Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47
Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47
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The only thing he's taking is an ass-raping pounding in federal court in numerous lawsuits tearing away his very soul and financially breaking him and many others directly involved with him.
hes a punk. sick of him.
Do DUIs disqualify you from owning guns in Texas? Maybe he just thinks we are all just as fucked as he is.
Tells children they're going to die... Including his own... Time stamp 2:20, yesterday's dice...
I'm still not convinced that Beato isn't just some guy who's acting like a retarded leftist to make money off it, like some kind of Democrat Borat.
Very nice
Who is we?
he's a pretty typical example of an ignorant yet self-assured leftist with a savior complex.
Why is everyone so afraid of ar-15’s when hunting rifles are far more dangerous? They’re semi auto just like an ar but have a considerably larger round, an illegal clip in it can up the ammo capacity and you have an effective killing spree weapon.
Voting should have background checks, mental health checks as well as drug tests and Identification. This is even more important than gun control, but we can tie them together if you like.
Let's take away the vote from the drug addicted and mentally ill libtards and then we can fix the "gun problem"...
>Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
they want to establish that the 2nd amendment has something to do with muskets despite not mentioning them.
Scary black gun.
these idiots don't realize that the people they are counting on removing said firearms, are the biggest supporters of the 2A, and will be the last to turn in their personal firearms.
It's "Arms" and that means future "Arms", which is really what this is all about. They have you arguing about technology from the early 20th century when the 2nd amendment applies to modern weapons, and even murder bots. This is what terrifies them, not AR-15's.
Nono, by all means, don't put the mask back on. This is what you truly are, Democrats, and it's about time you embrace it.
Come the election I want to hear you saying "We're going to repeal the 2nd, we're going to legislate Hatespeech into law, we're going to kill all private insurance and we're going to outlaw everything related to fossil fuels, and yes your taxes are going to go up to pay for all of it so BEND THE FUCK OVER DEMOCRACY HAS SPOKEN."
>It's "Arms" and that means future "Arms", which is really what this is all about.
well even using their flawed musket logic, one could argue that said muskets are what they armed soldier with, meaning that the 2nd amendment allows for the populace to be armed like soldiers. It even advocates that they be as effective as soldiers.
Hell yes. we're going to take your abortions.
I had that thought as well.
The right to “bear arms”
no mention of a mini14 tho.
Basically, what they are doing is insuring we don't demand access to modern military weapons and ammunition by forcing us to defend our access to century old technology and being happy with that. The military is right now testing new weapon and ammunition platfroms that can defeat all current and planned body armor, for instance.
Okay.... come take 'em.
Hell yea I'm a punk
>Basically, what they are doing is insuring we don't demand access to modern military weapons and ammunition by forcing us to defend our access to century old technology and being happy with that.
hell, they dont want us having even century-old tech. Leftist ideals and goals require a state monopoly on violence. Actual liberal ideals call for an armed populace and no standing military.
I cringed.
The manufacturers of those new platforms have already stated that the weapons and their ammunition are coming to the commercial market in spring of 2020
this nigger gets it
liberals are finally revealing their true face of tyranny, and it's for the best that normies get a good gander at who the real enemy is and finally wake up
Based Sig defending freedom
>implying military zogbots won't happily disarm the citizens while claiming to just be "following orders"
Repeater rifles existed back then actually
>Implying they can pull that off at all
Come and take them.
>liberals bad, conservatives good
Two sides of the same shekel my friend.
You're bluepilled but on the right track
They probably couldn't pull it off.
I'm just saying they wouldn't mind doing it if they could.
>Come and take them.
Damn right.
>guaranteed replies
He's already pretending to be Hispanic, so...
Blow it out your ass, Bob.
>Sending in the military against citizens
That would go well, on both sides.