THE RABBIT HOLE DEEPENS, /POL: you guys should see this if you've not already
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Icke is a shill. He mixes legit redpills with retarded nonsense about reptiles. The latter is meant to discredit the former.
go away
It's odd that Icke fills all his books with Luciferian ideology when he claims to be exposing it. Wonder what his endgame is popularising all these new age ideas.
Familiar w/what you're describing. Who DOESN'T have shill-takes on at least some important topics? I'm not asking rhetorically - who ISN'T a shill anymore?
eat a dick
Icke is a hero. Of course he's fallible, but argue with anything he says in that interview...
thanks, user.
>nonsense about reptiles
Based AF
He doesn't like talking ill of his masters~
>t. retarded person
Icke has been right about too many things without being wrong about, well, anything at all to dismiss anything he says as potentially meaningless. The weird hippy vibrational dimensional stuff included.
He's saying the Jews did 9/11.
I completely agree with all of you. Icke is the real deal.
>tfw you actually do get possessed by a reptilian consciousness when you lose love
Icke is a shill. He claimed to be God
My bible says don't listen to such morons. Cause they're going to pop up
I've never seen a reptilian. I've seen many subversive jews. ADAM is the real deal.
No, he mistakenly believed himself to be the Second Coming for about a year after taking poerful hallucinogens, something he has in fact apologised about and explained and expanded on why his cultural baggage produced such a strong misunderstanding. It happens to a lot of people who tinker about with transcendentals without the proper grounding beforehand. Icke's fairly unique in that his confusion was televised. Yet as he points out himself, it was a necessary thing to rid himself of his ego and completely strip his old life away from him.
He's a good chap, actually. That's rare enough these days.
Why would I listen to a cult leader bigamist who slanders Christianity?
why the fuck would he bother with the redpills at all if he was a shill? what would half-redpilling people accomplish if the goal was the opposite?
You are correct, other me. (((They))) are obsessed with suppressing our sense of the possible - one of the ways (((they))) accomplish this is by restricting our access to correct information. (((They))) are hoarding knowledge of TRUE history, TRUE geology, TRUE astronomy, TRUE health, TRUE physics, etc. and, most importantly of all, knowledge of the TRUE nature of 'reality' itself while teaching a false, incomplete and distorted version of those subjects to the general public, who usually unquestioningly accept all of it. To anyone who dismisses anything that I post as being 'crazy', just remember that all it takes to suppress a person's sense of the possible is to restrict his or her access to correct information. Simple as that. Don't let others dictate to you what can and 'cannot' be done, what is 'real' and 'unreal' and what is possible and 'impossible'. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYONE YOU WANT TO BE, while still facing the karmic consequences of your actions. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We owe it to our innate intelligence to QUESTION EVERYTHING and that includes EVERYTHING that I tell you. There are two things that (((they))) do not want you to know above all else:
1. That who and what we ALL really are is Pure Consciousness, which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL, experiencing life in a temporary human form (you can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't, because the word 'God' has limiting religious connotations that I would rather avoid).
2. That what we call 'reality' is ILLUSORY and therefore MALLEABLE, which means that NOTHING is impossible (indeed, even the word 'impossible' itself literally says "I'm possible!").
The righteous will inherit the Earth and beyond, other me. Sharpen your swords until that day comes. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power!
smear4ed decades of others work and sacrafice with lizard shit.
I'll give Icke my ear when he stops calling Jews Reptilians.
he's kind of got like T-rex/raptor dino front paws.
Yeah as soon as he says it was all a codeword then I'll listen. I was a bit shocked to see adam green have him on.
>thinks his shilling matters
>mixes legit redpills with retarded nonsense
jewing 101
>What is love?
>Baby don't hurt me anymore....
Icke is a good guy and not a shill. They routinely shut down his events to the point he has to arrange them in secret sometimes and only tell people at the last minute where they are because of how bad it was getting.
lmao exactly the same reductions in all cases
Shuddup Jude.
He was naming the Jidd when your mum was still sucking niggers in middle school.
I'm pretty sure you and I encountered each other weeks back in another metaphysical Jow Forums thread and had a very meaningful conversion. You may not recall specifically but nonetheless, I hope you are well, fren and thanks for this post.
Bump for Icke!