What is it about this show that's so appealing to normies?
What is it about this show that's so appealing to normies?
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Cause tv say so.......
Its like their lives, but slightly more interesting
I always appreciate shows more when they don't have a laugh track.
Battlestar Galactica
How are we supposed to know when to laugh though?
Because it was charming and fun to watch, and relatable.
And generally free of politics. If there was a political theme, it was taken lightly. See "Diversity Day" in the first season.
when you get the joke, dumbass?
Love that show and fuck anyone who doesn't like it.
Would you prefer an SJW parade like Superstore or that one with the autist doctor?
The office is funny, I don’t care how redpilled you are.
It has good racial humor
Redditor spotting thread
How do you like nigger dick in your ass?
Never tried it.
Can you describe it?
>American version
>any good
Brits are not funny and never will be. Their version is unfunny and legitimately depressing.
Please tell me you're talking about the American version.
Paragraphs aren’t exclusive to reddit.
What joke?
"I admire your culture's success in America."
It provides an interesting look at how Jews vs shitlib gentiles think.
Episodes directed by humans are funny and relatable and remain in the realm of workplace hijinks.
Episodes directed by Jews get into women wanting BBC and other creepy sex fetishes, gay shit, political propaganda, and totally bizarre unrelatable situations.
It's mostly white people with no diversity shoehorned in.
Jim gets to fail upward into partner at a million dollar sports agency. They think they're Jim because they're too smart to care or try at anything and things are just gonna happen for them.
It’s safe and warm and the characters are like imaginary friends. People eat shit like that up
holy fuck you're stupid. I'm autistic and still understood he was using irony.
Superstore actually tows the line pretty well I think. Look back at their first season. There was some considerably “offensive” bits. I’m willing to bet Spitzer and his writing staff were told to lighten up.
It's relatable to anyone who's every worked in an office, which is the majority of normies. Also it was one of the last shows that wasn't a ridiculous Leftist circlejerk. This shit isn't rocket science.
Also, this didn't really need its own thread.
You must be super autistic to not see that he was trolling, I'm only somewhat autistic and could see that no problem.
He's trolling you, Rajiv
>Look back at their first seaso
Most regular shows have a decently SJW-lite first season, but once it gets more popular then the feminists demand to be in the writing group and proceed to destroy it from within. Good example: Rick & Morty
>Dwight and his cousin
>(((media))) stereotyping Germans as dumb farmers
The Office is now ruined for you.
This. Arrested Devolopement proved the audience doesn't need a laugh track. BBT was a relic from another time and I'm glad it ended
>Brits are not funny and never will be. Their version is unfunny and legitimately depressing
It’s reminiscent of a time before PC culture.
Many based stereotype jokes and the like.
I use it as a sleeping aid
You press "enter" once, not twice reddtfag.
You are an NPC.
>Not liking popular things makes me interesting, hurr
I just don't like the brit version bc I got used to the US version first, just didnt feel like getting to know new charactors, especially for 2 seasons
S1 - Godly
S2 - Sharp turn downhill
S3 - Finale - Steaming pile of shit not worth anyones time.
I would honestly only put it on if I needed some background noise or something.
Don't know but Michael Scott's obvious and virulent anti-Semitsm towards the only Jewish character, Toby is pretty hilarious.
This show would be completely un-acceptable by today's standards. Not sure if Scott called Oscar a fag? faggy? on multiple occasions, plus the subtle racist jokes against Stanley from time to time would trigger outrage in today's world.
I really don't get it
It's the same with Seth Rogan movies where they write some of the jokes and then figure "I guess we'll make some of it up while we're filming"
There's a reason why say, stand up comics test their material over and over before they make it a regular part of their set.
Plus, Steve Carrel and Mike Helms are completely unfunny. Some of the Jim and Dwight stuff can be funny, but when your leads are that terrible it sinks the show.
>BEFORE Jow Forums
>AFTER Jow Forums
>Because like OMG billie likes it. Dont you wanna be hip and cool too?
Settle down faggot, the shows like a 6 or 7 out of ten at best. Saying Carrel and Helms are 0% funny is retardedly disingenuous and gay as fuck you fucking gay faggot. I don't even watch the show but even I can be honest you homo whore faggot boy jesus.
Calm down there, Steve
Diversity day is probably the best episode of any comedy show I’ve ever watched. If you watch that episode and don’t think it’s funny you are a blue-pilled faggot
Everyone's point of view liberal conservatives and those in between was act out during the course of the series except for the black women
It's a funny show and, for normie tv, politically incorrect. The one guy with the glasses is basically a wignat and likely posts here, and the boss would have been fired for one form of harassment or another after the first season.
I dont watch tv. Tv is for bluepilled faggots. :)
There’s literally nothing wrong with that picture. Are you some ‘ignorance is bliss’ faggot?
I hate this show and the UK version more than anything else on TV. I want to murder Ricky gervais (in minecraft) I actually get physically ill whenever I see his face
I don’t either, fuckface. Some of us have wives or spouses that lap up the hollyjew dogshit and I’m usually around doing something else. Mine likes the office, and when that episode started I dropped whatever the fuck I was doing and watched it, it was hilarious
>no fun allowed!!!!1!!!1
Did I day any of it was wrong you fucking leaf?
