Are they also looking like this (watch picture) in your country?
What went wrong with twentyish old girls?
Other urls found in this thread:
those are bong chicks. no doubt in my mind
the reality of kike """women"""
10/10 in bongland
Fat girls like to have fun. Naughty. Trick is to leave before you impregnate them and they attain landwhale status.
Yes people in Russia are skinny, but that's mostly because poordom.
They've always been this way innately, which is why you have to control them to have a civilization
look at their fat arms and belly pooches, perfect for impregnating
Feminists made sure at least one generation of women fails to reproduce.
Too bad they didnt account for the men just finding a 5 year younger girl from the next coming up generation.
Sorry NL, all yuro flags looks the same. Dutch can usually get an English sentence off without fucking up, so I assumed Russia.
The British slag is so gross. I just don’t get it.
I'll never put my tongue in her pooper.
Stop posting Brits and pretending that all young women look like those vile creatures.
growth hormones in farming and food industry
kids eating foods tainted with same chemicals
OP pic is result
they bear the rights of adults but the responsibility of children
*Tippy tops fedora
>A girl 5 years younger
>from the next generation
I see hot women everywhere I go.
You do not 'watch a picture' in english. You look at a picture.
Likewise you do not look at a movie in english, you watch a movie.
stop posting ugly outliers
We're not shilling atheism, you illiterate retard.
yes, minus the big tits tho
Those without Dad's became whores to emulate their moms and those with Dad's were told they were princesses and that high quality men would eventually sweep them off their feet, so it was ok to be a repulsive whore because a man will come and absolve you of all responsibilities eventually
Your top of the line good goys and models look like average white zoomers here? You're proud of that? How the mighty have fallen. Anyways, RULE BRITANNIA...
Now I understand why they are saying that the ancient brits were actually black.
>Next generation
>5 years
>Being this new
Weep, you poltards. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds, for even it is not as gay as thy newfagotry. Goodbye, wondrous autism
I have noticed many women in their 20s are ugly, yes
>How the mighty have fallen.
The village princess
pollution, microplastic, estrogene in the water, bad food I guess
Here in Denmarkistan it's really about where you go, you'll only find girls like OP's pic if you go to the small city pubs, go to any major city and there are 8-10/10 girls almost everywhere
I think I'd be interested in creampie-ing Ben Shapiro's sister
Nobody cares, faggot. r/The_Donald 2 here won't lose any more IQ points than it already has even after you leave. It be actually go up to be honest with you.
What's that again CUKC? Speak up now. Don't be shy.
Could tell from the thumbnail
I would absolutely fuck that butterface on the right.
One on the left is a proper bag job
I disagree user, although I might be wrong since I've never been there. I do however live in a big city, and I too had the impression that there were no ugly girls here. My ex pointed out that there were indeed uglies, but I had just been ignoring them. Maybe you're in a similar situation too?
Maybe, but I suspect a massive increase in homosexual tendencies, unless you leave too, that might balance things out
Holy fuck thats bad
my apologies, i forget niggers post on Jow Forums
yes no yes no no no yes
user, you think your shit doesn't smell? You might be able to fool the foreigners into thinking the grass is greener, but you're not fooling me. How much of an insecure tree loving bisexual bitch you have to be to go around mocking lads, while being just as bad, if not worse, yourself
Did that once before too. One is just colgate and one is crest. Both are insufferable and poor.
Could you project any harder, old man?
>Old man
And you figured that out how, when you swam out of muh dick and into urmums rotten twat? You must've been the queer one
Yes, Brazilians post here. I wish jannies would do something useful for once and rangeban them all.
I am interest
Never said it didn't. Doesn't mean I can't laugh at them while we're drowning. Can't say both of us don't deserve it though. Atleast we're not speaking German though...
That hair color only works on non white people.
>urmums rotten twat? You must've been the queer one
Nobody young talks like that, for starters.
>oi guvna, fancy a shag?
Yeah right Pajeet.
One in the middle, I'm a chubby chaser
HAHAHA those quotes are great
Don't pretend your people are pretty, mutt.
Somewhere along the line, their little hands slipped away from Jesus's... Fit for niggers... 2/5 of these two dollar whores of babylon have at least one STD... Have at em!
Average white American face
Ah, you're one of those.
Pic related
You can't be this fucking dense to not recognize when you're being fucked with
We have our pockets of the continent where our women are pretty since we're large enough to have places where things. You lost your empire and your nation is a tiny speck compared to us, so you don't.
Average Anglo*d face
>Ah, you're one of those.
Do you expect me to suck kike cock now because you posted a picture?
>You can't be this fucking dense to not recognize when you're being fucked with
Oh I know, I just wanna see where the conversation goes. I'm bored.
