Estonia is nordic

Estonia is nordic

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For the last time, yes.

yes, alot more nordic than Swerabia and Norwstan.

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Пo-pyccки пиши, cyкa

only boomers know occupants language because they were forced it by russification,pidorashka

I hear Narva is nice if you're looking for a place to have your tires stolen.

you hear wrong then. its a safe place just full of russians

>just full of russians
So, Hell on Earth?


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No we are baltic and proudly eastern europe, so is finland

we are norhtern europe not eastern but not nordic. dont group us with low slaves, we are levels above

Toomas Hendrik Ilves said you were Nordic and he went to Harvard, so he must know what he's talking about.

I said this on Reddit and they said I was an idiot I can't trust anything on here

he isnt Estonian, born jew in Sweden and lived most of his life out of here, like fit for a jew
he is random and presidents have no rights in this country. his opinion doesnt matter

Fuck no, Finns aren't even Nordic

When speak with Russians you speak Russian even if it's Estonia, chukhonets


shit bait

You speak Russian even if it's Estonia, chukhonets

Too many Russian minorities. If you sort that shit out, we can talk brother.

Chukhna isn't worth anything and will go to ocean


Who the fuck is shilling this? It must be the government promoting our country surely. Is this what my tax euros are spent on?

Normally, this twice daily thread has been posted by German and Norwegian flags.

>we are Northern Europe
You fucking border Russia and are close to Moscow. You’re east. Northeast to be specific.

anything above poland is nordic in my book

Lmfao, I can remember the "Nordic" hype our country was promoting everywhere.
Fucking cringe desu
Anyway, Estonia is the northernmost country situated in Central Europe.
Do not let yourself be defined as Eastern Europe or Baltic by your anglo masters

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>Central Europe

Yes, we actually do belong in Central Europe by every cultural and regional aspect of how these countries are defined on geopolitical maps.
It used to be all this time, ever since fall of Berlin Wall until Anglos started to define this region as Baltic or Eastern Europe. Don't be a cuck

we dont have anything in common with central europeans tard what culturally or regionally common. youre cuck like these nordic fags trying to belong to where we dont belong. this is northern european area, eastern is sticked on us for soviet times and the baltic states term comes from our independence. even Finland was considered as Baltic State. what central europe now

We belong to Central Europe, defined by Germans, ever since 13th century.
This is where we have always belonged.

>central europe
literally on the same X axis as eastern europe and near Y axis as Finland and you retard come tell me we are central europe. do less drugs pls