America: Perfectly divided
This is the only hope for you Yanks
Or they could just deport the shitskins to fix their problems without having to divide the country
CSA is fine but Florida needs to get its shit together, southern CA would join mexicao and the rest would form some rocky mountain state along with OR and WA. Mid west would joing great lakes and new england would invade canada and become super canada which would some how be a worse country. Alaska would be Alaska, Canada can't invade shit.
The north western parts belong to the chinks
Why is my state in the Unitary States?
Since when do we feel any sense of national identity with this gay ass name?
The Pacific Northwest is either going to become Northwest Front or New Awakening land.
Speaking for all Hoosiers here, we will never join a political union with Ohio, ever. Fuck off with this buckeye propganda, Ohio is the first to go when the union falls.
Why do euros get all pissy about Americans showing interest in Europe then act like they know the first thing about our nation? Jew tier arrogance
>we will never join a political union with Ohio, ever.
We're not stuck here with you, you're stuck here with us.
Hey thanks for alaska
u wanna fucking go bud? We could easily take Cinci, Columbus and Dayton by the top of the hour.
Illinois would fuck this up anyway.
This may come as a surprise to your rainy little socialist island, but ignoring the Mississippi River, various mountain ranges, Alaska's appeal to Russia, and how up its own ass Texas is all makes that map wrong.
Were deporting all our POCs there before we give it to you.
the US is not divided because of immigrants, just look how whites fight each other over political trivialities
Whats up with your women man? Hot as shit until like 35 and then they instantly look 80.
>CT Mass and RI connected to maine nh and vt
get the fuck out of here
one of the biggest problem with that game is the lack of a custom map editor
Toledo War never forget
Great Lakes Commonwealth: *laughs in Michigander*
Confederate States of America: *laughs in West Virginia, Texas, and Florida*
you lost and now you're gay.
> Britposting
I guess it is to be expected. Education system there really doesn't give a fuck about common people, huh?
this is the best you could come up with?
let's get serious okay. show me the solution
*laughs in 1776*
shouldn't you be working on solutions for your own shithole country? Disarmed, cucked, raped (figuratively and literally) by shitskins. Your country is dead.
Dissection by geographic, demographic, economic, and politically homogenous regions (rural dominant) and independent, isolated city-states is the solution.
Besides matters concerning the Treasury and Military between states or foreign powers, dissolving the federal government to reinstitute states’ rights allows for each state or region to practice friendly competition with each other to improve the commons (as was done in Europe for centuries) instead of being subject to an overbearing federal government competing for population to secure votes, resulting in a growth of the underclass and increase in immigration.
You MO bums cant ever stop thinking about us.
Midwestern Union should be Free Territories League.
Jesus Christ are Yanks on this board retarded r/T_D boomers now? Take a good long look in the mirror you bucktooth hillybilly.
That’s not true. Those ugly women are ugly since birth.