Why do so many women study law? In UK, Norway, Sweden, Island, Finland, Germany and France, the vast majority of lawyers and law students are women. Either you like it or not, the majority of women choose caring occupations. However, law is the last humane thing to study on earth. legalcheek.com
Why do women love law studies?
Because you can get an "A for a lay" really easy in law.
Men are declining. Law is meme tier in America but the field is getting dominated by women.
Because the partners of the law firms are men, and they want a steady supply of hotties to bang.
>muh power
>I'm a high powered woman!
>I'm stronk!
30 years later
>why aren't there any men who want me
because they want to expand their rights as women.
>In UK, Norway, Sweden, Island, Finland, Germany and France, the vast majority of lawyers and law students are women
really? no wonder you're fucked
Not true, that's only true in Sweden and Norway.
also this
I did some pre-law before deciding against it. half the kids in the classes were beaners who said they wanted to be immigration lawyers
Women assume that they have to behave according to a code that's presented to them and become skilled at interpreting it, even if it isn't that clear. Men are expected to emit those laws in a regular social settings.
makes sense
lawyers don't even know how law works
lawyers are word wizards, serving the devil
perfect for women
Because woman are great at bringing up old shit everyone forgot about in the argument. Law today is about being technically correct while disregarding the spirit of the law and common sense.
Women are natural born lying, manipulative, power-mongering, psychopath bitches.
Like nonwhites, they want to use the law to advance give themselves extraordinary legal privileges and extract resources from the working male population
these women split in three groups: (40%/40%/20%)
1. those who are idealistic and want to 'better' the world via legislation - most end up working for non-profit-organisations
2. the power hungry feminists/dykes that go into the public sector/become judges/become politicians in order to control the state and its power.
3. They go into business
Neurologically womens brains are built to recieve information not question or dispence it. I.e they suck shit at maths science etc.
Let's be honest, that is not true. The vast majority of women choose to stay at home because they love their children. The majority of women choose caring professions such as psychology, nursing and teaching. Women on average love humans, but somehow, they still choose the most morally inferior occupation of them all.
Cause they hate men and want to use the legal system to destroy men
I've met a lot of these law student girls and they are the biggest cunts on the planet
doing a law degree is maximum red flag I don't give a fuck whether she's attractive or not
Because it's easy.
Women are far more vindictive than men.
Many people idealize attorneys as moral crusaders
challenge God. they're going to regret it.
Serious answer: the high IQ women tend to cluster towards verbal IQ and away from math. High IQ women will tend to become professors or lawyers, while high IQ men will be split among those high verbal professions and engineering and hard sciences.
Because women work where they feel safe and a court room is safe, often predictable, it follows a repetitive code, and it involves constant talk & interactions with people, which women love, which is why women don't like being engineers. When I was in court in the department which dealt with family issues, I'd say 80% of judges were women.
>Law will become a low income job in your lifetime