OK, which one of you did this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Hey rabbi whatcha doin?
false flag, rainbow flag edition.
The owner did it.
Guaranteed false flag.
False fag
Probably the Sodomite who owns the luggage, for the cause!
That's just the technical definition.
Whats a "sobmite"? New Fortnite slang?
This; clearly the sodomite did it.
Fake. If they were genuinely pissed off they'd have just ripped the tag off and chucked it.
How long until we find out that this was written by the passenger?
The media reports on all these (((incidents))) as if they're real because the media is the enemy of the people.
It's when a jew cries over the forever shoah
likely due to a suitcase full of diwdoes
airport people get a LOT of exposure to sex toys and body modifications
they see so much of it that it affects them psychologically, and no matter how stupid and lazy they are and may sometimes feel, they can shrug it off cause "at least i don't got no fake horse dick on my business trips"
Her twitter.
Other handwritting.
BTW, look at the 'b's in the note (at bottom) and the b in lgbt on the tag. SAME b.
A real hater would not misspell sodomite.
What's the big deal? Don't they engage in sodomy and the rainbow flag is celebrating that fact? I thought they were proud of it.
>writes about a sodomite being called one on a $5 luggage tag
>national news, plans for a private investigation
>nobody's paying real attention to Israel's elections
>nobody is giving real coverage to the Lewandowski Hearing
>they wonder why they're being treated as enemies of the people
Look at all the tall lower-case consonants in this note. They are almost all touching the next letter, just like the "sodomite" scrawl.
Post the actual image, damn.
But she does take it in the pooper hetero or not.
I dont have the org. pic. Thats from her brand spanking new twitter. Someone else called her out about the low quality pic. She is getting hammered in the comments on ALL her tweets.
Renee Gerrish - How to reduce presentation anxiety
yoyo rabbi
Her employer. Not sure yet what state she is in.
Why would anyone have their secual preference in their luggage? jesus christ.
What a retarded fucking note, I turns out the owner of the luggage was even worse than the poor handler imagined.
Irony: the person going by "Idiocracy" is harping on about muh oppppresheeun olympics
40 going on 30 trying to be 25
Her FB
Owner of the luggage did this to try to scam free tickets.
Need to find her home state.
You'll date girls with penises and like it bigot.
She lives in Atlanta, Georgia. Here are the stores she could work at: aveda.com
Her Linked: linkedin.com
They're not going to body shame a white Juicy Sommelier out of work.
She a master fund raiser!
It says solomite. Solo meaning one and mite coming from the Latin mitere which means send. So more than likely this bag was just sent alone with no other accompanying bags.
kek. I thought they were proud of being sodomites??
obviously the sodomite owner did it
Doesn't pol also love sodomites?
Juicy smoolay
Fake and gay. Compare the writing.
Blaming Indians.
Even if it is real, who cares.
This shit is petty.
People are getting fatigue.
Who the fuck cares? Oh no! Someone called you a name! What is the world coming to???
Her myspace? Not good with faces, is this the same gal?
>luggage handler has such nice handwriting and time to do this
>luggage handler stayed within the lines instead of writing it in huge letters
You just know it's the faggot that did this to sue money from delta. Same BS like people suing companies because they burned themselves on a hot coffe and then companies went wild wuith the warning stickers.
It's jewish lawyers and jewish pets doing what they can do best. I don't care for corporate but they have cameras all over the place and if they are clever they will sue the falsflaggot to prevent copycats.
Btw. the "do" looks like a cock and balls.
Imagine the time wasted contacting a publishing site to push these false flag events.
Oh lord.
The Insta
I kinda hope that it's not a falsflag but some muzzie here on a dreamer pass.
Aids was intended as a bioweapon to slow down birthrates in africa.
Needs more swastika.
I'd bet money this is "Hey fruitcake, whatcha doin?"
This is quality.
Probably you
Don’t tell me TSA is redpillled.
For being the south, ATL sure has a lot of faggots.
her note for comparison
>which one of you did this?
it was an Australian
First post by her about this is on 9/12
1) Did she wait 5 days to report it, or did she post about it a day before she flew?
whats a sobmite
>I will not go quietly
Why do they all think they're revolutionaries and heroes? They're fat pigs with nothing going on in their sad, pathetic lives so they deface their own luggage.
Will rainbows ever stop being associated with gays? I wish they would have chose just one color
I don't get it. If you're a gay male, you are a sodomite. It's not like it's a lie.
Oh, come on. These people are idiots.
1post by OP, out of 75.
Ruining the rainbow was a tragedy for all of us, they should've chosen brown like the fudge packers they are. Nah, instead they needed a happy and fun image to brainwash the youth.
shit lemme fix the D
probably a nigger faggot.
dont get yourself tied up. sodomite is an expensive brand of luggage.
>the D
underrated post
I want you to know that I appreciate this joke, it’s classy.
Maybe in like 50 years they'll change it to be skin color shades or something. In the meantime I'm not giving up on rainbows I still like them they can fuck off
Sounds like he's a sodomite. Ten to one he did it to himself though.
>things that never happened