Redpilled university degrees/fields of study?

What does Jow Forums recommend?
I just want to make sure I actually end up getting a job.

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Ay chihuahua no in cares sorry user:(

art history

If I wasn't a retard that took political science I would have taken chinese merely because there's always business there and no one can put you out of a job

>but a billion chinks

if that was the case no one would bother with it, and I'd just learn multiple languages to stay relevant

>but google translate

That thing is embarassingly shitty and doesn't even recognize most chinese or japanese writing correctly

But if I had a fucking time machine I would have taken statistics because it's /like/ political science except instead of being a meme where you read books about using statistics to predict turnout in election races you go directly into the math side of things and come out with a useful STEM degree

>options are learn alternate skills, go back to undergrad or take the LSAT and try to translate a Law degree into a useful job

FML bros

doesnt matter what you study - you end up wage slaving and wasting your time either accomplishing nothing or helping to exploit and destroy this world further.
Whatever you do, you will be a slave.

gender studies

Don't go. Everyone has a degree now, they give them away to anyone who pays them. Experience and a good resume is way more valuable.


Every person that I've ever met that learned Mandarin (and I live in London and know several) regrets it, and absolutely loathes China.

>university degrees

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Accounting, if you're not dumb / lazy and can pass with good grades that are appealing to big firms.

if you are lazy with lower work ethic, go for a skills trade.


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what else is there?
I guess there's trade school, but I don't have any interest in that


why don't you post it you spaghetti-nigger?

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Finance then law school. Sniff out non-profits being used to cheat on taxes working freelance. If Canada has similar laws as here you get a decent cut of any money owed by tax cheats. Basically the modern equivalent of a bounty hunter, only instead of riding horses you sit in an office.

Any one that lands you a decent paying job straight after graduating. If you fail to do that you're a complete brainlet retard.

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I’m phonefagging

This. Also I suggest a trade first, then college. (Computer, Stem, robotics). The 4th industrial revolution is around the corner. The more practical experience you have the better the job market.

well I'm a newfag and I don't know what pasta you're referring to
>inb4 lurk more

STEM i think. Everybody says that here so it must be true.

>I just want to make sure I actually end up getting a job.
What are you good at retard?
Can you do math? Engineer Are you good with people? Medical/doctor/ambulance guy Can you learn new information and remember it well? lawyer

In any case: go to a jobhunting site and watch how many job offerings there are for your job, then read the requirments, then choose an education that lets you do that job.

Dont be a commie, you have one shot, mak it count.

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Any heavily math related one, women and negroids can't into math

>working minimum wage

Why do you want a job, OP?

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Computer science, mathematics or statistics. Supplement these courses with a language (modern or ancient) and philosophy.
Although they can be challenging, with these you should pretty well avoid the classes that make the university a degenerate shithole, all the while creating applicable skills to argue, write, read and reason.

I studied mathematics and I have absolutely no regrets.

>4th industrial revolution
Sure, bro. The global economy is doing just fine to launch the developed world into some fucking next stage of production..

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>I studied mathematics and I have absolutely no regrets.
Based. Same here. Pretty much anything in the humanities is far better to study on your own than in school.


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Anyone saying law school is retarded
It is so saturated that it’s disgusting
OP go electrical engineering

>lurk more

Like two years.

Petroleum engineering. Mostly guys so no drama and office politics, gets shit done

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Don't get no discord ever and be associated to pol. SPLC bait servers

Don't get ON* damnit

>he actually thinks anyone will take him without a degree
HR will throw your cv away the moment they see you have no degree
>b-but experience
i'm not saying that's not important, i'm saying that having a degree it's like a basic requisite

Redpilled is realizing that the university is a waste.

I understand that, but I'd be making a decent wage dealing with awful chink bastards instead of trying to figure out how to parley a garbage-tier degree into some middling salary job instead of spending my life working gig garbage

>thought I would be in the civil service
>turns out "entry level" civil service jobs pretty much only hire mid-30s graduate degree holders
>if I was a mid-30s grad degree holder I wouldn't want to work in the government because the pay is fucking garbage at the entry level for a person with a master's degree

It's a clown clown world and I'm just trying to honk in it.