Man. Thats depressing. Tv is the only fun thing in your life?
no he has other hobbies, pic related
The Diversity Day episode was hilarious.
>Shalom, I'd like to apply for a loan.
it makes office wage slaving appear fun
At least he's reproducing.
You're reproducing, right?
never watched it, but from the look of this pic, innate subservience?
Yea but how do you tell whats a joke without seeing other people laughing?
finest propaganda ever made with friends and how I met your mother
making the ugly look good
Normal people suck this show's dick like it's some sort of masterpiece, but it's just alright. It has decent cringe humor, and the absence of laugh tracks and static camerawork alone puts it above most sitcoms. Also I like Jim and Pam, cutest TV couple ever.
>Berates a guy for not getting a joke
>Doesn't get the joke
Like pottery.
really basic immature funny. don't get the appeal. It's Always Sunny was better.
If you enjoy the office then you're the definition of a NPC.
Good one my brother leaf.
I've noticed this show is popular with them. I've seen a couple episodes, not horrendously awful, but not funny enough to warrant more attention. Watched some with an ex-girlfriend of mine, didn't mind it at the time. I had no idea it was as popular as it is though. But hyper-normie shows like Friends are more amusing.
I have 4 already yea
I don’t watch TV, retard. I don’t play video games. I have farmland, play sports and raise a family. Sometimes while I’m working at night or reading my wife watches netflix. I often overhear what she is watching, and usually it’s that negress sjw bullshit (scandal, greys anatomy, etc. ) i think her name is shonda rimes.
Anyway, she was watching the office, I overheard the start of that episode, watched it and had a good fucking laugh. Unironically neck urself
you are so right.
Those 3 shows were literally obsessed over by my normie *friends* in high school
UK version was way better, as per usual.
seriously those shows brainwashed a whole generation into wage slaving and not asking questions
it glamorized being a mindless drone and a victim of the society
those show could not be made today with (((multiculturalism))) thats why most of them refuse to reboot the series
I’m watching this show, currently at season 4.
It’s unironically funny until now, also because it’s mostly clean without degeneracy and also it show how in the 00s it was possible to joke on niggers and faggots...unlike nowadays.
What I found amusing is that the kikes in this show (the actors and the role they have in the show) openly do what they always did: control, censor and decide the destiny of other people.
>the first kike, the intern, is also one of the writers of the show and because Jewish nepotism he’s able to make a very fast career and become michael’s boss super fast skipping positions while also admittedly being “very bad at selling paper” (which was his first job). He literally controls the office both as the boss in the show and as the writer of the show.
>the kikette who larps as an Italian while being 50% a literal nigger with a kike mother basically does the same as the above, she also decides to prevent Micheal the goy to get his promotion even though it was already decided.
Notice how the guy who interview her for her promotion asks what she thinks of Michael and how suddenly he changes his mind when she tells him (he’s a goy) that Michael is an idiot (so why was he considered for the job in the first place?)
>the boring kike who’s in charge of relations inside the office and the company, he controls your mind and decides what can be said and what’s racist or sexist.
Is this a coincidence or am I too autist?
Autistic non-threatening anti social humor?
really its just about being relatable.
It isn't, tv has tricked you into thinking people like it.
British one is better,
>I’m watching this show, currently at season 4
don't bother with the last 2 seasons, they are terrible
based if true
The thing I liked about this show is their take on marriage/romantic relationships. Most of the characters, relationships and jokes are mediocre at best, but Pam and Jim's romance was a really nice story. It felt geniune and it showed that true love is real, that a realtionship/marriage should be meaningful and that staying toghether, growing together and having children is not some miserable burden, some shitty experience that you should dread, but a wholesome adventure, in which the love and understanding you show one another can and will overcome most of the problems and challenges you face. It's nice to see that love is still possible in the modern world and there's more to relationship than sex, money and social status and that, in spite of the problems every couple goes though, being married, in love and having children is something worth striving for.
No. Most people have girlfriends and get married and eventually have kids. You need to have a job to do that. It's not because of a TV show you fucking idiot.
It’s shit
> Not watching the original
Yanks ruin everything
have you seen what we did to the Inbetweeners?
Yea I’m an old Jow Forums tripfag who got redpilled on bb.com misc’er who took the WN14words pill when I was real young and got married and made kids. I’ve posted them before on Jow Forums but don’t really wanna dox myself. We’re all gonna make it brah
i bet you loved those show too
and i bet you're a materialistic vapid douchbag
thats what those show did to you
you don't ask question you drone your life away
>watching the broadcasted jew in 2019
then they get divorce raped. it's not exactly a shamalyan twist at this point.
The UK version is better cause it’s shorter and actually has funny moments.
>a little coverup on the Adam's apple will make you look less like a transvestite
>Adam's apple like the prow of a ship, thumbs like a lowland gorilla
Yeah it's based lads
Holy fuck you’re stupid how could you not see that that’s what he said? You’re more autistic than the last guy
>What is it about this show that's so appealing to normies?
The Office was pretty funny until the Jim-and-Pam shit got cringy as hell.