Why did they lose to impoverished communists?
Why did they lose to impoverished communists?
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US aid
And because Italy was not on their side
>The tanks reached the front lines with extraordinary speed. Extrapolating from available statistics, researchers estimate that British-supplied tanks made up 30 to 40 percent of the entire heavy and medium tank strength of Soviet forces before Moscow at the beginning of December 1941, and certainly made up a significant proportion of tanks available as reinforcements at this critical point in the fighting. By the end of 1941 Britain had delivered 466 tanks out of the 750 promised.
How much did the USSR get from Lend Lease?
Soviet chads destroyed the nazi roaches. Will happen again if nazis manage to chimp out once more.
They weren't impoverished when they were financed by Western Jew bankers from their inception
Litteraly America provided every tank plane bomb and piece of ammo and equipment to the Soviets. Americu won the war the Svoiets were just niggers with American equipment.
Countries that lost to communists became communist. None of these countries became communist except East-Germany and that was never even a country.
I wanted to ask something of krauts but since i don't know any irl i'm asking here. Do modern Germans genuinely hate Slavs? From my experience Slavs are just normal Euros and the only truly nigger tier people from EE are Romanians. What do krauts think about Slavs because i generally see krauts hating Slavs here.
>None of these countries became communist
Territory+all the supplies from usa and britain, without it they wouldnt have been able to win a logistic war
Krauts see us through propaganda even though these roaches raped up to 10 million women here and nobody wanted to spread legs
Lend lease and their human wave strategy, unlike the axis, the soviet had nearly an infinite amount of manpower they could simply waste. Just send as many troops as you possibly can through multiple waves and wait for the enemy to run out of supply then counter invade.
A majority of their high explosives ans high octane fuel.
Retard, us and the British sent our fair share of equipment as well.
Pretty much all the trucks for transport i think
>93% of railroad equipment
>30% of their planes
>8% of their tanks
>shittons of aluminum, food, clothing, cars and trucks
Basically everything.
We should have attacked from the east at the same time
I am sorry to dissapoint you Germany
You would have sucked Soviet cock
you did dingus, you idiots got encircled by by Zhukov
Then Soviet BTFO you in 1945 too
They're were weird as fuck, we had to throw these roaches from their own homes and move polish humans there
This vodka monkey is a liar.
My great-grandfather told me stories about both sides of WW2. He said whenever the Germans passed by his hometown they paid for everything, built roads, infrastructure and were extremely civilized.
After the Germans started retreating and Russians came stuff started disappearing (farm animals etc.), women disappearing and/or raped etc.
>get btfo and lose clay in 1905 to a smaller navy that could've easily been beaten
Truly the height of Russian intelligence. It's too bad capitalists saved them in WWII
You realize that 1905 Russia was still the Russian Empire under the inept Tsar, don't know why you're bringing capitalism up.
>Soviets took advantage of japan being atom bombed
Not even 24 hours after it happened
Everything the R*ssian touches turns into shit, if you want proof just look at the countries who have been/are under Russian influence occupation, all of them dysfunctional shitholes except for some Finland and Estonia who had some luck towards the end of the last century.
22.5 million tons of American war supplies. For reference the United states used 17.5 million tons in the European campaign.
>lose clay in 1905 to a smaller navy that could've easily been beaten
Well, such things happen when you let kr*utkikes run your country. Glad we killed them back in 1918.
Don't care, chukhonets
Mostly the trucks and railway cars.
Otherwise they would have not be able to feed their troops, move them or take bullets to them. Or to keep the industry running.
And to think all America had to do was nothing and the world would have turned out better
Do you not understand the infograph you just posted? Soviets has more than double the casualties on one front than the Axis had on two fronts.
>don't care
I wouldn't expect a parasite to care or be concerned of his detrimental behavior.
>Lend lease and their human wave strategy, unlike the axis, the soviet had nearly an infinite amount of manpower they could simply waste. Just send as many troops as you possibly can through multiple waves and wait for the enemy to run out of supply then counter invade.
Anti-Russian neo-nazi revisionist propaganda.
And nazism was even worse by far, in fact had the nazis won in the decades that would come the nazis probably would have had persecuted Christians to a degree the communists never did and start a nuclear war with the west.
we are uncoquerable
Lend-lease from the US, underestimation of the army, big problems with logistics, oil and the fall of blitzkrieg.