HR is for faggots.

I also kinda regret majoring in polysci, I feel like my degree has very little value
Dunno about the learning Chinese thing though, I feel like it's not such a great choice. If you're serious about learning Chinese though your best bet is living in China for some years. Living in the country of the target language is unironically the best way to learn.
I heard you can get a job in China just for being white as well, not sure how realistic that actually is though.

Underrated post. It's a rat-race to see who can be the one to sell out the west to collect some personal shekels.

Are you teaching English while learning Japanese, or a Japanese guy?

>Petroleum engineering

I know 5 people who have degrees in that shit and they cannot get work in that sector.

CS and CE are pretty based. 90% of grads are men, and if you're willing to put in the proper work, you'll never have to worry about making money again.

>inb4 some NEETs who just passed the classes and thought that was it reply
Yeah, if you're an aspie or a lazy fuck, don't bother, this isn't for you. But if you really have a passion for wanting to know your shit, you'll become a fucking wizard.

Take me for an example. I dropped out of college, got a job, decided to max out my xp while working and started soaking up information. Four years later, I had the required technical know-how of 4 different dev/IT roles, I could apply to any of those different jobs and get it. Fast forward four years, now I could apply to most senior dev/architect jobs out there and have a decent chance of landing the position.

But more importantly, what you gain is not just a list of skills, but the ability to go rogue. I have the technical understanding and the experience to take on basically any commonly used open-source server software, spend some time getting in-depth knowledge on it, and start selling consultation, training and/or dev services for it. Do you have any idea how much companies pay for a single-day workshops?

When you reach a certain level of mastery in this racket, you're basically guaranteed big bucks until you're like 55.

>get degree in x bro
>no get degree in y bro

And then no one had any jobs

Not teaching only learning Japanese, although I should be to be honest.
I'm probably too weak to handle any kind of real responsibility though to be honest


what's it like having shitty eye sight?

Stats/Actuary/Insurance/Tax/Law if you can get to a good school and firm

Voluntarily take on a working class job and plug the hole they use to justify your replacement

>Hurr I might get a papercut


Look all I'm saying is there are smarter ways to make money. Labor work is for niggers anyway.

I am a lawfag how do I get into this?

Most graduates don't even use their degree for the work they are currently doing. Just get a degree in something you like and reach for the'll be scrubbing toilets anyways with a masters in accounting when the left take over.


>Labor work is for niggers anyway.
You're saying what Soros says. Re-evaluate considering there are things more important then money. Not like theres a lot of time.

Become a scientist and figure out how to cure aging.

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Turns out pol is jewish

Learning new information and remembering well is not a prerequisite for being a lawyer. Maybe learning new information but remembering? nah. I can't remember shit and I does law stuff gud.

>being a lawyer
You WILL be replaced by watson AI

and? get used to us being around here a lot more
especially after we've secured 2020. You will learn to bend the knee, everyone will..

i like jewish boys post your circumcised penis pls

You gotta admit though real life experience is really good to have before going to college. If you go straight from high school to college you probably won't fully see the importance in what you are doing and probably won't really try much to get good grades.
I should have gone out into the world for a few years to maybe try and find some direction and a taste of how hard it is to make it with no help.

Instead I went straight to college out of high school. Stayed undecided first two years and just picked something that was low effort and generally put in minimal effort. Here I am 3 years after graduating with still no direction, sense of purpose, passion, or clue of what to do.

Once I picked my major I stuck with it just cause it was probably the easiest for me. I've seen people switch majors and graduate years after everyone else cause they switched like 4 times.
I guess the closest thing I could give to a redpill on what to major in would be to experiment in the first year or two, try to pinpoint what you have the most interest/passion in.
Realize that unless you're going to medical school or some shit like that there's a good chance the job you end up with won't have shit to do with your degree. A lot of employers just like to see that you were competent enough to make it through college at all

Math with stats

Seriously stats can show you how to present collected data in a graph for normies and redpill them. I can do stats on black crime etc and redpill the masses are while they try to find a reason to blame it on the white man. Well the data doesn’t show that!

And math in general makes you smarter, more clear and the use of logic becomes second nature.

