I'm Syrian, AMA

Attached: wrong.jpg (480x270, 33K)

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How many goats have you lost due to the war?

None so far, I pick only the finest goat anuses that can withstand years of pounding and barrel bombs

How many goats have you lost due to the war?

Do you support your president?

sec heres flag

Uhh...let's say I do...just in case

When are you leaving for Europe?

Pirates are same as terrorists, no negotiation no peace, only barrel bombs and chemical warfare

nice digits but now with my flag?

>kike under a memeflag

Typical tricks.

Unironically after about a year, once I graduate Imma attempt studying abroad there, preferebly in western europe, but currently the only guaranteed place is Russia

Is this you?

Attached: DDogFDuckingMusrat.webm (352x640, 1.21M)

What do you think of Assad? Have you fought in the civil war? Are you a practicing Muslims (Sunni or Shia?)

Also congrats for living in that country instead of moving out as most people did.

What's the worklife like over there? Holding down a job change with the conflicts or nah?

No because I ain't black

Already answered the first part in a previous reply

Nope, and I'm planning to travel abroad to escape having to fight in it, and no I'm an ex-muslim atheist, and I guess your last message gut nullified by what I just said about my intention to leave (you gotta understand the economic situation here is miserable staying here when you can leave is a death wish)

What's the mindset of someone who leaves versus the mindset of someone who stays?

>i do
Hehe dont you all?

Post proof that you are Syrian, maybe a Syrian newspaper?

Can't be compared because at this point it's basically "whoever can leave, has left" so there is no discernible difference between the 2

Nice try MI5

I mean this site auto detects your place of origin, so if my flag says Syria then you can be damn sure that I'm posting from Syria

How do you have internet? What do you think of ISIS?

oy answer
want peace?

We all have internet, internet never went away in Syria, not all of Syria is a warzone, especially where I'm from, though it is relatively slow compared to other countries because you know...we're a backwards shithole

ISIS are a bunch of scumbags no doubt about that, but you gotta understand almost everyone hates them even rebels and opposers of Assad

I legit have no idea what you wrote from the beginning

do you want peace with israel

Btw why Russia and not Germany?

If I get a chance to go to the 4th Reich I would, but currently I found only one guaranteed chance to go to Russia

Ever heard of a VPN? Or maybe a proxy?

Personally I do but the vast majority consider it high treason to even consider peace with Israel...I don't give a shit about Israel and what we did in Syria to combat Jihadists is way harsher than whatever Israel usually does

Why? then no one would believe I'm Syrian

good enough for me
stay safe user

What are proxies?

It's gotten a lot worse, now a regular salary can barely get you past the first week...honest to God I don't know how people are not starving, probably taking advantage of the rampant corruption (half gov employees make twice or triple their salaries from daily bribes)

Was it a war zone in your area?

I see, well maybe after you settle in Russia it will get easier to go to Germany.

You should know tho, that in Germany have been happening some in-fights between some immigrants groups, i think its between the new Siryans and the old Lebanese. The way i heard it, it was more between gangs trying to control the market, so maybe just for random people like you its not a problem, but you should know just in case.

For all we know you could also be a kike posting in the Golan.

Never a warzone cause Lattakia is the heartland of Assad, but we did have a small problem with shells being fired at us from the countryside, and also that time in 2016 or 2017 when ISIS blew up the "garage" in my city and killed around 200 people

Have you gotten your eyes examined by Assad?

Do people in Golan show up as Syrian here? legit curios about that

golan show up with israeli flag

If I did I wouldn't be alive here talking to you, I'd have died from the amount of constant orgasms from being examined by the God emperor of mankind himself

Do you think there will be an Assad III ruling over Syria?

Honestly can't tell at this point, 80% probability that there will, but you can't tell what Russia might decide for us

>you can't tell what Russia might decide for us

Their control is this strong?

I believe it is at this point, I mean they are publicly negotiating on our behalf, they are actively telling the world "these people are our bitches and we talk on their behalf"

Was it real bad before the war?
I mean was Syria a dictatorship with low quality of life back then?