In details:
Lend-lease is obvious
Understimation - after soviet-finnish war and the battle of lake Hassan Soviet army got very bad reputations. And because of poor quantity of spies (really, soviets destriyed their own general stuff during the 1937-39, but they also manged to kill all the spies) this reputatuion managed to held till 41. Why underestimation? Because soviets learned their lesson from finns and made big progress in 40-41.
Logistics - USSR is not France. If i remember well germans calculated about 800 kilometres of their logistics length, but it wasn't enough. Also all these partisans and revolts from behind.
Oil - yeah, really pain in the ass for Nazi Germany. It was planned to knock down soviet union till winter, which they were unable to do and in the winter of 41 they met really big problems with oil.
Blitzkrieg - well, i wanna say that German plan for the war sucks. It really just says to get to the AA line, while even plan rot (france) was more complex. German strategy was kinda stupid, but their tactics has won the first stages, utterly destroying the soviets in 41.
Yet they failed to achieve the target and lost a lot of equipment and oil. In 42 they made kinda All-in plan to conqure caucasus for oil, but for some reason decided to conqure Stalingrad (dunno why, didn't really read about it. Just know that it wasn't planned). When it failed in Jan 43 and theur armies where destroyed in Stalingrad it was already end fot them. But to be historically accurate i would say that their complete defeat was after batlle of Kursk, where they've lost tons of tanks and equipment and what is more important - ability to conduct offensive warfare. The battle of attrition started and germany had no chances.
Kinda interested to listen how germans say about this war
Because communism is superior to Nazism. US land lease basically did nothing, the USA and Britain spent most of the war hoping the Nazis and the USSR would both lose.
nononononono, we are just unconquerable
this, comrade
Oh yeah, forgot to add the unbeatable power of communism.
Early in the war maybe but once they finished moving everything behind the Urals they were mostly self sufficient especially with Baku
America benefited most from it though, because USSR was paying in gold for that until what, 90s?
Well, America did it's best to get the profit, just like in WW1. And that is what made them a superpower
Italian soldiers fought bravely on the Eastern Front. As did the rest against the Red Tide.
Germany fought the hardest though.
>Early in the war maybe
Nah man, Germany's allies suck when compared to the fucking war-machine
They were an economic powerhouse since earliest 1900s, world wars just cemented their position.
Elevens have a proud history of BTFOing Russians, you traitorous cunt.
Show your flag, balkanoid
One war with a dying empire isn't a proud history.
It wasn't from lack of bravery of the rank and file pasta-niggers though.
>Shitty equipment
>Bad leadership
‘If we throw enough men, they’ll run out of bullets!’
Romanians fought like shit in Stalingrad
Those faggots got BTFO almost by every nation, austrian cuck
They would have still lost without US aid though it might have taken a year longer. Germany did not have the resources to occupy and defend all of western Russia, while keeping the anglo powers armies and material off the european theater forever.
People seldom mention it, but the Romaninans were thought to have fought well over brief periods by much of the German military leadership.
Hungary very briefly initially near their own border, but not much interest afterwards
brit traitors literally helped murder millions of whites
thanks england! please nuke the west, israel
You're forgetting the part about Soviet influence in Italy. Communist Partisans were directly sabotaging their countrymen on the frontlines. The Soviets were going to attempt an all out assault on Germany using this method as well but Hitler launched a preemptive strike before it could happen that and German Communist Partisans were easily ratted out by common citizens in Germany and taken by MPmen. They were also secretly being armed.
>Why did they lose to impoverished communists
you cannot lose when you play on both sides
I don't care if Croats speak language related to mine
Do you really believe that austria could fight with Russia equally in ww1? Sorry, but your military leaders sucked and really needed help from the true Kaiser.
(No, russia wasn't equal with germany, germany is the best war-machine of both world-wars)
what does that have to do with anything?
Croats were under Ottoman occupation
They lost, because they didnt had them on their side.
Wow Finnish sure is a complicated language.
Completely useless if you ask me, why don't they just speak English lmao?
And you still.lost, LMAO
what does that have to do with anything?
From what I understand they're extremely intelligent. They speak Swedish and English casually before they're even 10 years old. They do it to communicate with their Nordic neighbors. They also have some of the highest ranked schooling in the world.
