What does Jow Forums think about this "back to school" video promoting common sense gun control?
What does Jow Forums think about this "back to school" video promoting common sense gun control?
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>What does Jow Forums think about this "back to school" video promoting common sense gun control?
Appeal to emotion.
We really need to start locking you weirdos up.
For some reason this image made me think how amusing it would be to have a musical set during a school shooting. Your thread is shit though.
>comments disabled
I can't believe you don't own this meme
They should just ban white boys from schools.
The solution is simple
>common sense.
what is "common sense" about it and why they are disabled for the same reason "news" organizations disabled all of their comments years ago because "too many trolls," and, "comments sucked, so we got rid of them for you."
people kept calling them out on their shit in the comments, so they had enough and did away with them.
but niggers commit the most, "mass shootings," including the ones at school.
Idk if this site has fucked me up but its lowkey funny
WOW for fucks sake - these people need to neck themselves
Using the phrase “common sense gun control” should be punishable by public curbstomping. If you want to fuck with my 2nd, I get to fuck with your 1st.
Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea?
Right wing white girl death squads?
Why do Americans criticise other peoples looks when their entire population resembles something out of a dysgenic nightmare
And fucking checked
It's supposed to be. It's full of puns and double entendres, it's using morbid humor to be subversive. The response they're looking for is "*snicker* That's fucking trippy, man...alright, let's burn the constitution."
The .org that put this out is a non-profit called “Sandy Hook Promise”, based in CT. Yet I’m having a hard time finding their listing in databases....
>Makes controversial video
>Disables comment section
Can you fuck off cunts?
>comments disabled
>ratings disabled
hmmmmm I wonder why
That’s the creepiest shit I’ve ever seen.
Gotta start somewhere
There was nothing about gun control in the entire video, it was telling people to report dangerous threats.
That shit looked more like a parody add you'd see on some skit show. Who let this be made?
Pretty much this
what is that!? What the fuck is that!?
>it was telling people to report dangerous threats.
You’re a huge faggot.
>Go to wallmart
Shart in that mart
>Go to school
Get shot at school
Man, America is a strange place
You're too autistic.
based and checkpilled
>goto Britainastan
>immediately leave
If only strange described Europe
You'd move here if we let you.
Right? I don't think the sarcasm mixed with the horror of children being slaughtered really works. Though I guess since leftists hate guns so much, they'll ignore the tone deaf nature of the ad.
>it was telling people to report dangerous threats.
What implies this?
nobody died at sandy hook.
and its nothing but propaganda to traumatize the youth. the odds of a shooting actually happening are so small it doesnt even matter.
but kids are taught that at literally any second of any day someone in their class is going to just pull out a grenade launcher and kill everyone in the school. theyre taught this is inevitable
Why should citizens surrender their arms to a government who killed far more people than they have?
The ending text "...when you know the signs."
Anyone who thinks this is about guns post a timestamp or gtfo, its about mental illness and dangerous threats going unchecked.
I'm sorry op, I missed the part of that PSA where it said "take your guns" Oh that's because it didn't.
Fuck off fag.
Thinks it must be after common sense vote control. Even more important than guns.
Voting should have background checks, mental health checks as well as drug tests and Identification. This is even more important than gun control, but we can tie them together if you like.
Let's take away the vote from the drug addicted and mentally ill libtards and then we can fix the "gun problem"...
>Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
What do you think about common sense voting laws op?
i just watched the video too
no surprise ratings and comments are disabled. the caved head bashed brain masses are beginning to wake up. its slow, but its happening.
Why does Sandy Hook have a marketing team?
Something about it makes it unlike the other school shootings.
>My range toy will save me from the gubment
Up next rice farmers, beat the us military
>spoiler alert! they were backed with Russian SAM's tanks, and a million Chinese and a threat of WWIII
You’re being a huge faggot again
Funny, other countries that don't have mass shootings must not have any mental issues.
and which countries are those dumbass?
mmm i wish i could get shot and then some chick wraps her sock on me
>What do you think about common sense voting laws op?
Repeal the 19th Amendment and all of this shit goes away forever
i couldn't stop laughing at that video
>comments are disabled for this video
what the fuck is this? the shooter never goes into the bathroom. what a dumb and uneducated video. you don't even need to think about it to much. there's never a guaranteed person in the bathroom. unless you're fucked and waiting for the cops, which this shooter clearly isn't, then you MIGHT go into the bathroom purely because a) it's somewhat out of the way and b) the close corners which could result in an extra kill or two. Not happy.