It was, people were and still are very very displeased with how things are run in this country...it's just that, they treat Assad like the queen of England, basically putting all the blame on the consecutive governments and attributing any positive things to Assad, this is why you might get confused when you see so many Syrians saying they love him, they love him but hate every other thing about the country and everyone around him in the political apparatus

Also, we are told refugees are getting a lot of benefits in Europe. You seem to be struggling to get what you need, even considering Russia
So is that not true that as a refugee you can get a good education and etc?

describe alawites. what are they and how are they viewed?

good thread, btw

Soooo what's the deal with the white helmets and the fake videos they put out?

Anything I can tell you about them I would've nabbed from the internet or TV, I don't personally know anyone who knows about them...so no use of me here sorry

That's the thing I don't wanna go there as a refugee (that costs a lot and is quite dangerous), I wanna go there legitimately through some type of paid scholarship

Ok got it
My last question
What do you mean by your name?
Why race? Superior compared to whom?

I'm an Alawite myself, though not a believing one

Here's what I can tell you about us that is distinct from others:
1-We don't believe that women should wear hijabs, hence why almost none of our women wear it
2- We don't have a problem with alcohol, as far as I know Alawites believe only intoxication is forbidden
3-We are heavily overrepresented in the military and security apparatus of Syria, which is why we drew such animosity from other groups
4-We tend to like Christians more than Sunnis do, probably because their beliefs align with us more
5-We technically are Muslim but a lotta stuff we believe in ain't Islamic
6-Contrary to what you might hear, we don't actually worship Imam Ali, we just rever him a LOT, like fanatically

All of this doesn't apply to me though, I don't drink regularly, I don't care about Ali, I'm not in army or security, I like or hate everyone equally

Just a joke based on what Jow Forums is mostly about, I don't actually believe in racial superiority, Syrian isn't a race either

Good luck with your endeavors bro
Sincerely wish you all the best

Look, I'm tracing you right now, pal. We'll see how smart you feel with internal security all over your fricking ass.

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I'm protected by God himself, PUTIN, you'll have to go through him to get to me

Seriously though America helped us a lot more than it hurt us so thanks for that

P.S: I know you're not American, just going along the joke

Thank you :)

what percent of the population do you represent?
are all alawites in syria? or are they, like the kurds, spread throughout a geographic area?
is there an ethnic component to it or is it strictly religious?

thank you for your answers. btw, and not advocating dogmas, God is very real, fren.

You state that the U.S has done more for Syria and that you want peace with Israel yet they were both the same countries that destabilized Syria to begin with. Stop shilling

sorry obama killed your people for nothing.

I mean if Israel was wiped out I wouldn't care either

As for America, well yeah it did, it bombed ISIS back to the stone ages while Russia bombed the other jihadists to the same age, both helped us, one directly the other indirectly

As for America causing our instability? sorry chief that's just not right

Im joking too, its a quote from Fallout 2.

skip to 0:49

Are you gay? Would you have sex with me?

I don't know the percent but less than 10% from what I last read, we are mostly concentrated on the coast

90% of us are in Syria, outside of it are just immigrants of refugees

I don't know for sure, but in Alawite minds it's mostly if not entirely religious, as for God, well I don't deny his existance nor confirm it, just don't think religions came from him

For once
Jow Forums has a normal ama
But no, you have to remind everyone
You are on chans

Only if you're black, don't want the white inferior non-athletic genes in me

I respect Syrians. Most of the "Syrian" refugees making problems are actually North African or Iraqi who are only claiming to be Syrian to get asylum. From what I have seen Syrian people are way more civilised. Godspeed user.

Have you heard of Timber Sycamore? The U.S funded a bunch of rebels that eventually became Al Qaeda, HTS etc to destabilize Syria. Israel helped rebels by putting them in israeli hospitals and sending them back. You're not being honest.

Please reconsider

Shut the fuck up faggot the men are talking here


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Ok whaddaya have to offer?

Are you Christian or Muslim?