If you go to any Nordic country they will be able to speak with you in English.
>hurr we defeated duh germans
Cuz g*rmans are subhumans
They had more conscripts than we had bullets.
We got leftovers and no air or armoured support.
Gyppos are not Romanian.
>From what I understand they're extremely intelligent.
Finns being intelligent is the best joke ITT
Cope harder, gypsy
You have been a shit nation all your life and will always stay that way
Umm, you forgot to put your memeflag on because thats ironic
Why are Finns so spooked of each other?
The german success would play out how the continuation war would have ended. Finns will always be better fighters than russians
Why the anger m8? Heaven knows that I wish we'd have won, but alas, here we are.
I am spooked of people In general, the best time is when I get to drink outside alone after a steamy hot sauna
>The german success would play out how the continuation war would have ended
Nice cope finnish boi
Well, it was a defeat, so...
What the hell would be good about Germany winning? After all the slavs gone, you would be next. How can you support this shit?
"Germany is too strong. We must destroy her."
- Winston Churchill, Nov. 1936.
"In no country has the historical blackout been more intense and effective than in Great Britain. Here it has been ingeniously christened The Iron Curtain of Discreet Silence. Virtually nothing has been written to reveal the truth about British responsibility for the Second World War and its disastrous results." - Harry Elmer Barnes. American Historian
"The war was not just a matter of the elimination of Fascism in Germany, but rather of obtaining German sales markets." - Winston Churchill. March, 1946.
"Britain was taking advantage of the situation to go to war against Germany because the Reich had become too strong and had upset the European balance." - Ralph F. Keeling, Institute of American Economics
"I emphasized that the defeat of Germany and Japan and their elimination from world trade would give Britain a tremendous opportunity to swell her foreign commerce in both volume and profit." - Samuel Untermeyer, The Public Years, p.347.
On September 2nd 1939 a delegate of the Labour Party met with the British Foreign Minister Halifax in the lobby of Parliament. 'Do you still have hope?'he asked. 'If you mean hope for war,' answered Halifax, 'then your hope will be fulfilled tomorrow. 'God be thanked!' replied the representative of the British Labour Party. - Professor Michael Freund.
Winston Churchill agrees: "We entered the war of our own free will, without ourselves being directly assaulted." - Guild Hall Speech, July 1943.
Aren't Finns also considered subhuman for their asiastic traits under the Reich?
Pretty much nothing until after Stalingrad, which was where USSR won WW2. The Lend Lease is being memed by American shills.
Germans are retarded for blaming italy on why they lost WWII.
>As Germany invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, Finland participated in the invasion primarily to recover the territories it was forced to cede to the USSR after the Moscow Peace Treaty which ended the Winter War between the Finns and the Soviets.[26] Military success quickly resulted in the Finnish occupation of Eastern Karelia. Because of their Finno-Ugric heritage, the Finns were initially classified by Nazi racial experts as a people unrelated to the other Nordic countries, in spite of a long history of political unity with Sweden. As a result, the Swedish-speaking minority of Finland was favored at first over Finnish speakers for recruitment into the Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS because they were categorically considered part of the "Nordic race".[27]
>Owing to Finland's substantial military contribution on the northern flank of the Eastern Front of World War II, Hitler decreed in November 1942 that "from now on Finland and the Finnish people be treated and designated as a Nordic state and a Nordic people", which he considered one of the highest compliments that the Nazi government could bestow upon another country.[26]
Sounds like Hitler wanted more allies to buy time
His link says Slavs are Untermenschen under the Reich.
Poles get their own section for Subhuman.
I'll rub your back with the birch whisk in the sauna if you let me (no homo)
>quickly check the official numbers and dates
>oh shit
>lend lease didnt even start until after Stalingrad, the war was already decided by then
>and even when it started, it barely provided 5% of the entire Soviet war material
wew lad
>lets cope by saying the Soviets wouldnt handle it by themselves
>in the meantime completely ignoring the fact the Germans had a dozen allied countries that provided them with quite literally everything, from food, through medicine, steel, ammunition etc
>shit, the moment Barbarossa started, there were like half a million foreign troops assisting the Germans, including Finland, Romanian troops etc
Imagine being a western loser country that needs to cope so hard to make themselves feel better.
Russians won WW2.
Thats it.
I dont like it, you dont like it, but thats how it is.