I'm not a Catholic or a Protestant. I'm just a Christian

>I'm not a Catholic or a Protestant. I'm just a Christian.
>*Believes in the same exact shit as Protestants*

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We baptists aren't Protestants, we are true Christians

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yes christians believe the same shit, ever heard of the bible?

>*Believes in the same exact shit as Protestants*
you are retarded if you actually believe protestants are not christian. lemme guess you are a catholic lmao. sorry bro any skyfairies dont let u into the ethnostate

>missing the joke this hard

>being a christfag

>being an atheist cuck

Yes because it's sooo stupid to withhold BELIEVING in something before you are presented sufficient evidence which could substantiate the shit you're trying to be sold.
>absolute state of Christian's

>everything came from nothing
Atheists are pathetic lmao

Catholics are just the libtard variants of Christians.

Imagine being this wrong.

Keep denying it
>b-but they're so strict and traditional
None of them actually practice what they preach. Most are alcoholics and divorced. Their leader preaches for open borders and it's practiced the most in absolute shithole countries while more developed ones lean toward other forms of Christianity.

Atheists, Protestants, and Vatican II Catholics believe they can do whatever they want in life and not get punished. Traditional Catholics know otherwise. That's why I'd rather be ruled by a Traditional Catholic. Because they know they'll go to Hell if they rule poorly. Protestants don't believe works matter. They don't believe they'll be held accountable for their actions because they believe (1) We're all sinners (2) All sins are equal (3) Saying Jesus's name automatically forgives you for every single sin. I'd rather be ruled by a traditional Catholic king who fears he'll go to Hell if he rules me poorly than the alternative.

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>Keep denying it
I will, because it's a lie.
>None of them actually practice what they preach.
Most do. When they don't, the jewish and protestand media highlight it to control sheeple.
>Most are alcoholics and divorced.
This is just fantasy lmao
>Their leader preaches for open borders and it's practiced the most in absolute shithole countries while more developed ones lean toward other forms of Christianity.
Still better than your whole denomination being a modernist frankenchurch. Female priests, no apostolic succession, waterslide baptismals, resurgence of ancient heresies, misinterpretation of scripture, LGBT promotion, etc. etc.

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>everything came from my Jewish god
Christcuck are delusional

Bel is Lord.

It's where the word believe comes from.

Bel and Eve. Beauty and the Beast.

All religion is nonsense. Made up by "elites" who worship Bel and love taking your tax free money.

Also Bel is not actually a flying cow.
It's a sun. A celestial body. It creates shapes in the sky that look like things.

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The difference is heaven exists while your larpnostate never will lmfao

>Muh joos
Ok moshe

Based and Breadpilled

Protestants claim to be the closest thing to "original christianity" yet not one single church dating earlier than 1519 anywhere in the world agrees with their views. Not the Catholics, not the Greek Orthodox, not the Armenian Church, Ethiopian, Assyrian, Coptic. Why is this? All these churches reject sola scriptura, faith not works, and once saved always saved. Protestants have no history. They have no lineage. They have no connection to the original apostles. They're heretics and liars. Protestants aren't Christians. Outside the church there is no salvation. Catholics are the only true Christians.

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>I take the Bible literally
>except about the last supper and Jesus saying that this was his body and blood
Hahaha ...you can’t make this shit up!!

Don't make fun of the theologically challenged

What a dumb pic, do you magically stop sinning when you are saved?

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>implaying that (((meme flags))) aren't religious

Who said that? Jesus literally says you shouldn't sin, how many times did He have to repeat it until prots accept it?

>Protestants don't believe works matter.
lmao what
it doesnt matter what they believe i thought what mattered was the bible and the truth. you christfags cant make up your mind

Ok moshe

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>Jow Forums
Kill yourself

So Mr. Shlomo Rothschild, why does the entirety of the Syriac liturgy not matter to the Roman church as it does to even the Orthodox church it stemmed from? Why is the Orthodox church rooted in Platonic gobbly-gook?
The Protestant Reformation is explicitly a rejection of the ecumenical councils minus Augustine's theology, and thus a return to early Christianity, or rather a rejection of "orthodox" Nicene Christianity. Hence why Johann Reuchlin in the 15th century was one of the people that helped sparked such a fire, even though he was after some of the earliest "reformers".
Your church is the one that propagated bullshit doctrine yet labeled it "apostolic" so nobody could question it.

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We don't always take the Bible literally, that's a meme. You take the Bible literally. Every bit of it. We take the stories of the Bible as literal, because they are taught as historical accounts. You take metaphors about Jesus being the bread of life literally, and drinking blood as literal, and metaphors about the Church being founded on top of our Spiritual Rock, which is God, Christ, through Peter's profession of faith as a literally the rock being Peter. (see "For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.")
Everything that has to be taken at face value you reject, but what you find fit to twist, you take as metaphorical.