Nick Di Paolo is 2 steps away from being pol nazi level based

Nick Di Paolo is 2 steps away from being pol nazi level based

>calls out the jews
>calls out the blacks
>calls out the gays
>calls out the feminists
>calls out pc culture
>calls out the democrats
>calls out the muslims

what's left for him besides calling for white ethnostates?

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he doesn't call out the jews. jews run comedy clubs and all the jews in standup would demand owners not allow him back.

He never had kids and his "humor" is pretty degenerate albeit funny. He's pretty based on everything he talks about though.

lmao at stormweenies grasping at straws to find someone who agrees with them

LOL what the fuck are you talking about, he can't stop saying the word jew he talks about them so much. He constantly calls them out for running everything and being overly leftist.

He's an anti-zionist then? I bet you he is pro-Israel like a good little goyim comedian.

Finding someone mainstream who isn't shut down by (((them))) is indeed difficult.

Stop betting and listen to him talk shit about israel then jackass. I do think he dislikes muslims more, but he has said plenty of shit against israel including that they run our county, they have an army of lobbyists here, they keep getting our people killed in their wars, and we should stop sending them the billions in $ that we do.

Why the fuck would I listen to a comedian talk about politics? You're the one shilling him here so I'm asking you.


You said he's pro Israel. I corrected you, you stupid faggot.

yeah yeah, we know you're happy about that tranny

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He is probably in the know, but his Jew humor seems more like what Jews do when they make fun of Jews. He is just a boomer. He is the kind of guy that probably doesn't even think of himself as racist or race-aware.

Comedians have all realized 2-3 years late that Jow Forums-lite humour has an audience so are now pumping out mediocre specials with jokes that sound like they're ripped straight out of 2015-2016 anti-sjw youtube videos. Then they come on Jow Forums to shill and pretend they said the most fucked up shit ever to get schmucks to watch it.

This. The jew is scripting him. For fucks sake this guy is on (((SiriusXm))) I'm guessing there were too many poltards shitting up Sam and Jim so they are making Nick the right wing faggot.

Your reddit is showing...
He literally says anti jew, anti black, anti gay stuff constantly. He fucking left New York for Georgia to get out of liberal land. He's not scripted you jackasses. If you listen to him you can see he believes the shit he says.

I use to listen to him, faggot, he sucks massive Drumpf cock and literally has jews surrounding him telling him what to do. Stop shilling some out dated boomer.

Damn you leftist shills aren't even trying to hide it anymore....

Neck yourself, nigger. No one wants to listen to your (((comedy)))

You're trying too hard shill. Using all the right buzzwords too eh?

nick is our guy and he will call you a faggot, i like that.

I just read Artie Lange's first book and Nick is one of his good buddies. They went to Afghanistan to support the troops, they're goodbois.

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he was literally just on glenn beck. used the word faggot on air. is based.

not today

yea if you saw him on tough crowd you'd know he's pushed the envelope farther than you faggots have since you were in diapers