What are the 2020s going to look like?

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infinity gayniggers


I guess faggotry will only increase.

technology makes degeneracy grow exponetially, therefore 2020 will look 10 times worse than it is now

I bet it's going to be mostly electronic computer music and faggots being degenerate, also hoards of niggers.

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The future's so dark we're gonna need flashlights.

Just like it does now. Why would you think anything different?

Hopefully we become a more diverse nation. Can't wait for President Harris to lead us through the 2020's

I chuckled.

Where we're going we won't need eyes to see.

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It's going to get worse, preparing for the inevitable collapse in the 30s or 40s that will result from oil/migrant/pollution/economic crisis.

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Honestly, pretty much the same. Don't expect shit to really hit the fan until 2050.

liberate tutame

Attached: where we're going we won't need eyes to see.jpg (620x400, 65K)

Lmao how?

from 2010 to 2020 political zog got an entire generation of adults to cut of their kids dick and turn them into trannies

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>only trap music is being played every other genre died
>homosexuality is being praised
>actually if you are straight male you are shamed

It's is gonna get worse and worse

The population is getting stupider by the years

So expect tons of bullshit come 2020 and onwards

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That's an exaggeration of course. The majority of people still view trannies as mentally ill abominations, even if they are afraid to admit it.

If it becomes a federal issue it's more than minor

That's communism tier control

If you are talking about the misgendering legislation, it's has already happened in more cucked 1st world countries. The U.S. is federally protected from it by the 1st amendment and say what you want about Trump but he has secured a conservative supreme court for the near future.

>The 1st amendment

What do monopolistic companies care for your constitutions?

Of who?

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They don't but at least you won't get fined and have to go in front of a human rights tribunal like in Canada. I don't see it getting much worse in 10 years because of the reactionary wave in the U.S. However, 2050 is an important year demographically because that's when nonwhites will take over the white majority in America. At that point, we will see some crazy shit.


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>foot shortage
>economic crash that cant be bailed out
>west losing its global hegemony
>more anti white shit

Everyone knows bad shit is on the horizon

That would be based if this world really turned into the shin megami tensei universe

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Hopefully war.

nah, they've learnt to contain it. Things will get worse, but only incrementally, so painfully slowly that the vast majority won't realise, like it has been for years

You kind of nailed it with the pic bruh. I don't think anything is happening until 2024.

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>people wearing jeans, or anything denim

No one with a brain wants this. Say NO to americanized slave fashion.

>The whites user.... Once we are gone its mad max tier cannibals and rape Ganga

just like today you mean
blessed that you live under a rock

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What do you wear?

trump will win and an epic level of libtard salt will flow,

>moscow kreml bottom left corner

probably based cargo trousers, only trousers you'll ever need

>ready for battle
>aesthetically brilliant
>Solar symbol upon chest
>belt fit for weapons
>excellent muscle display of legs
>pelt of personally killed prey

Modern man:
>indentured servant trousers
>unconfortable, blue, and unflexible
>fiber made t-shirt

Need I say more?

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donald, i've come from the nth dimension to seize the delegates that are rightfully mine

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looks like a soviet poster of futurism era


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people will get angrier and poorer and less white

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It's going to be way worse than this. So much so that it will be laughable.

tranny story hours will be mandatory in elementary school.

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Cool photo, its actually almost exactly what I visualize when meditating.

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It will become illegal to have an independent thought. It will be frowned upon to be straight and procreating. Certain Jews will own and operate just about everything in the world.

Shit...that's 2010.

I don't know what 2020 can bring.

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They are going to look like shit.
It depends on the type of collapse.
Global economic - the likely one
Cataclysm - very possible one
Humanity need to loose the bulk of the
population. At least 90% Survivors will
be better off in small groups.
No more nations No more religions.

Virtual Age is coming. The concept of Reality being the only place people can spend time will soon be considered out-dated. People gradually disappear into their own virtual realities.

>and that's a good thing

Futuristic, with flying cars, hovertoilets, food pills, and extensive radiation poisoning.

to YOU ?? thats EU MAINLAND
no OCEAN left and right, no leafs to the north and a little spics to the south ( plus a super nice bottleneck landmass )


you better keep some vacant seats on your bench user...

There's no way trap will make it to 2025.

>muslim in picture
>not blowing up the electrical infrastructure of the city for allah and sending the entire settlement into social disarray

It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better, if ever.
For all you care, and within the span of your lifetime, it's going to be a neverending ride into obscurity.

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>I don't know what 2020 can bring.
Everything you just said, but it's no longer clandestine operations. It is now all out in the open and everyone thinks it's a good thing and embraces it.

have you ever visited Earth?

There will be something equally annoying and over-ubiquitous, but fads like trap phase in and out. We're already reaching the point where all the beats sound the same and producers are running out of new shit to do with it. All it will take is one artist releasing a new song in an (((exciting))) new style and trap will be swapped out for something else.

That just sounds lije now

Hispanics, with the help of South Asians, are taking over America in 2050.
They are some of the most I-don't-give-a-fuck social conservatives you'll ever see. If anything, washing out push-over whites and replacing them with no-nonsense kshatriya parents and catholic latins will do wonders for our fight against sexual degeneracy

You think they won’t be just as brainwashed as we are?

>They are some of the most I-don't-give-a-fuck social conservatives
do you see my flag, nigger?
it's argentina one of the worst shitholes in the world it's full of spics and it's as cucked as sweden, brazil is bigger and more well known to retarded americans and all the niggers spics and mutts in brazil vote for lula a socialist if you think it's fine to let spics in because we're supposedly socially conservative you're a literal retard race traitor

There is nothing new same shit different year

It would get worse before it gets better.

it will look like trumps business deals... all bankrupt.

Buckle up

You could sum up what 2020 is going to be like very simply: Hindsight.

Will a noose knot work ?


There will be a world war during the 2020s
I guarantee it

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You believe they're going to come back?

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We go full Cyberpunk.

>liberate tutame
I don't speak fag

I hope not

Apparently you haven't seen BASED Event Horizon either

Fun fact: it's the origin story of the Warhammer universe and it also takes place in the same movie universe as Hellraiser does

Wait, Hellraiser and 40k share the same universe? Source?


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>What are the 2020s going to look like?

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bizaro clown world complete with normalized pedophilia and they will be working on normalizing necrophilia

I've always thought incest would be first, and then zoophilia acceptance, then pedos, and from there, the rest would come relatively easily with little resistance.

I hope footwork makes it mainstream. Most based nigger music.

zoophilia is already legal in a lot of states, and so is incest. I know someone from another state that was married to their first cousin.

I'm not talking about legality, I'm talking about widespread social acceptance, normalizaiton and mainstream promotion.

I hope rbg dies tomorrow. We need another Trumo appointee.

Probably will look like now but with IPHONE 724324890242309 that is the exact same as iphone X

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