Give me your money goy
Sanders unveils $2.5 trillion 'Housing for All' plan
Balance the budget? What budget? Here's some free shit, goy!
>average millennial voter: UHHHH DURR THAT SOUNDS GOOD TO ME
They have this. It is called the projects. They were nice when they were built. When you give people shit they don't take care of it. This has been proven time and time again.
Not sure if he's unprincipled or just trying to destroy us.
You guys really need to get housepilled. Don't you know that it's actually more expensive to police the homeless than it is to house them?
>A chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer an average of $35,578 per year. This study shows how costs on average are reduced by 49.5% when they are placed in supportive housing. Supportive housing costs on average $12,800, making the net savings roughly $4,800 per year.
Even though Bernie's plan costs money, it will end up as a net savings for the taxpayer.
This. That money is needed for Israel.
Just like how yangs plan puts all that money back into the economy huh? Yeah.. get the hell out of here... idiot!
Fuck off mountain kike
Yeah, we'll decriminalize border crossings, hand over free healthcare to anyone willing to come into the country, and then provide them with tax payer funded housing. We'll definitely save money that way! It's brilliant!
Dead people cost 0
fuck off molyneux.
Let the illegal mexican immigrants build the new projects!
Oh, the “My $70,000 house is worth $700,000 now” Boomers won’t like that
Archive that shit you disgusting shill
I went out to dinner in Asbury park one night. On the way, you pass through a black area where there were once very nice homes. They are all run down and then area looks like shit. Same thing in red bank (this is NJ). Very nice, huge homes, now lived in by Mexicans. All gone to shit so they can have bus boys at the fancy restaurants and cleaning ladies for their rumson mansions. Fucking terrible.
Unironically the reason this won't happen.
Not an argument.
I didn't argue for any of that. In particular, the better our welfare is, the stronger our border protection needs to be. You can have welfare or you can have open borders, but not both.
Well if you can muster the political will to kill all homeless people, then good luck. But personally, I'm skeptical that that will ever happen. So the next most cost-effective solution available to us is to house them.
> Decriminalize border crossings.
> Give free healthcare to illegals
> Give illegals free house
> Give illegals preferential treatment for schools and jobs.
> Literally billions of poor people on Earth who would want to come here
> US's financial resources are finite
Sounds like a fantastic and sustainable plan, Bernie.
Why would we need prisons when bullets are cheaper?
Shut up nigger
What are we going to do about the ~30 million+ illegals we already have in the country?
Voters will never agree to the mass extrajudicial killing of homeless people.
Not one single democrat is arguing for decreased immigration you faggot and this housing plan isn't going to be a "one time" cost as you imply because the population will fluctuate, that means the constant need for housing and I'm paying to house Paco and his spawn for the rest of my life. No, fuck you
What does this line of questioning have to do with public housing? Either give them a pathway to citizenship or kick them out.
Jack off to autocracy all you want, but it will never actually happen. Don't you care about real solutions?
The Hill actually has a somewhat conservative bent at least compared to Politico. I think Axios is the only place that still does dry news more or less.
>but it will never actually happen.
Funny, that's what they say before it happens
>When you give people shit they don't take care of it
niggers aren't people, user.
>Not one single democrat is arguing for decreased immigration
Fine, vote republican then. I'm not trying to get you to change your vote. At least you'll be a housepilled republican who tries to get your fellow party members to push for public housing.
>this housing plan isn't going to be a "one time" cost as you imply
I never said or implied that it would be a one time cost? Both the housing and policing costs are per year.
>durr, it's saving money
Retards like you buy a bunch of shit you don't need becayse it is 50% off and then claim you 'saved money'
The question isn't 'what do we do about the homeless', it's 'why is there homeless people'.
Trump hasn't balanced the budget either so what are you complaining about?
Sounds like a warm up for section 8 housing in every single rural community in the US.
Thing is, its much easier to make niggers disappear out in the woods.
Aren't socialists the ones who talk about there being 7 houses for each homeless person? Why spend money to build more? Is the 2.5 trillion to buy all of those houses?
Read this wiki page. Niggers ruin everything. This plan will NEVER work.
lol yeah why would the government serve the public?
that's insane
But how will the jews survive without those shekels? Or does he mean housing for all chosen?
