont think you are a schizo, I just used it as an insult.

Let's just be real for a second. The majority of the problems are from women having too many rights and no longer giving the bottom tier men pussy.

>be me
>diagnosed with ADHD in 4th grade
>get a script for Adderall
>parents thought it was a good idea
>take 20mg XR daily for the next 10 years
>spend most of my childhood medicated
>taking amphetamines for 10+ years completely destroyed my brain's dopaminergic system (or whatever the fuck it's called)
>Now 23
>have no passions or interests
>feel no emotions, no joy, no sadness
>feel like I'm just stuck in a endless loop of working and sleeping
>tried lifting, therapy, SSRIs, with no success
>food doesn't taste good and eating feels more like a bother than anything
>lost 30+ pounds over the course of the last two years (was pretty thin to begin with)
>thoughts of suicide are becoming more invasive day by day

How do I fix this shit? I just want to feel happy again Jow Forums.

na, this is bullshit virigns tell themselves, being entitled to pussy is the same mentality people have to being entitled to welfare, you're not entitled to pussy just like you're not entitled to a house or car or good paying job. Its up to you to make all those happen.

the real problem is betas orbiting women and giving them power. Men constantly pussy trailing women give them more value then they're actually worth. If beta orbiters didn't trail women they would have less power and less entitlement, don't cry about womens rights implying you wouldn't do exactly that if you were attractive and women trailed you.

Deep inside you something brought you to ask that question. « Something» is the core of your will of power, now potentially stronger than ever as you hit the ground. Give it some time. Control yourself hard. You'll recover.

How do I formulate a group of depressed individualists towards my end goal of making a bunch of money on their hard work?

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hello i'm a depressed blond, blue eyed, 180cm norwegian male

no user I was replying to the guy I replied to in the comment section.

> I dont think you are a schizo, I just used it as an insult.

I know user its fine, I know how it can be.

If you are unhappy because of women you are an NPC - excluding things like being cheated on after a 5+ year marraige or whatever.

Step 1, See a doctor

step 2 don't listen to anyone else on Jow Forums

I'm not salty I'm just not expending energy on non whites or honorary Aryans. Especially when you have google.

iv also been diagnosed with adhd too, i can try to help you

But it sounds like you're still taking it from "food doesn't taste as good and its more a chore" and i'd advice you to stop taking it for a few months and maybe letting your brain chemistry come back. Just stock up on adderal in the meantime. This isn't to necessarily help you get better, this is more so to help Adderall do its thing again because it sounds like its losing it potency with you, adderall is a fucking life hack when its potency is there, you'll have the focus and will to do shit you want to do.

Now on with the actual hepl, what's your social situation like? Do you have friends at work? I'll even ask, do you have discord friends?

You don't get it. When the bottom percentage of men have no incentive to participate in society, it starts to crumble without their contributions and tax dollars. I know women aren't 100% of the issue, it's a web of problems. But if you were to break it down into a pie chart, the women issue would be a significant portion of it.

Clinical depression is more than feeling unhappy or fed up for a few days.

Most people go through periods of feeling down. When you have clinical depression you feel sad for weeks or months, not just a few days.

Clinical depression can be a serious condition. It is not a sign of weakness. It is not something you can "snap out of" by "pulling yourself together".

With the right treatment and support, most people with clinical depression can make a full recovery.

How to tell if you have clinical depression
Clinical depression affects people in different ways.

The symptoms of clinical depression can be complex and vary from person-to-person.

Generally, if you have clinical depression:

you feel sad, hopeless and lose interest in things you used to enjoy
you experience these symptoms for at least 2 weeks
the symptoms are serious enough to interfere with work, social life or family
There are many other symptoms of clinical depression and you're unlikely to have them all.

Psychological symptoms
The psychological symptoms of clinical depression include:

continuous low mood or sadness
feeling hopeless and helpless
having low self-esteem
feeling tearful
feeling worthless or guilt-ridden
feeling irritable and intolerant of others
having no motivation or interest in things
finding it difficult to make decisions
not getting any enjoyment out of life
irritable mood
feeling anxious or worried
having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself.