Math actually transformed my language and now I speak; I almost speak in all Mathematical terms I.e therefore, furthermore, such that, suppose, for all / any. And proving statements become easy

Well what the fuck does it depend on?

Death should not be cured.

how do you figure? AI can't make emotion pleas. It's black or white with no in-between. There is a reason justice is blind and not a compooter dumdum.

I wonder how that deal will work for you Shylock

Pfft not a chance. Actually now that I think about it, I could see my probate practice maybe but not my criminal practice.

you need to have been born into it lol
sorry I don't think you apply for the position hahahaa

I Minored in Chinese, I dont mind chinkland either

This. Although maybe 1 in 100 clients ever go to trial, no AI is going to be trying a case anytime soon. I would like to buy some AI to help me out though, that would be nice.

>AI can't make emotion pleas
Thats a downside?
The industrial revolution slimlined the physical aspects but left the mental side free. Thats where the market space is. God know they'd save a bit not having to pay for bloviating smug buggers

You are a massive faggot.

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What can you do for a living besides teaching math at grade school?

I honestly have never seen a company or anybody "hire" a "mathematician"

>I'll win a logical argument with AI

Its coming

>indentured servitude in America

what can you do for a living with a degree in a foreign language besides teach kids?

we're all fucked

if i could go back in time i wouldnt have majored in a foreign language and I wouldve become a contract lawyer of immigration lawyer


if you want to make sure you have a job get really good at something. then major in whatever you want. bland comp sci majors get passed over all the time for junior dev jobs for people who are actually skilled at programming but majored in art for fun

Go to art school, resist all the attempts at indoctrination, proceed to create pro rigth-wing art and enlighten the masses.
Only true answer.

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>AI can't make emotion pleas
Exactly. That's why lawyers will be shitcanned. AI will deliver accurate and factual information instead of jerking around how Tyrone dindu nuffin because society made him a nigger.

i enjoy translating but i dont enjoy making pennies per word and single digit income per page

at least you can use xcode or java and make a game on google play or something and become a millionaire with a cash shop

The real redpill is prostituting yourself so you can buy drugs to sell to rich white people and then using that money to finance a militia of child soldiers in somalia so you can become king of niggers

Look at this. They can put the codes of any game before a system which in turn will analyze it and out-compete you. A bad time to be getting into debt on a wing and a prayer (and Pajeet will take the place anyway)

I'd recommend 'The treasure of living a life' and 'shut the fuck up you faggot' by anonymous

>fucked up and got my BS in basket weaving

I'm gonna go back for a secondary certificate in the spring. Is a GIS accreditation good for work? It seems like there's plenty of job openings for it and it's a field I think I'd be good at.

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If you have balls to do it, then go to the humanities and make it your life purpose to fix it.
This is one of the few things with the potential to literally change society.

>instead of jerking around how Tyrone dindu nuffin because society made him a nigger.

Say you shot tyrone turning and fleaing your home after raping ur wife thats technically murder humans would let you off but the ai would be like
>AI Judge:Did 09444127 break into the defendants home?
>AI Prosecutor:beepboopbeep Yes
>AI Judge: Did defendant 09182734 kill 09444127?
>AI Prosecutor: beepboopbeep Yes
>AI Judge: AI Defense Council how do you plea
>AI Defense:beepboopbeepboopbeep Guilty
sounds like a real shit way to go out

Trade school, Quick, Cheap, Profitable. Try electrician or HVAC and be making 80 or 90k out of school at 21 or 22

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>At least my hoe didn need to pay cracka lawyer

>unimaginably high IQ
>never loses a case
sure sounds white to me :D

>Does his job

>How come a certain 13% are getting 50% of the convictions? FUCKERS RACIST AN SHEEIT

San Pellegrino is based water though.

That's what I'm unironically doing but good luck not killing yourself before you graduate

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how does it feel being so demanding after saying to me I was clutching? You're a piece of shit and you love to keep it that way.

Trials aren't logical user. That's why I say it won't happen any time soon.
Body language, voice inflection, eye contact. These are what win trials. Like anyone cares about what the "law" says hah.

I don't see the point of going to university although I myself go. I guess the best degrees you can get are the ones where the majority of students are girls. It's the easiest way to have sex.