>50% off analogy
That analogy only applies if you know of a way in which we can save the money spent on policing the homeless. What's your solution then?
>why is there homeless people
Well, mental illness is a part of it. A large percentage of the homeless population is mentally ill. Demographics might play into it as well. And some people just have bad luck with the economy or personal struggles with substance abuse, etc. Why do you think there are homeless people? And how will your answer to that question help us solve the homelessness problem?
>dude free shit for nigs and spics
leafs are so far gone lmao
te government should completely ignore the public
My government is not serving me when it's taking my money to use it for a parasite's benefit
Most of us aren't homeless retard
>comfortable 33 year old NEET living with my parents
>socialism could allow me to move out and live on my own rent free
I could support this.
that would be amazing
we should shoot all the "eaters" on the dotr too
rage more wagie
>A large percentage of the homeless population is mentally ill.
I'd we offer to bring back asylums of some kind but sadly they were disposed of. It’s nice to give out food, money or shelter to the less fortunate but this “solution” is only temporary at best. If you want to really put a dent in the homeless situation then you have to address why people become homeless in the first place because they will just keep coming and coming.
And there’s the catch: everyone talks about the homeless as if they’re some monolithic population. Here’s a newsflash for you: not everyone you see in the soup kitchen line got there for the exact same reasons. Some are homeless because of mental health issues; some are there only because they lost their jobs (and have no other resources to fall back on, like friends or family); some may have just been released from prison; some may have substance abuse issues. That’s why a lot of programs to “do something” about the homeless seem to make little difference: most of these programs are basically “one-size-fits-all” solutions. But, if not everyone sleeping on the street has the same problem, then that program might only help a fraction of the homeless population at best.
the rage is coming, soon
>the current president isn't doing anything so why should we even try, ever?
I vote republican because some equal is more so than others.
>real solutions?
I think he cares about final solutions
Based Sanders will destroy the overly rich class.
>currently getting free stuff
>I could live on my own with this plan
>because govt gives me free stuff
You're still a lump of worthlessness, user. You eat and shit and breathe other people's food, streets, and air. Your self esteem must be shit, if you're self aware enough to think about it.
Will he do it in a new Audi?
jews don't have self esteem issues.
>Based Sanders will destroy the overly rich class.
Like who? Politicians who have never done a day's work in their lives but get a new Audi A8 every year?
>I'm gonna let Bezos make $150000 a minute without doing shit but fuck Sanders for owning an Audi
>bezos has anything to do with this
Nice false dichotomy, moshe.
I'm still waiting for my turn driving the Audi.
>A chronically homeless person costs the taxpayer an average of $35,578 per year. This study shows how costs on average are reduced by 49.5% when they are placed in supportive housing. Supportive housing costs on average $12,800, making the net savings roughly $4,800 per year.
Strange maths
I can make the homeless a positive cash flow with a simple woodchipper. They're worth at least $25 each as compost
Under occupancy tax NOW.
$500 a year for the first empty room
$1000 for the next
$2000 for the third
yes, dens and offices count
Don't like it Boomer? Ask for adult kid and their family to move it. Are you feuding with your adult kids or didn't bother to have them? Fuck you, hand over your house.
The #1 cause of unaffordable housing is LEGAL immigration. Illegal mexicans are not snapping up one bedroom condos at $500k a pop
(50% * $35578) - $12800 = $4989, rounded down conservatively to $4800.
Damn, you're the third person to respond to me by making threats to extrajudicially execute the homeless. I guess my logic is flawless and you can't come up with an actually workable solution.
It's upcycling, faggot.
My objection to this idea is that on paper these programs seem to work, but they always have unforeseen blowback. For example, on paper handing out free needles to junkies makes sense but next thing you know you have to step over half a dozen urine soaked bums the second you step off the train downtown and syringes start showing up in public parks. If we started giving out free housing I bet 100,000s of losers who have to be halfway decent to their mom or their friend to live in the basement or couch surf respectively would totally decompensate into total assholes. Look at all the bum coddling policies on the west coast and tell me it made those cities better.
>Don't you know that it's actually more expensive to police the homeless than it is to house them?
what makes you think the drug addled criminals wont need policing after you rob the people to house them?