Physical symptoms
The physical symptoms of clinical depression include:

moving or speaking slower than usual
changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
unexplained aches and pains
lack of energy
low sex drive (loss of libido)
changes to your menstrual cycle
disturbed sleep – difficulty falling asleep, waking up early or sleeping more than usual
Social symptoms
The social symptoms of clinical depression include:

not doing well at work
avoiding contact with friends and taking part in fewer social activities
neglecting your hobbies and interests
having difficulties in your home and family life
Severities of clinical depression
Clinical depression can often come on gradually. So it can be difficult to notice when something is wrong. You might try to cope with the symptoms without realising you're unwell. It can sometimes take a friend or family member to suggest something is wrong.

The severity of clinical depression depends on how much impact it has on your daily life:

mild clinical depression – has some impact
moderate clinical depression – has a significant impact
severe clinical depression – almost impossible to get through daily life
You can have clinical depression and other mental health disorders. For example, anxiety, psychosis or other difficulties.

Grief and depression
It can be difficult to know the difference between grief and clinical depression. Both are similar, but there are differences.

Grief is a natural response to a loss. Clinical depression is an illness.

When you are grieving, you find feelings of sadness and loss come and go. But you are still able to enjoy things and look forward to the future.

If you have clinical depression, you always feel sad. You don't enjoy anything and find it difficult to be positive about the future.

Sounds like you're trying to blame things outside of your control so that you don't have to take responsability for your own mental health to me user.

If your happiness depends on fucking women then you have deeper problems than you think

Quit brushing it off. Women having 50% of the voting power and voting for liberal bullshit is no big deal. It's massive. Stupid potatonigger. You're probably one of these people that believe the virtuous aryan woman will snap out of the jewish brainwashing through her own volition. Not gonna happen, men and women are diametrically opposed at this point.

No you don't get it, that's how its always been. Men at the bottom were expendable and/or useless. They more so became raiders or cannon fodder back in the day because people who didn't have common social skills were expendable and most didn't reproduce.

>When the bottom percentage of men have no incentive to participate in society, it starts to crumble
This is a problem we're having when it comes to Jow Forums, people like to say shit like this so matter of factly when they have nothing to base it off. This incel problem is something new, we never had an era where people experiencing apathy and fulfillment as they're spending almost all their free time in front of a computer physically doing nothing. Bored people of the past went outside to the local town hall and did shit, and were forced to interact with others before television was invented.

what's this bullshit piechart your talking about? show me so i can try and understand this nonsense. i don't get how you can actually sit there and say people are entitled to pussy like we're in a welfare state

Get out of my country, mutt.

Reminder that it's totally okay to talk to someone about it. I myself started talking to my doctor when I was really down. It always felt so good afterwards. You don't have to go to a psychiatrist, your doctor can do just as much, while still under patient confidentiality or whatever the fuck it's called.

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lol na, im good foo

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I'm not brushing it off, you're being a beta.

wahh wi cant i get powsi im depwessed waaaah.

I had no gf when I was depressed, then I got one, 4 different ones actually and it didnt help.

Once you finally get laid you'll shift the blame to your parents, or siblings or where you live or your school or what ever, blaming everything but yourself.

what kind of total beta thinks women are all that makes a man happy? are you serious user?

> You're probably one of these people that believe the virtuous aryan woman will snap out of the jewish brainwashing through her own volition.

strawman first of all but Oh I see, you're here to argue about the things you want to argue about, totally unrelated to the thread, I didn't realise. carry on.

My doctor told me to take anti depressents. He said that becuase of my suicidal and self harming thoughts I'm a "high-risk" case. But I don't want to fuck up my dick and get erictile dysfunction, what shoiuld I do?

there is still a way to happiness

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Please God have mercy on me

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Depression is caused by having major problems you don't believe you can solve. Most of the problems in the world are beyond the scope of one person and existed before you were born. You also can't count on your fellow man for jolly cooperation, so of course depression is the end result. This assumes of course you are a PC and are therefore capable of creative thought and have the requisite intellect so that you can understand what you see in the world. NPCs will follow their programming and think the abnormal is normal, those of subhuman and sub higher order animal intellects will operate purely on instinct.
Depression is a white and asian problem for this reason.
And Jews but we can warm them nicely.

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I forgot to take my meds, yesterday.

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take the pills ffs

you're not getting laid that much anyways i'd imagine, if your suicidal this will at least stop you from going over the edge.

but then when I have to stop taking them and can't get hard I'll just kill myself cause of that completly avoidable problem.

You will be sent back to start all over again

What if he had a good childhood? This isn't very good advice in that case.

People on this board look at the political landscape and project it onto themselves. The world is fucked because we spend a lot of our time obsessing over this shit. Seriously just work on your own life and happiness as much as you can.

