Sandy Hook parents made a school shooting PSA

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>Sandy Hook promise
We promise to shill until the gubbament takes your guns away.

This is fucking insane. I’m convinced it was a psy-op now.
They literally think it’s a joke

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>Says they’re a non-profit based in CT
>can’t find listings for them in CT 5013c database

Comments disabled on the video

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was that the fat ginger pussy from the second season of true detective?

But St Tarrant is legit

amazing coincidence

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Will Vegas survivors launch a PSA too? What was the motive for that anyway?

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Pumped up kicks intensifies
Here is a little something to ease the pain

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That's been debunked, memeflag, Foley and Israel are two women with an otherwise superficial resemblance which is more convincing than it would normally be when you see low-res images of them both making a tight-lipped smile from just the right angles. Compare any other images of them and they're obviously not the same crisis actress.

They just have the same phenotype, the "I survived the attack" look. Appropriately enough the killers tend to express the same shared phenotypes, as well. It's the same scene playing out, over and over again, the same incels kill the same Chads and Stacies while the same Ashlies survive to go on the evening news.

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This is not real. Right...?

>It's the same scene playing out, over and over again, the same incels kill the same Chads and Stacies while the same Ashlies survive to go on the evening news.

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the scary thing is i actually have those glasses.

Do you also have short-cut black hair and a widow's peak, though? If so, bin your spoons and turn yourself in to the authorities immediately, before you commit a mass-spooning.

Shills like you are doomed. Why won't you just accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Why must you continue to lie and cheat and steal for your wicked masters? You would deceive your fellow man for a worthless pension and some pyramid-inked Good Goy Points? Tell your Masonic psyops supervisor to send you home for the day to reconsider your miserable life. Don't kill yourself. Jow Forums still loves you, almost as much as we love the truth, the one thing you will never have.

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Can anyone recommend a video with all the infos about sandy hook happening being suspicious? When I search youtube, it always does this thing where only few and irrelevant results are shown

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>Sandy Hook parents
wow some of them are still alive? they been dropping like flies

There used to be a 2-hour professional level documentary on YT anonymously interviewing related persons and addressing glaring inconsistencies in the narrative. Probably deleted by now. Worth the search tho. Contains all the pertinent info to share with friends

We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook
Dear Wolfgang

kinda funny desu

Here’s one

Agree. Christ is the Truth, which only Christians can understand

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Who wouldn't send their kid to this nice clean fully operational school?

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sandy hook never happened.

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You remember a title or part of a title? Anything useable in a search query?

Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit if they all die due to them being non-whites?

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I just posted it.
The Wolfgang one is better because he literally wrote the manual schools use to respond to shootings and he doesn't buy it. Also they tried to sue him and failed.

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Gun grabbers will be sprayed with Lofentanil-DMSO from commercial drones

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Every one of those kids was a professional grade actor. AGITPROP


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Wolfgang Halbot is the only person who has the best run down and knows everything worth listening to. Can only find him on bitchute

I don’t unfortunately I watched it years ago

I haven’t seen the Wolfgang one yet. I am 27 minutes in and there’s so much irrefutable evidence in just that segment alone that it makes me sick.

Don't you all Cro-Magnonians see that the negro in the pic is a different fucking species?

This comes across more as a parody than a “heart wrenching ad,” would have worked better as an SNL sketch or something
Like 99% sure