Here is the real solution to the bum problem: load free vending machines full of pure drugs (heroin, fentanyl, cocaine, crack) in lethal doses in downtown bum locations.
He's going to have like so many lambos after this election cycle
That only burdens EMTs and emergency rooms. Its why our healthcare costs so much too
if it was trump, this thread would be full of 3rd reich memes
Maybe. But I would say you could make the houses very shitty/barebones. Like one room with a bath, a toilet, a stove, and a sink. Then people still have an incentive to try to move out, and it costs less to develop.
IDK the details but I think the cost in that statistic is calculated from things like "loitering", not violent crime. They will still be violent at approximately the same rates, presumably, but they have no reason to loiter in a particular place because they have a house to go back to.
Don't be a pussy and load 100x the lethal dose. They'll be dead when the EMTs show up.
What about all the expenses of maintaing a home? Repairs, plumbing, possibly hearing/cooling, lawn care (if a house), sewage, trash pickup, taxes obviously, lots of other stuff whether it's an apartment building complex or house. No rent means no cash flow to repairs and just gubmint checks. The place will only thrive if those who live there care about their surroundings. if they're already living in filth you might as well just give them a warehouse to live in.
The national debt shows no sign of ever stopping and everyone on this planet gets free or discounted housing, food, clothes, medical care, education, guns, tanks, planes, trains, medical research, gas, oil, farming equipment, American blood in the form of US soldiers, literal American blood for transfusions, roads, bridges, computers, entertainment, border defenses, bundles of cash, etc paid for by the average American who gets jack shit back in comparison to all else. The money that does miraculously stay in this country ends up in a Jew pocket that managed to score government contracts.
Spend that shit on permanent improvements and unrepossesible shit like an educated workforce here before we have to default. Which is a definite event in the future.
the people hopping the border will bring so many fucking diseases. Maybe a plague will help people learn this hard lesson
How do you keep the bums from loading their cuck pod from floor to ceiling with garbage causing a fire hazard or pimping out crack whores or dogs or children and other degenerate activity? What about food being left everywhere and breeding an army of rats? How do you force the bums to live with each other? They hate living around each other, why do you think you see them sleeping on park benches instead of at homeless shelters?
All the niggers who get their house for free will just trash it because they didn’t work for it. When will people learn that socialism only works in a country with a homogeneous, high IQ, low IQ variance, high trust society? Race realism really is the first redpill you should swallow and then make that the bedrock for all your other political views.
23+ trillion in debt
100+ trillion in unfunded liabilities
what's another 2.5 trillion? Just print like a true soci... I mean democratic socialist
We're way overdue for influenza wiping out 10-20% of the population
>IDK the details but I think the cost in that statistic is calculated from things like "loitering", not violent crime
that's bs because the areas with real homeless populations simply do police them for such things
You believe homeless people are that way because of lack of homes and not drug addiction and mental illness.
lets just say it's safe to assume that the guy shitting in the street never had much regard for society's conventions
They come here for jobs that Americans won't do from corporations that won't pay an American enough to do them. Cut off the jobs and they'll stop pouring over the border.
Will everyone get a cuckshed?
Just like Sweden.
They can afford those low wages because they offload half their living expenses onto the welfare state.
He is trying to outsoc the yang gang gibs me dat vote. Next election someone will have to outsoc Bernie to win against him, and after that the next guy will have to outsoc the guy who outsoc'ed Bernie, till the country crashes. Welcome to socialist infightings, burguers, its a hell of a drive till the bottom pits of Cuba.
is there were justice those corporations would be facing charges brought under the RICO act
>not understanding that money is created ex nihilo
>saving money
If it costs the government $12,800 a year, then it's increasing spending. The only possible way to view this as a net savings is if you view money in a communal sense... policies like these are literally communist.
Unfortunately the damage they inflict is communal too. If a street develops a reputation for having homeless shit on it all the shops on that street lose business and all the real estate loses value. This is the fatal flaw in lolbertarianism. It matters when your Boomer neighbour hires an illegal mexican to mow their lawn
it's never about what they say it's about.
if they really wanted to bring affordable housing, they would get rid of all planning restrictions, which woulnd't cost anything