I can feel it.
Trump is going to win 2020
Other urls found in this thread:
These are the crowds he's getting in BLUE states
All 50 states
#trust the plan
Insane crowds twitter.com
Trump supporters are uneducated shitbags who unironically vote against their own economic interests
Then why do they make more money?
Trump is a bad candidate, but...
The Democrats are fucking insane, and that's why Trump will win 2020.
The problem is the electorate and the 19th and 15th amendments reducing the electorate to irrational and emotional voters.
How is it in my interest to give you gibs?
>no Wall
>still Jews
>still nogs
>still Mexicans
>still Dems
>still no anime girlfriend
Whose feelings is he fucking?
Gen Z is voting for Trump
Lmao what is this, 2016? Trump has been a failure
Yang 2020
This meme though... And I'm voting for DJT again in 2020 also.
Trump lost, Yang won.
>act as if there is an alternative in 2020
Fuck yeah! Israel First!
He probably will. All the red states are so sucked it's not even funny.
not when the gas runs out or is at 20 dollars per gallon
Spics and niggers won't vote for a bugman
Of course he is. He has it in the bag.
50 states
2 scoops
3 terms
The butt hurt in the comments is so good. I love how people are still trying to shut down conversation by calling others racist. That shit doesn’t work anymore!
b-but trannies and niggers!!
All you have to do is take a look at the clown show that is the DNC. But, don't become complacent. Make sure you vote.
>it’s the high efficiency lights! That’s why I am orange and so are you, I swizzy fo rizzy, muh nizzy
Why is he such a chode?
There is nothing wrong with being a retard, you fucking bigot.
Maybe if you keep saying it enough times it will come true.
Face it, there’s no Hillary this time. Regardless of how senile Biden is he will win because of most Dems are retards and will just think “Oh it’s that Obama guy”
>Trump or some Democrat
Literally what's the difference lmao
Yes, Goyim. Vote for (((Trump)))
I hope he brings in more Mexicans because, as he said, they enrich our society.
>that flag
>that post
You're right. I'll vote for biden.
Get the fuck outta here, leftist losers. Hillcunt lost and Trump is taking it on 2020. You are pitiful and sad.
Based black men!
Digits confirm. Third term inevitable
Shut yer ignorant piehole. Retard.
>there’s no Hillary this time
Seething Jew. Dems lost control of the plantation.
it's not because we love him anymore
it's because fuck it.
Honestly everything is clown world at this point. The DNC is just as shitty as trump
Show flag, pussy. Or just show your pussy, flag.
i didnt say you should vote biden
i say you should vote trump
Blacks still vote 90% Democrat, you delusional tranny.
I don't even care anymore. Just keep this shit in reddit and /ptg/.
Now go vote for Mexicans to flood this country like the good little goy that you are.
Biden? You mean Yang or Bernie. The dems want Socialism now.
full house digits.
the 3rd term would need to be given as a constitutional amendment though. Personally I think his first term should be waived re: the term limits rule due to the idea that he's been actively hindered by these three individuals in pic relates.
Imagine what Trump would've accomplished if he hadn't been fighting against being deposed while he also ran the country?
Check out all these rallies FILLED with GREAT TRUMP SUPPORTERS*
*almost all of these people are the people that vote for a Republican every 4 years no matter what. They like Trump because of his personality and the R next to his name. These people are irrelevant as the only people that matter are the 10s of thousands of white working class voters across the rust belt that delivered Trump his victory in 2016.
>Blacks still vote 90% Democrat, you delusional tranny.
You're gonna be shocked when the time comes and you realize you've lost the plot.
We'll see. I bet he'll get 20% of the black vote and 40% of the hispanic vote in 2020.
Why do Asians Vote Blue if They are Very Smart?
Warren is gonna be nominated and Trump will crush her.
He is the best choice, by design. But still the best choice. The purpose of this entire show is to shift the Overton window even further left. They are ok with having Trump for another term if it advances their marxist agenda. How else can you explain the endorsement of so many radical leftist candidates?
Eat a dick.
Tyrone Spotted in The Trump Crowd, This Will Cause White Millennial Cucks Using Dildos to Call Tyrone Uncle Tom.
if it's Warren Trump will wipe his ass with her
nah. post popularity polls, those give an idea.
Trump 2020. Change my mind, pussy.
No way man. Lol
Cope. Civnats are worse than leftists.
>comparing warren to anyone from the scum clinton family
You shills can't handle what's going on and yet you insist to post your dumb shit still. How does it feel losing so much, it must be exhausting.
Imagine what our legislators could do if they weren't wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on investigations, committee hearings, political grandstanding. All this and attempting to split the nation at the same time. We need a lot of rope.
California has more registered republicans than Texas. If Trump did something about the voter fraud, the state would turn red.
yeah, right.
Have you seen the polls?
Ok. And you are the campaign manager where?
She's Hillary 2.0
It's almost as if trump is some kind of cuck
you're anti trump ?
Civic nationalism will save the republic.
Watching Bernie Crash and Bern America as president would be funny.
Watching Yang try to teach congress how to fix their printer would be funny.
I dunno, Trump has lost his funny.
Collectively we can meme almost anyone into power.
Who would be funniest?
Yes but first we're going to have to red flag our guns to own the libs!
I'm glad because I need you to keep up this act of faith and hold the prices up as I have the biggest bet of my life.
Lol. Polls. Good grief. Have you seen the dem candidates? Haha.
Go roll some palestinians, zionist.
>Have you seen the polls?
>amerisharts elect king of the jews as their prez again
Trump is by far the most entertaining. Marianne Williamson would have been funny too, but Dems roadblocked her as usual.
All the dems have to do to beat Trump is nominate someone who is not a nutjob and don't be pants on head retarded.
They aren't capable of either.
Poor effort
Trump is not a particularly effective President, but I think the Liberal establishment are going to turn the nuts level up so that he does. He is always controlling their narrative, people who hate Trump don’t talk about anything else. People like him partly because opposing what he says which might be a based Uncle type statement obliquely, they go nuts, call it a dog whistle, and propose the exact definitional opposite even if it’s grafting unicycles onto the arses of pigs.
Really makes me wonder whether anything is real.
Hey there Bernie
there’s a already a retarded nut job in office.
with a dem nut job the bounds of their retardedness is not known yet.
it’s why trump was elected, everyone knew what bullshit to expect from hillary, whereas trump was a wildcard.