>West Virginia
user, that state is the embodiment of one toothed, unintelligible, meth addicted, incest spawns. Adjust the map for your own sake
Anglo Saxon
We have some of the most beautiful women in the world here but I can pretend that I don’t see terrible sights like this whenever I leave the house. Are they like this in us? Be honest
> julius ceasar
> emperor
KYS faggot, he was dictator of Rome
And did you expect us to suck German cock instead? How fucking delusional you've got to be, they declared war on the U.S. and they repeatedly stepped on the toes of the British. The krauts were the fucking aggressors you moron
Whats with long as fuck arm on the right one?
you know I really hate to say it but british people aren't very good looking at all that's just the way it is. of course there's going to be lots of good looking people of any race even aboriginals and eskimos i'm sure. maybe not 'lots'.
Nah, those are just your average UK slags. Even our sheboons look better.
So Shakespeare really WAS Black!
America’s white population is majority German. It’s pretty much a fact that the further west you go in the British isles the uglier and more inbred the people get, and I say this as a 1/8th Irishman, inb4 mutt memes.
>be driving around
>road crew that paints crap on roads
>women on road crew, WALL of tattoos on arms
modern women... yikes
Oh come on! I’ve been to Florida. Your uglies barely look human!
>We have some of the most beautiful women in the world
Your standards as a nation dropped a long time ago.
>Are they like this in us?
What? Are you asking if our women are as bad as yours? As a whole I'd say not. We have our fair share of uglies and fatties but I'd say pur average white women is alot more physically attractive than yours. But it all depends on what state you reside in and what part of said state.
Eh up I’m from the West Country :/
What goes through the mind of an anti-Anglo poster? Are they shills? Idiots? Both? It seems to me that a lot of people are wasting an extraordinary amount of time and energy on attacking what is ultimately a European race, and for no discernible purpose or outcome.
Just remind us of the 6 gorillion and head out.
Based ancient Pompeii shitposting.
>attacking what is ultimately a European race
Oh you already did that numerous times throughout your wretched history, Anglokike. Don't forget atleast you're not speaking German right now. Come on, chant about how Bomber Harris should do it again.
t. subtle attempt at implying only Germanics are pretty
t. someone who has never visited the British Isles
Those could be relevant bulletpoints for every user ITT desu
Florida is waterspic land combined with Neo Africa. Also, it's always been a boomer retirement state and Miami is yet another Israel.
It’s the same here. Sure there are some hot ones, but lots of young girls are disgustingly fat. The bad manners, guttural voices, tattoos, piercings, ridiculous hair colors and alcoholism doesn’t help either. It’s gone so far you have a better chance of seeing a hot 40+ than a young one. I think they’ll become a full blown health crisis in a decade at most. Feminism truly is poison.
Though to tell you the truth I've noticed that all anti-Anglo posts come from either the US, Germany or the Netherlands. It's telling that these countries are all giga-kike'd, effeminate and degenerate shitholes.
Nah, Britain has some very good looking women. Some very bad looking women too, but so does everywhere.
I never said only germanics are pretty, I said they’re prettier on AVERAGE.
It's not. The vast majority are some form of Anglo, and don't give me some meme immigration stats, because those fail to mention the millions of people already living here before the Germans arrived. Said millions didn't sit on their asses, they were breeding like rabbits. Also where do you think the "Saxon" comes from in "Anglo Saxon".
Dimwitted spic
Why the fuck would you go to Florida for user. I understand wanting a tropical vacation, but there are far more superior and cheaper options out there. Out of everything this vast nation has to offer, you went with the trashiest of them all. What's wrong with you?
Why would I need to tell you a bedtime fairy tale for? But the facts are the facts though, otherwise you would've made at least half an effort to prove me wrong
>t. subtle attempt at implying only Germanics are pretty
>t. someone who has never visited the British Isles
This isn't the 50s anymore. Your people don't even look like how you used to. It feels like every single average person over there has fetal alcohol syndrome. You're all fucked and it's so off putting when you compare it to what the average Brit used to look like.
girl in the middle is gunna make me cooooooooom
Anglos even cuck the eternal Hun out of his autistic numeral worship, why are we so alpha?
>checking himself
Why are anglos so cringe?
Well, I'm from England and I have gotten innumerable compliments from girls here, and even a few of the boys have called me handsome. I'm not too sure how to feel about the latter.
Some of these happened before people even knew that I'm English, so the accent didn't come into play. Those jezza Kyle photos are all outliers who are hand-picked to be on the show just because of how hideous they are.
I wonder what goes in the mind of butterfaces with nice big tits and slim body
Mediterranean posters tend to be a lot better than self-titled Aryans, I suppose that comes with the territory of having actual accomplishments as opposed to being nigger-tier tribal states who unify under a big boy only to start wars and fall to pieces a couple of decades later.