28 doomer here. At this point there's no return.

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> This is a problem we're having when it comes to Jow Forums, people like to say shit like this so matter of factly when they have nothing to base it off. This incel problem is something new, we never had an era where people experiencing apathy and fulfillment as they're spending almost all their free time in front of a computer physically doing nothing. Bored people of the past went outside to the local town hall and did shit, and were forced to interact with others before television was invented.

> what's this bullshit piechart your talking about? show me so i can try and understand this nonsense. i don't get how you can actually sit there and say people are entitled to pussy like we're in a welfare state

Incels are so pathetic, they throw their toys out of the pram and cry like babies because they cant get laid while also not even trying to get laid. You would think pussy worshippers would make an effort.

Then they disengage from society which is cutting off their nose to spite their face.

if ur not getting laid it doesnt matter.

"theres no return im totally lost, im helpless my life sucks so hard"

The usually defeatist attitude, however if you actually thought that, you wouldnt have even bothered posting it would you?

>29 no friends no life no job neet
Least I have 6 hour fap benders a day

this belongs on r9k

I stopped taking it for a period of about 6 months last year. Apart from being a bit more tired than usual, it didn't really have any effect after the first month or so.

As far as my social life goes, I don't really have any friends or people that I talk to. The closest thing would be getting lunch with my coworkers once or twice a week.

what a fulfilling way to spend your life.

Not my fault I can't find a waifu mate

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Henlo fren

mis werk cause 2 depres

Am very VERY depres

how do I into not drepssion?

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not going to your clinic, kike.

oh jesus another pussy worshipper, you finding a wife wont make you a man.

Man, talking to 22 year olds with depression and pussy worshipping betas who blame all their problems on not having a women is tiresome.

I'm off to fuck one of my 4 fuck buddies, attend a boxing lesson and then go drinking for the night,

see ya later scrubs.

its true, but antidepressants will help you get to the point where you're happier in your life, i'll make droning in a job easier, meeting people easier, and if you're lucky you'll have a girlfriend / good people surrounding you that will support you when you finally get off your pills, take them, i'll help you get in a better position

but that said, as you're on your pill you need to actively trying to progress in life, even if its finding a new hobby

The amount of people I've tried to explain this to today.

They think SSRI's are addictive, or a Jewish trick I think some people are genuinely beyond help and thats coming from someone who stayed in bed until 2 or 3pm didnt eat for 2 or 3 days at a time, didnt wash didnt change bed sheets, literally didnt leave my house for 4 months at one stage.

Like you say, I used the pills to get myself stable, from there I started boxing, then I enrolled in a course to learn a skill and from there I eventually found work.

I think some people here want you to do the work for them, or convince them to help themselves thats not what Im here for.

I did seem to genuinely help 2 or 3 anons in the previous thread tho and I'm happy with that.

If I can get even one person to realise they actually have depression and that leads to them getting help, then I'm happy.

Unless they're niggers, spics or MENA or Jews in which case they can all swing.


You live in the world's most beautiful country

I don't know what will help you exactly, just sharing what helped people i know as well as doing in dept research.

One thing you said is that your always tired, like how's your sleep cycle? If your not getting 7 or 8 hours of sleep your brain won't be chemically balanced. Even people without adhd suffer from sleep withdrawal and are dull in general. Sleep probably will help you, probably but its success is varied. Another thing, if your jerking off daily try to slow down. You shouldn't quit jerking off all together, just don't jerk off more then once or twice a week because when you orgasm it does make you feel like you don't want to do anything else. Getting sexually frustrated is a good sign, it means you're able to get fustrated and you're feeling something.

And about socializing, you should try to do it more. Even if its something like talking to people in a discord server. Just try not to surround yourself with other depressing people or people who are lame, because their moods will infect you.. If you can surround yourself with cool people who are interesting to talk to. I'd say get more extreme and extreme with your conversations, try really expressing something that's on your mind unfiltered and give zero fucks about what people think (unless its racist shit) because i'll make you feel better and people will see you as based so long as you do it with sarcasm / humor. Try to talk more and increase your social skill, start with video games you play or even discord servers, if you have nothing to say, try to tailor the conversation so its interesting to you.

like idk what to tell you about your medication, everyones different, just play with taking them and not taking them until you got a system that benefits you, for example i only take adderal once every few days and adderal helps me kick ass in social situations and work, if i didn't take the shit i wouldn't be able to create youtube channel with 100k subs and 3k in donations every month

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Kill yourself and stream it.


