Be married to richest man on earth

>be married to richest man on earth
>divorce him
>become richest woman on earth simply because of being a woman and divorcing
Why do women have it so easy?

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So does his net worth just get cut in half because of a run of the mill worthless female human being?

Why can't white people GO BACK to treating women like property. Women are things; mostly sexual objects, and they agree with me.

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That game was great. You could legit create a dearth camp in it.

Welcome to a capitalist free market society where money is the priority over literally everything else in life.

Spoken like a true virgin incel.

They were running the company together for years though.

Reveal thine mammaries, or leave, thou putrid festering pustule of a hole, from whence thou came.

She married a beta-chump

She looks like a tranny and he looks like a peanut
These niggers need to stop eating kids

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Ahem. Anyone got her number or email address? Asking for a friend.

So smart AND beautiful?

We've been over this countless times. The divorce was specifically orchestrated to split his wealth. He is now in a much safer position

This. He was being blackmailed by some jealous Saudi fuck, and he knew he was a target at that point.

Yeah divorce law makes exactly zero sense and is evil and Jewish and the whole thing. There have to be huge changes. But oh wait! The country's about to be majority mud people with IQs in the 80s and 90s and they don't give a shit

He's not the 'richest man on earth' MSM-consuming retard. Industrial wealth is dwarfed by financial wealth. Rothschilds are worth Trillions and papal banking families are worth even more.

watch it, bigot. you are discounting the decades of unpaid emotional labor by Mrs Bezos which is certainly
worth $70 billion dollars.

Imagine having to fuck that sleepy eyed cunt for years though? Poor lass deserves it.

Jeff Bezos is a dumbass. He left her for an old coal burning latina roastie instead of organizing a date with a bitch like Angie Varona.

If you're gonna leave a beautiful woman, at least make her a huge fucking upgrade.

McKenzie Bezos is pretty good for a woman in her mid-40s. He left her for some eel faced bitch in her 50s that's been taking NFL linebacker Tyrone cocks for decades.

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Not writing a book about his trips to Epstein's kiddie fuck blackmail island are probably worth 50% of his assets.

I insist he did it because his company is overvalued and it's stock price is going to eventually correct itself.

Not even close to being the richest woman - we just aren't allowed to know how much the Rothschild family actually owns and controls.

If I had Jeff Bezos money I'd straight up buy Angie Varona... send my Michael Cohen "fixer" to invite her to my fucking mansion or yacht. Maybe cover my intentions... say I want to hire her for an Amazon marketing push.

And then I'd seduce her with my billionaire alpha bux and creampie her daily. Being into latinas and going after old, used up ones.

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How in the world can getting half his shit be justified?

Who cares, he was guilty of grave immorality. Adulterers should be gulaged.

Didnt he leave her for another woman?

He thinks he is.
He is not.

Do you guys think divorce rape will be the same when women become the primary breadwinners in our society? I have a feeling there will suddenly be a revelation and the moment that happens theyll address the inequality of divorce rulings when it affects women negatively.

He should have just murdered her and hired the best kike lawyer money can buy.
Then donate money to the Judge's "charity" of choice, and took a deal.

>Spoken like a true virgin incel

What is with this strange speech? What effect are you expecting to have with this consistently irrelevant response? It's nearly verbatim the same comment every time with you people. Why?

The closest new park tycoon game in which you can do just that is Jurassic World: Evolution, when played in Sandbox Mode.

Uhhh he cheated on her with some ugly mexican if she devorced him for no reason yeah thats bullshit but he did this not her faggot

>her job is to be an Instagram thot who shills an energy drink no one ever heard about
It's both easy mode and pathetic at the same time

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1) He cheated on her, if you can't be faithful to your wife - suffer the consequences.
2) She didn't divorce rape him, she didn't take 50% of his wealth, she got several millions, but that's about it.


>35 billion
>several millions

Perfect trophy wife material.

they have it so easy, because men are stupid slaves of them, that they don't realize ...
an advice....
don't see the ...

The man is stupid, and does not understand that when he tries to be a "hero" it turns out that he is actually a slave of women, they do not know of word compression.

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>what is planet coaster
>what is parkitect

She doesn’t even have a man in her life now. She really drew the short straw here. How is she going to open jars from now on? Hire a jar man opener?

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spoken like a true roastie emcel. No matter how physically attractive you are, no man worth anything will fall into the trap of marrying you. millenials may be worthless but we've seen enough boomers get divorce raped that we know better than to fall for the "put a ring on it" meme. i hope you like cats

No user those weird energy drink companies no ones ever heard of are just fronts for elite prostitution.

She was a fucking secretary, hardly equates to being a CEO (or CFO, etc).Stop white knighting.

She's got the looks for that, but she's got the baggage too.

women need to pay reparations for all the wealth they have unfairly appropriated from men

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>tfw no rich gf

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Have children, emcel.

>ah nahw some creepy old libshit fuck is a man therefore I will take his stance, fucking roaties amirite

Fuckoff incel

Bezos not only owns libcancwe WaPo and the cuckwagie empire but also has less game than any human on Earth despite.being a billionaire

>Imagine texting this to a 50yo coalburner
Based wife talking this cucks wagiesweat billions

Attached: Jeff-Bezos_Texts-Red-Ink-479x381.jpg (479x381, 32K)

She probably earned it. She probably sucked his dick and rode his cock when he need it most.

He married his secretary. That's some Don Draper shit. Looks like his testosterone dropped since getting extremely rich.

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>be woman
>marry runty, lazy eyed nerd
>nerd gets rich
>nerd cheats on you with goblina



>It's bigger than its ever been and still S W E L L I N G

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hello proxynigger

He willingly married her.
If he didn't know the risks, he shouldn't have played the game.

>He didn't take care of her and the kids for the past 20 years
He owes her nothing.

He does, faggot.

He owes her for all the years she willingly endured his utter BETA male presence, for even being near this disgusting bald,manlet, freak-eyed parody of a man

As a plain Jain she could've rode even 10000 cocks, since every male is willing, has over 100 Chads but she was with this cartoon character

He owes her more than half of his , precisely his wageie exploitation bucks

>richest man on earth

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>Why do women have it so easy?
Why is your goal in life to marry and divorce some degenerate liberal whoremonger?


What the hell is this shit even?
Hey, Hanz? Shut the fuck up, man.

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Muh bagina

Funny how to any normie, this would just be some numbers. But since it's here, I understand a whole idea you are trying to convey with only two numbers and a slash.
Shiggydiggy, son.


>Shiggydiggy, son.
haha le ol fag memes am I rite