Hi, Jow Forums

Hi, Jow Forums

I'm a Trapanese ambassador.

Ask me anything and I (and possibly others) will answer questions about our holy empire.

Attached: trapan.png (1600x900, 299K)

>Ask me anything
are you pansexual?

Are you cute?

I'm sapiosexual.


Post tits and dick

Do you guys use anime pictures because they draw cute traps to trick yourselves into thinking you don't look like men in wigs?

When do you plan on committing suicide?


no because were counterotaku and its aesthetic

no one wears a wig here

last month

any doujin recommendations?

you read that shit?

Alright. This sounds idiotic, but at least it isn't another dumb coomer thread.

Start with the basics. Who the FUCK are the trapanese?

Two nukes weren't enough.

Real men will never be attracted to you.

>I'm sapiosexual.
mnnnn so gender fluid?

Truman did nothing wrong.

I'd pump cum in your ass, but I'd never date you or bring you around friends or family

can you stop cooming?

literally could be anyone, but you can always tell by the black outfit

fuk u


then no

qt femboys are made for old man cock semen creampies

Are you in conflict with incelNEETstan?

That's literally the best you could hope for