So you're saying every country has mass school shootings?
why dont people listen to this pleading crying emotionally destroyed mother and just turn all their guns in?
i mean my god look how upset she is. where are the executive orders from our nazi in chief ?
Checked, but isn't that an IS-3?
>Shooters never go into bathrooms
The Orlando nightclub shooter did.
>comments disabled
im not surprised
Just about.
>What does Jow Forums think about this "back to school" video promoting common sense gun control?
"These sneakers" are great.
Oh my sides.
I think i am too far gone this is kind of funny
None at all
This isn’t funny fren..
We’re dealing with psychopaths here
Xoomer here. How is this not parody?
Don't feel bad, I started laughing myself. That fucking kid running down the hall.
"The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”
The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.
Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws."
Probably becuase it’s a gay bathroom and likely had 20 guys in a glory hole stall. He would be stupid to not to
Yes show me the school shootings where more than 2 people were killed from the following countries in the last 10 years
Just to name a few.
Parody of what exactly?
Idk this and the landmine psa where some girl gets blown up was kind of funny. i had a school shooter at my school. He was a total cuck though and didn't shoot anyone he just shot the ceiling, cried, and tried to flex with a axe and kerosene
>Muh no one listens to me you'll listen now
Total fucking faggot
School shootings wont stop until we teach kids that
>movies and tv arent real. The way they behave and the situations they get into are dramatized for entertainment
>mind your own business. Who cares if someone you dont like has a Snoopy tshirt or yellow shoes.
>be an individual. Stop trying to immitate adults you dont understand
and like what even is the big deal with shootings at all anymore? if you get killed in one you were probably just like super pussy beta.
these two women were both shot multiple times just DAYS before giving this interview. they are so strong and powerfull. the one girl even has a bullet still lodged inside her liver.
What is "a stalking horse"? What is "lip service"? They present platitudes like 'teaching kids to recognize the signs' and 'building a more inclusive community' at the outset, but those are just Trojan Horse tactics to try and hook people in and get on board with the third part of their mission statement, 'demanding our legislators enact common sense gun reform'.
Never assume a liberal is acting in good faith. They never are. Literally. It's all trickery and mendacity with them, all down the line.
>The Orlando nightclub shooter did.
The local media here is a joke. They constantly remind everyone of the Pulse shooting. WFTV is always pushing it.
But these assholes not once nor anytime ever, when they push the Pulse shooting, do they ever mention that the shooters was a whacko Islamist. Which was the basis for his attack. They refuse to acknowledge it.
>common sense
>gun control
Please call us at (203) 304-9780 or email us at [email protected].
this is some high quality propaganda
What if they were stabbed?
Yeah look at the body count of mass stabbings vs shootings,
>I can kill 50 people at 200 yards with a knife
You must be Chuck Norris.
The only buttblasted one is you from your shit idea they never go into bathrooms.
la creatura
Step 1: Control News
Step 2: Take away guns
Step 3: Reduce Jobs and income of Whtie working people
Step 4: Total national control, impose communism
Step 5: ...
Step 6: profit (but that was obvious)
>Knives are as deadly and efficient as firearms
Well shit, the US military should turn in their M4's for KBAR's
>NOTE (importint):
Even if you do not like Trump, or do not have faith in him (honestly it is a naive thing to think Trump supports Israel, but to each its own), if you want to help destroy support for Israel by turning ALL Trump supporters against it, this is the way to do it.
Another thread related:
– - “Just for some perspective” - 2 minute read, redpills anyone. - “Mega Group, Maxwells, and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal”
Not sure what the problem is. The kids seem to be adapting well enough.
what the fuck is your problem? just block the bullets fired at your head point blank with your hands
are you more pussy that this girl or what?
Once again, no, seriously, that's the pun. It's full of puns and double-entendres, and the juxtaposition of the kids' upbeat plugs for their back to school supplies with the situation crosses the line into absurdist humor. It's using dark comedy to be subversive. You're supposed to laugh, and think "wow, I'm fucked up", and then consider voting for Beto to take your AR 15, your AK 47. It's deliberate.
orlando shooter held people hostage in the bathroom and killed some of them.
New fags, don't go to any discord server shilled here, you'll get doxxed and destroyed.
$10 bets she’s one of those responsible for tormenting Nick Cruz. All her before pics I’ve seen show her having hair; all after Sandy Hook shooting pics I’ve seen of her show her bald. And since we know women typically go from having hair to shaved head bald as a way of taking self-control when they otherwise feel powerless, I think maybe she realized she did something that caused all those deaths. But now she’s swept up in it all, can’t confess or she’ll be killed. And it torments her, all the way to the bank.
Stop with your inconvenient facts.