Fuck you with a cactus, homo

My ass

First of all it has nothing to do with honesty, Syrians, just like everyone else, have very different opinions on how the war started and who's responsible

Yes America sent a bunch of weapons to a few "moderate" rebels throughout the war, but never to a lethal extent (I've followed the war closely from its beginnings) America (with its actions) never wanted to topple him, just keep the country in chaos to sell more weapons and see how they can benefit from it, cause they sure as hell won't benefit from a leaderless country right next to their main ally Israel

Gulf countries on the other hand supplied rebels a lot, but that fell apart after they split due to the whole Ikhwan/Sisi shtick, which caused rebels to splinter and lose power from disunity

I could go on but this is a text wall already...and this is fucking Jow Forums not reddit

But one last thing, neither America or Russia started the war in Syria, fact of the matter is, like every other Arab country, we are oppressive, quite brutally too, read about any revolt in the world, brutality leads to violence and extremism and outside interference...that's what happened in Syria too, but I assure you the start was internal not external

>it's mostly religious
i met a handful in Boston. they were all of fair complexion.
to what event or phenomenon do they trace their origins?

they seem to me like the coptics of egypt in terms of their (former) utility to western interests. btw, all the alawites i met were very baste.

I was geared up for getting completely trolled desu, didn't expect people will ask serious quetsions on Jow Forums but here we are

It's because almost all of us come from the western coast of Syria, aren't most mediterranean people the same in skin color?

desu don't know much about coptics so can't tell how similar we are to them

I have a few and I'll probably think of more later

>is syria corrupted by globohomo?
>is Assad a good person and good leader?
>what are human rights like over there?
>what do syrian people think about people from the west, primarily americans?
>do syrians understand that a lot of americans do not support the wars their leaders are waging?

Nice. Hope the racewar kicks off soon so I can shoot you in the head.

Violent post apocalyptic nuclear roleplaying games are responsible for chemical gas, beheading videos and foreign fighters, better head back to 1998 to shut it down.

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When the race war comes your country will be entirely submerged to participate in it

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Yeah any day now. Better eat the bugs to stop climate change.

Yo, ahmed, have you ever met a nigger?
Have you ever experienced that rancid rotten butter/coconut smell that wafts from their disgusting nappy hair?

1-Not yet, but our regime is generally secular and all about the money, it doesn't care if the entire population became gay, it goes with the flow so don't be surprised if later on it endorses it (we are progressively becoming more socially liberal though)
2-I think he's a good person, a good leader? well all people around me complain about Syria being a shithole...but I addressed that in a long reply above
3-no HR, also 0 politics, 1 party rule, 1 state narrative, you can't protest anything (except in favor of the state obviously, like to show your love for Assad or hate for Israel) and no freedom of press
4-Mostly that westerners are too socially liberal, and also general dislike of the west due to foreign policies, anything beyond that vastly differs from person to another
5-I wish they did, but you have to understand Syrians don't know what democracy actually is, they naturally imagine all other countries like theirs, with 1 leader taking all the decisions and leading the nation as one block, not knowing that in a place like America, people vote against a certain leader that wants war, and they publicly protest wars abroad and criticize it all the time (something they're not familiar with because of the 1 narrative thing)

Closest thing we have to that are bedouins, and no people generally dislike them because they are dirty nomads
But yeah we did have an Ethiopian servant 10 years ago, ngl we did feel a bit repulsed by her sometimes, we fired her later because she was a tad bit too spoiled, and we don't cater to spoiled nigs or crackers

Thank you for those detailed answers

do you think isis was right, and assad should fuck off

ISIS were never right, fuck them not even rebels thought they were right (only people who disagreed slightly with ISIS were Nusra, a branch of Al Qaeda)

in the middle east, conspiracy theories attribute ISIS to everyone, theories that say it's an Iranian creation to thwart the "Syrian revolution", theories that attribute it to Israel/America to overthrow Assad, theories that attribute it to Turkey to kill Kurds...no one knows the full truth about them, and everyone uses them as a scapegoat

Assad should stay now

fuck off kike