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Insufferable wankers

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Curl up and die then you pathetic loser jesus christ. No one is going to fix your life for you,

Wish I could teleport to Ireland and run u the fuck over

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Because you are not whitepil. Attached picture is ULTIMATE WHITEPILL!

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This legit feels like a bot

It's a good thing that you don't understand. I was suicidal around my late highschool years, had a couple friends kill themselves, I was inoculated with white guilt, and everything seemed to fake, artificial and cheesy. The service economy, the fake plastic houses and fake politicians, fake food, fake people, everything is plastic and made to fail. No decent job opportunities outside of government, military and sitting in front of screens. Bombing kids with tax dollars and no one wants to talk about it. Everything just felt hopeless. I was convinced the environment was going to collapse in my lifetime. Seeing the negative in everything. It's a vicious cycle. Psilocybin mushrooms saved me.

I think the real reason spanish folk don't seem afflicted is because they have a stronger community. Ours, generally, have been eroded and we have allowed nefarious forces to compromise our morality and faith. Now we have fake families and fake communities. It's a lack of authenticity IMO. Surely more too it as well

i'm to paranoid to enter that link

You wouldnt be able to teleport without a woman

Potato nigger I have wizard powers
Agreed about the community here it's absolutely horrible West is legit dead

top tier post user, no sarcasm, but it leads me to wonder, why are decent to good posts so rare on Jow Forums these days,

am I looking into the past Jow Forums with rose tinted glasses? or is it just because I am older I can identify the typical routine boring posters.

didnt you say you had no friends and no jobs?

> community here it's absolutely horrible West is legit dead

you cant comment on society when you only get a small glimpse of it from your pc screen or window.

you remind me of my brother - utterly retarded.

he dated 1 girl when he was 25 and she cheated on him after 2 months (A nothing relationship) now hes 31 and "all women are degenerate cunts" 1 woman for two months and he thinks he knows women lol

this is the same attitude towards life you have, unless you change it, you'll rot in your room until you die, sounds fun huh?

I'll keep all that in mind. Thanks for all the help user.

Nope. Just offering a chance. For a price.
Use DrLink Checker to check the deztination link. It's 4plebs

Economy is crashing

Well if you do choose to go at any point throwing yourself into a volcano would be pretty metal

Lmao this Ireland leprechaun thinks I'm the problem meanwhile 20-30 something suicide homelessness and deleis through the roof
Your brother sounds based at least he got his dic wet
Besides I used to be fairly normal when I was a teen had friends etc only went to shit when every one left and the immigrants moved in no work community shunned me
Nope seedy as fuck I'm not joining your weird shit I've been warned about your lot and recruitment
Now excuse me while I fap to loli oppai futa frot hyper until the sun comes up and I see my mums disappointed face at 5pm when I wake up

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you don't have enough brain cells to get depressed. You're like a dog, but with less ability to feel emotions and a more violent mind.

Aso I don't advise Jow Forums meet irl especially randoms.
I took a chance once and it ended up OK but don't listen to this glow niggers

Do you mind posting the link to your YT channel?

The absolute state of civilization saver. Alright, obviously your concern, but real shit happens IRL. Pol party, church, fraternities anx this is depression thread so you arr probably notpart of that.

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I'm not on much these days because quality seems to have tanked so much. There definitely was more thoughtful discussion, no clue as to the causes of the rot.

Depression is a jewish lie
Fuck niggers
Jannies should dilate.

>>taking amphetamines for 10+ years completely destroyed my brain's dopaminergic system (or whatever the fuck it's called)
I don't buy that.

Get pure dextro-amph, so the shit that needs to get done, gets done, if you still need it, and stop worrying that you are some flat psycho, because you worrying about it, shows us that you are not.

Cbf making a legible response to this non English speaker
Based Russian shitposting squatboi

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It'll pass. Depression is the brain reprogramming, because the old program didn't work.

Try to get something that goes in the right direction, but there is nothing you can really do, but wait it out.

Why do you think your thread got deleted? I assure you it was not accident.

I rememeber pre 2016 (New fag) posts would have me rolling around laughing, crying laughing dude, now its all Nigger nigger Nigger nigger MGTOW women dont love me wah wah wah Nigger nigger

JFC. I come here once a month when I convince myself its not as bad as it was when I left, then I stay for 2 hours and boy do I regret it